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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Oct. 8

Oct. 8, 2018
St. Elizabeth's Week award nominations
St. Elizabeth's Week is Nov. 11-16, and the Volunteer Action Center (VAC) is now accepting nominations for the St. Elizabeth’s Award for Service and the Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service, as well as a student interest survey. 

The St. Elizabeth Award for Service was established in 1994 to recognize members of the Wartburg community that have exemplified a commitment to service. We invite you to nominate one or more current students who you feel lives out a commitment to service in, with, and for the community. Nominations for the St. Elizabeth’s award can be submitted here.

The Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service is given during St. Elizabeth’s Week to staff and/or faculty. You are invited to nominate one or more staff or faculty members whom you feel embody PT's enthusiasm, support, involvement, dedication and overall commitment to Wartburg’s mission of service. After 35 years of faithful service, Pastor Larry Trachte (fondly referred to as PT) retired from Wartburg College in May 2009. He taught, mentored, honored, and befriended thousands of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Nominations for the Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service can be submitted here

If you have any questions, please contact the VAC.

Homecoming T-shirts
Don’t miss out on this year’s Homecoming & Family Weekend T-shirts! Sales have begun in Saemann Student Center, under the Shotwell Tower, on Mondays 5-7 p.m. and Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. and 5:15-6:45 p.m. T-shirts will be sold until Wednesday, Oct. 10, first-come, first served, so don’t miss out!

Parade and Renaissance Faire
Groups and organizations of all types are invited to walk, ride, or dance during the Homecoming parade on Saturday, Oct. 20. Be creative! Cash prizes for first- ($500), second- ($300), and third-place ($150) entries will be given to Wartburg student organizations. Groups can show Wartburg spirit by setting up a booth at the Renaissance Faire on Saturday, Oct. 20. A $25 fee will be applied to your organization's campus account; we will supply your group with one or two tables. Click here to register for both by Thursday, Oct. 11.

Wartburg CHATS Forum
All students, staff and faculty are invited to join Dean Dan Kittle and the Student Life staff for Wartburg CHATS at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 9. CHATS stands for Conversation, Help, Acceptance, Togetherness and Support. It is a safe and respectful open forum where any topic is up for discussion. CHATS will be held in the St. Elizabeth Room, second floor of Saemann Student Center. Bring your lunch and join in the conversation. Contact Jennifer Onuigbo in Student Life with questions.
Mail Center announcements
There will be no postal mail delivery on Monday, Oct. 8, due to the federal holiday. This will impact many Amazon deliveries. Outgoing mail will be accepted by the Mail Center, but will not mailed until Tuesday, Oct. 9. The Mail Center also announces that credit and debit cards are now accepted as payment. The Mail Center sells stamps and envelopes and can ship packages via UPS, DHL, and USPS. Next-day service is available only if received before 2:30 p.m.
Midterm grades deadline
Midterm D or F grades are due by Wednesday, Oct. 10, 4:30 p.m. Due to the start of second-seven week courses on Tuesday, Oct. 16, it is extremely important that midterms are received by 4:30 p.m. Oct. 10 so the D or F notices can be processed Thursday morning to allow students the option to add a course for the second-seven weeks. Please contact sheree.covert@wartburg.edu with any questions or concerns.
Capstone open forum
The General Education Committee invites all faculty to attend an open forum Monday, Oct. 15, at 4 p.m. in WBC 214 to discuss the role of the capstone in general education and majors. Department chairs/program heads and capstone instructors are especially encouraged to attend. Please contact Dr. Dan Walther with questions.
‘You Belong’ campaign
The Diversity & Inclusion Council is launching a campus-wide kickoff for the "You Belong" campaign Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 11:30 a.m. in the McCoy rooms of the Saemann Student Center. This initiative is the next step from last year's "Hate Has No Place Here" campaign. "You Belong" affirms for all students that they belong at Wartburg regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, place of origin, sexual orientation, or ability. Kickoff events will include speakers, giveaways, and treats. New signage will be available to replace the “Hate Has No Place” messaging around campus, and t-shirts with the "You Belong" logo will be available in The Wartburg Store. The campaign will also be promoted in the residence halls, at sporting events, and on social media. Please join us at the inspiring and informative kickoff event Oct. 16, and encourage your students to join in as well.
American Association of University Women
The October meeting of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will be held Thursday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m. at the Waverly Senior Center, 506 E. Bremer Ave. Guests are always welcome to attend the meetings and this month the group will be discussing the book “This Fight Is Our Fight,” by Elizabeth Warren, while enjoying some wine and cheese ($3). If you haven’t read the book, the group’s website highlights some web discussions on the book. The website also showcases the monthly meeting schedule with an overview of the topics and speakers. Please RSVP to Karen Lehmann if you plan to attend or have any questions. 
Alliance Coming Out Panel
A Coming Out Panel featuring members of Wartburg College and special guests will be held Thursday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m. in Buckmaster WBC 214. On Friday, Oct. 12, from 7 to 9:45 p.m., Alliance will host a movie night in the Clinton Hall theater room.
Advising Week tip
In preparation for Advising Week, Oct. 29 through Nov. 2, the Registrar’s Office and Pathways Center will be sharing advising tips in the Juice each week. Contact the Registrar’s Office or Pathways with further questions to support your interaction with advisees.
Advising Tip #2: When a student drops a course in Fall Term, if that course is a prerequisite for a course in Winter Term, be sure that the student also drops the relevant course in Winter Term and adjusts their schedule accordingly.
Presidential Forum notes
Notes from the Sept. 27 Presidential Forum are now posted on InfoCenter under President’s Reports.
Phil & Lit Society
The next speaker for the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Dr. Justin Schedtler, assistant professor of religion. The title of his talk is Apocalypse: Knowing and Perceiving in the Age of Trump. The talk is Friday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West in Saemann Student Center. Refreshments will be provided.
Math, Computer Science and Physics Department Seminar
The next Math, Computer Science & Physics (MCSP) Department Seminar will be held Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 11:30 a.m., in Room 134 of the Science Center. Jeannie Dees '19 (mathematics) will discuss her experiences with the Urban Studies Program in Des Moines in her presentation, "Don't Count Yourself Out." Seth Jobes-Ryan '19 (actuarial science and economics) will speak about his internship at Transamerica in a talk entitled "Introduction to Actuarial Science." All are invited, refreshments will be provided.
Flu shots available this week

