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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) — Aug. 20

Aug. 20, 2018
Help first-year students reach their dreams
First-year students will hear Mitch Matthews with the BIG Dream Gathering speak on Monday, Aug. 27, at 10:15 a.m. in Levick Arena. Mitch will share the story of the BIG Dream Gathering as well as four key strategies for getting clear on your goals and building a plan to achieve them. This event will provide a fun, safe and encouraging environment for first-year students to think about their big dreams and ideas and write them down. After students write their dreams, they will post them by certain categories on the walls for others to see and write comments. Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the event and write words of encouragement or ways they can help students reach their dreams. We are excited to see the impact this event will have on our first-year students with their time at Wartburg. Direct questions to Veronica Reece
Summer hours end Aug. 24
Summer hours end Friday, Aug. 24. After that date, regular office hours will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Start-of-year events, Presidential Forums
Please mark the following events on your calendar. Due to a scheduling conflict, the September forum has been changed to Thursday, Sept. 27, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in Science Center 102.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 21: Join your colleagues for continental breakfast at 8 a.m. in the McCaskey Lyceum lobby. At 8:30 a.m., new faculty and staff will be introduced prior to President Colson's Opening Year Remarks in the Lyceum. Opening Chapel Service will be held in the Chapel at 10 a.m.
  • Wednesday, Aug. 22: Staff who teach classes, advise students, or work on diversity initiatives are invited to join faculty for a discussion on Cultural Competence in the Classroom led by members of the Multicultural and Diversity Studies Committee, 8-10 a.m., in the Saemann Student Center Ballrooms.
  • The Faculty/Staff Picnic at Greenwood is 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 22. Please wear your college-issued name tag if you have one.
  • Mark the following dates for Presidential Forums (all at 11:30 a.m. in Whitehouse Business Center 214 unless noted):
    Sept. 27 (new date; location is SC102)
    Oct. 30
    Dec. 4
    Feb. 26
    April 2
Join STAS group on Mondays
Are you interested in regular, informal discussions with other faculty about teaching and advising? Sharing Teaching and Advising Strategies is an informal group of Wartburg faculty and staff interested in solution-driven discussion of questions and strategies for teaching and advising among a productive, positive, and supportive group of peers. STAS will meet 4-5 p.m. every other Monday, beginning Sept. 10, in the Faculty Development Room on the first floor of Vogel Library. All are welcome; come as your schedule allows. If you have questions or want to be added to the my.wartburg resource page for STAS, contact Michaeleen Golay.
Be part of Hearthside reading program
This year will mark the eighth year that students and faculty/staff have enjoyed the Hearthside experience. An initiative through the Slife Professorship in the Humanities, the program provides faculty/staff the opportunity to read a book of their choice with up to three students in an informal environment. Faculty and staff from all disciplines are invited to participate in this program. Hearthside is co-sponsored by the Humanities Think Tank at Wartburg College and the Slife Professorship in the Humanities. The reading model (how many times you meet and when) and the book choice are yours. Contact Zak Montgomery if you have any questions or would like to participate this academic year.
Registering for Homecoming activities in person
Faculty and staff who wish to register for any Homecoming & Family Weekend activities in person may register and pick up their tickets from Hope Elbert in the Alumni office beginning today, Aug. 20. Those who pick up their tickets from the Alumni office will not receive paper name tags this year, as we ask you to wear your Wartburg name tag for Homecoming activities. Sticker name tags will be available in the Alumni office for family members being registered with a faculty/staff member.
Opening Convocation details
Opening Convocation is at 10:15 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 28, in Levick Arena, to welcome the Class of 2022. This year’s speaker is Russell Harris ’10, chief dream director of The Future Project, a nonprofit aimed at unlocking the potential and purpose of students across the country. The program format and Levick Arena setup have been changed to better accommodate student engagement. Students will be seated in chairs on the floor of the arena; faculty will be seated behind the students. Staff, returning students, and guests will be seated in the east bleachers. Offices that are able to close during that time are encouraged to do so, allowing as many staff as possible to welcome new students. All are invited to lunch in Mensa and Saemann Student Center ballrooms following convocation.
Textbook deadlines 

Please note these deadlines from The Wartburg Store:

  • Last day to return textbooks for a refund (without a drop slip): Friday, Aug. 31
  • Last day to return textbooks for a refund (with a drop slip from the Registrar’s Office): Friday, Sept. 7
  • Last day to rent textbooks: Friday, Sept. 7
  • Last day to purchase textbooks: Wednesday, Sept. 12

The last day to purchase textbooks (Sept. 12) is especially key as all textbooks will be returned. Students are encouraged to purchase course materials for the first and second Seven Weeks prior to Sept. 12. Tuition account charging will be open through Sept. 28 to charge supplies.