Flu shots will be available as follows:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 9, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – McCoy West
  • Wednesday, Oct. 10, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – McCoy East

The shots are covered in full for employees and spouses on the Wartburg health insurance plan. Those who are not covered by Wartburg insurance can pay out-of-pocket or check with their insurance carrier. Please contact Erica Sadler, Human Resources & Payroll Assistant, to indicate which day you plan to attend. Please bring your HealthPartners health insurance ID card so the claim can be filed.

Fall retention report
The Fall to Fall 2017-18 Retention Report is now available on the Info Center webite. Please direct any questions to Edie Waldstein.
Diversity & Inclusion reading group
Following up on the Cultural Competence session at the Fall Faculty Workshop, a book group this fall will read and discuss White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Race, by Robin DiAngelo. Faculty and staff are invited to participate. Books will be provided. If interested, please contact Joyce Boss by Oct. 8.
Campus Security and Fire Report
The 2018-19 Campus Security and Fire Report has been released and posted on the InfoCenter. This required report contains crime statistics from 2015-17 and addresses the college’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security, such as responding to emergency situations and reporting sexual misconduct. Additionally, the report contains information related to fire safety. You can request a paper copy in the Campus Security Office located in Saemann Student Center.
Second annual Wicked Problems Challenge
Do you have an idea that will tackle a “wicked problem”? If so, we need you! Apply to the second annual Wicked Problems Challenge. To submit a proposal or for additional information, please click here. Join the Wicked Problems planning team at a “How to Write a Proposal” workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 9, 11:30 a.m. in WBC 217. Please contact Kristin Teig Torres with any questions.
Recipes from Home 2018
Students, faculty and staff are asked to share their favorite recipes from home to be considered for the 2019-20 Mensa menu. Please email recipes for entrees, salads, ethnic dishes, vegan entrees or sides and desserts to Shelly Geweke by Friday, Jan. 31, 2019. Don’t forget to include your name and contact information for verification. Recipes chosen will be taste-tested in Mensa and the student body will vote for their favorites. Dishes that receive a “thumbs-up” will be considered for next year’s Mensa menu.
TIAA loan revisions, beginning Jan. 1, 2019
During the most recent board meetings in May, the Retirement Plan Subcommittee of the Business & Finance Committee completed an investment review with TIAA. Upon review of the plan’s current loan provisions, the committee made the recommendation to reduce the number of loans a participant can have from five down to two. The Board agreed this was in line with best practices and approved this change beginning Jan. 1, 2019. Those participants with more than three outstanding loans from the Retirement Plan as of Dec. 31, 2018, may keep such existing loans. If any participant had defaulted on a Retirement Plan loan, they will be prohibited from obtaining any new loan(s). You will receive more detailed communication in the next few days. This communication will come either by email (email address on file with TIAA or Wartburg email) or be mailed to your home. Please contact Amy Wilson at 352-8278 with any questions.
Crowdfunding for the Wartburg Chapel
Please visit the Wartburg Chapel Crowdfunding site and help raise the money to improve the sound in the balcony of the Chapel and install projection equipment. Please share the link with all that you know on social media, and encourage them to learn more and donate if the Chapel has impacted their life. You can find out more at the link.
This week's Chapel service schedule

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, Oct. 8 – Dr. Rick Snyder, assistant professor of education
  • Wednesday, Oct. 10 – Pastor Brian Beckstrom
  • Friday, Oct. 12 – Patrick Jones ‘19
Julie Breutzmann, Application Systems Analyst, (retired) 9/30
Jean Kampman, Office Coordinator – Social Work and Education, 9/21

Click here to see a PDF of new faculty and staff as of this fall, available on the Human Resources page in InfoCenter.
Men’s and Women’s Soccer
Tuesday, Oct 9: Depart at 12:30 p.m. to Buena Vista, Storm Lake

Wednesday, Oct. 10: Depart at 3:30 p.m. to Coe College, Cedar Rapids

Women’s Tennis
Tuesday, Oct. 9: Depart at 1 p.m. to University of Dubuque
Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, Oct. 13: Women’s Tennis Conference Tournament

Men’s and Women’s Cross Country
Friday, Oct. 12: Depart at 10:30 a.m. to Oshkosh, Wis.
Seminary Sampler in Chicago
Visitors will get a taste for life as a seminary student and as a member of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago community Saturday, Oct. 20, through Monday, Oct. 22, or for our Seminary Sampler Night on Wednesday, Nov. 14, whether it’s for an evening or several days. Housing and meals are provided! Travel stipends and childcare are available. Visit www.lstc.edu/admissions/visit to register.
Midwest Graduate School Summit at Purdue
The Midwest Graduate School Summit will be held Saturday, Oct. 27, at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. This one-day conference is especially designed for students interested in business, education, humanities, pharmacy, public affairs, social sciences, and related fields. Participants will have opportunity to explore graduate education, graduate student life, career opportunities, funding, and much more! The Summit offers a travel scholarship up to $500 for reimbursement on their travel expenses. Participants may apply for a travel scholarship when registering for the Midwest Summit via this registration link. Find more about the event and attending institutions by visiting the website
Upcoming Events

Wartburg CHATS forum
Oct. 9

Deadline for Ren Faire
cash bags

Oct. 9

"How to Write a Proposal" workshop
Oct. 9

Flu shots on campus
Oct. 9-10

V-Day Candlelight Dinner
Oct. 10

Deadline to register for Homecoming Parade
and Ren Faire

Oct. 11

AAUW meeting
Oct. 11

Alliance Coming Out Panel
Oct. 11

Alliance movie night
Oct. 12

Capstone open forum
Oct. 15

You Belong kickoff
Oct. 16

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 18-21

Advising Week
Oct. 29-Nov. 2

Presidential Forums
Oct. 30, Dec. 4

St. Elizabeth Week
Nov. 11-16

Scholarship Days
Nov. 11, Jan. 20, Feb. 17
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

Dr. Joyce Boss, professor of English and Saemann Chair in World Communities, presented her paper, Landscape/Fanscape: Godzilla Tourism as Transnational Transcendence, at the annual Mechademia Conference on Asian Popular Culture, held at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, on Sept. 28.

Dr. Chip Bouzard, professor of religion, and the Rev. Dr. Ramona Bouzard, emerita dean of the Chapel and Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair, served as the main speakers at the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod-ELCA, held in central Oklahoma, Sept. 17-19. Four presentations, titled, James? Are You Joking? focused on the biblical book of James and its call for Christian community to be at work in the world through faith and action that serves the good of neighbor and speaks out for God’s love of justice and hope for all people.

Dr. Jay Garaycochea, visiting assistant professor of biology, was the recipient of a Judge Travel Award for the upcoming Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). ABRCMS is one of the largest communities of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the annual conference provides the opportunity for students to present their research. The four-day conference sees over 2,000 students from over 350 colleges and universities from across the country.

Jordan Young ’13, a history teacher at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids, has been named to the governor's first "Teachers Cabinet," as reported by the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

The football team beat Buena Vista University, 63-0, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Tom Trenney, minister of music at First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, Neb., will serve as director of the Wartburg College Choir and Ritterchor through December while the ensembles’ director, Lee Nelson, is on sabbatical.

Mark Adkins ’90 will chair the College Sports Information Directors of America U Committee, an initiative to reach out to future generations of college sports information professionals, as reported by the Times Union
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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