Weekly Juice is back
Your regular weekly editions of The Juice have now resumed for the academic year! Please send in your items by 4 p.m. the Thursday before publication. If you have important items that may need to run immediately, please contact Stephanie Boeding directly.
Fund the Fortress application deadline
Fund the Fortress is Wartburg College’s crowdfunding platform that gives faculty and staff the opportunity to raise funds for projects, campus needs, activities, and more. Crowdfunding campaigns could range from supporting experiential learning opportunities to purchasing needed equipment to enhance the educational experience. Fund the Fortress is meant to give you an additional resource for funding that may not be allocated in your existing budget. The selection committee is now accepting crowdfunding campaign ideas. Applications can be submitted through our Fund the Fortress page. Application deadline for first semester crowdfunding campaigns is Aug. 20. Deadline for second semester crowdfunding campaigns is Dec. 1. Contact Rob Ruchotzke with questions.
New Director of Dining Services named
The College is pleased to announce that Marty Johnson has accepted the position of Director of Dining Services as of Aug. 1, 2018. Thank you to all who participated in the interview process and provided feedback.
Help needed for fall Move-In Day
Saturday, Aug. 25, is Move-In Day for our first-year class. Interact with new students and their families by volunteering to help physically move items into the residence halls from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Many hands make light work (and make for a smooth move-in process for all!). Contact Lindsey Leonard with questions.
Request to Fill form updated
The Human Resources office has updated the Request to Fill form. This form is to be completed by all search committee chairs when filling a job vacancy. Please discard any copies of the outdated forms and replace with the new form found on the InfoCenter > Employment > Forms and Procedures > Payroll and Personnel Forms > Request to Fill. Old versions and incomplete forms will NOT be accepted moving forward.
Alumni updates
The Alumni and Parent Relations Office reminds faculty and staff to encourage alumni to notify the college of life updates (milestones, job changes, etc.) and address changes through the update form or by emailing alumni@wartburg.edu
Sustainability Office has free supplies
As you plan for next year or write up your syllabi, don’t forget about the Sustainability Office’s Reused store. There are hundreds of binders, a lot of folders, and a smattering of other school supplies. Encourage your students to save their money and pick these up for free. We also have many desk organizers and other office supplies, so please check before ordering new. Due to an overabundance of binders and folders, employees are welcome to stop in to check these items off their children’s school supply list. During the summer, the Sustainability Office is open most Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Fall days will most likely be Tuesday through Thursday. When in doubt, just stroll on over and get some steps in! Contact Anne Duncan with questions.
WELCOME (new arrivals):
Matthew Tschetter, Assistant Football Coach –Defense, 7/8
Hannah Haage, Regional Admissions Counselor (CO), 7/9
Kristin Taphorn, Regional Assistant Director of Admissions (IL), 7/9
Adrija Ashrita, Associate Director for Recruitment Services, 7/9
Henrique Donati, Application Systems Analyst, 7/9
Tiffany Stouffer, Annual Giving Program Manager, 7/9
Sabrina Hull, Registrar Support Specialist, 7/12

FAREWELL (departures and retirements):
Lia Kampman, Associate Director Institutional Advancement (Stewardship and Special Gifts), 7/13
Susan Lenius, Office Coordinator for Counseling Services and Campus Security & Safety, 7/31 (retired)
Margaret Empie, Assistant Vice President for Dining and Retail Services, 7/31 (retired)
David Flammang, Facility Technician, 7/31
Chris Ortner, Assistant Wrestling Coach, 7/31
Allyson Mann, Area Coordinator, 7/31
Upcoming Events

Fund the Fortress fall deadline
Aug. 20

State of the College Address
Aug. 21

Faculty Workshop
Aug. 21-23

Faculty/Staff Picnic
Aug. 22

Summer hours end
Aug. 24

Move-In Day for new students
Aug. 25

Fall Orientation for new students
Aug. 25-28

BIG Dream Gathering for first-year students
Aug. 27

Opening Convocation
Aug. 28

Fall Term begins
Aug. 29

Presidential Forums
Sept. 27, Oct. 30, Dec. 4

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 18-21

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.
Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, associate professor of world religions, hosted the sixth annual Tokyo Outfly on Aug. 4 in Tokyo, Japan. Thirteen alumni and current students attended and shared updates. Keynote speaker Toyoaki Kishihara '85 shared his experiences at Wartburg. Click here to read more. 

KatieJo Kuhens, sports information director, presented on the panel for “Structuring your Week and Working More Efficiently” at the Midwest Division III SID Convention on Aug. 2 in Milwaukee.

The following faculty and staff members attended the 2018 Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference, Civil Discourse in a Fragmented and Multi-religious Society, at Augsburg University in Minneapolis, July 16-18: the Rev. Dr. Brian Beckstrom, dean of spiritual life; Emily Christensen, news director and assistant director of marketing and communication; Veronica Reece, Pathways associate for vocation and mentoring; Dr. LeAnn Faidley, associate professor of engineering science; Dr. Greg Lorenz, Wartburg West academic and program director; and President Dr. Darrel Colson.

Dr. Samantha Larimer Bousquet, associate professor of biology, and Daniel Bonthius Jr. ’15, along with University of Iowa co-authors, published an article entitled “Regional patterns of alcohol-induced neuronal loss depend on genetics: Implications for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder” in the peer-reviewed journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. This work was part of a collaboration with the University of Iowa while Daniel was a student at Wartburg. 
Rachelle Karstens ’92 was named the 11th president of Briar Cliff University, as reported by the Sioux City Journal.

Ruth Sundermeyer Courier ’78 is the honorary chair for the Aitkin, Minn., American Cancer Society Relay for Life, as reported by the Aitkin Age.

Chris Wood ’09 was named the head coach of the girls' track and field team at Cedar Falls High School, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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