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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - April 30

April 30, 2018
WartburgAlert test Thursday
The emergency notification system for Wartburg College, WartburgAlert, will be tested around noon Thursday, May 3. WartburgAlert is tested, at minimum, once per term. Alerts aren’t automatically sent. You have to register your phone in order to receive them. There is no charge for registering, and you may register up to two numbers for text notification and two numbers for voice phones. You are strongly encouraged to register a SMS number to receive a text, as it is the quickest and most reliable means of notification. To register, log into InfoCenter, select Offices, Safety and Security, then WartburgAlert. If you have problems registering, come to the Campus Security office Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. To verify if you are registered before May 3, send an email to campus.security@wartburg.edu, and we will confirm your registration.
Railroad work closing part of Bremer Avenue
Starting Monday, April 30, Bremer Avenue will close completely in both directions for work on the railroad tracks near the Pizza Hut on the west and at the 12th Street NW intersection on the east. This is expected to take four weeks to complete and should be done by Memorial Day weekend. Wilson Avenue (north of Bremer Avenue) will also be closed at the railroad tracks, so the north detour traffic must use Fifth Avenue NW. South detour traffic must use Second Avenue SW or 10th Avenue SW. Click here to see a map of the closure and the recommended alternate routes to campus.ac.
Wartburg Archives open house 
You are invited to help celebrate the three grants — worth more than $200,000 — awarded to the Wartburg Archives during an open house Thursday, May 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., on the third floor of Vogel Library. Archivist Amy Moorman will be honored for her work on these and other pending grants. Refreshments will be served. 
Showing of El Silencio de Neto
The Slife Professorship in Humanities, together with the Cinemas of Latin America class, will host a showing of the film El Silencio de Neto on Monday, May 14, at 6:30 p.m., in SC 102. The Guatemalan film by Luis Argueta has won many awards, including Best Film at the New York Latino Film Festival. Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish Club, and SALSA will be co-sponsoring the event and providing snacks. There will be an open discussion following the film, and everyone is welcome to participate. (No Spanish background is required to attend the film or discussion). Direct questions to Dr. Zak Montgomery or Jessica Mueller.
TIAA individual sessions 

No matter where you are in life — just getting started or planning for retirement — a session with Cindy Webb can help you create a unique plan for your goals. And it’s at no additional cost as a part of your retirement plan. Register for one of the following sessions at www.tiaa.org/schedulenow to get an action plan created especially for you.

  • Wednesday, May 9, 10 a.m.-3:45 p.m., Vogel Library 353
  • Thursday, May 10, 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Vogel Library 353
TIAA retirement plan workshop

This workshop will teach you more about the basics of Wartburg’s sponsored retirement plan. It will touch on the advantage of a retirement plan, help you create a retirement strategy, and teach you how to update your account.

  • Thursday, May 10, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Saemann Student Center ballrooms
Weekly security update
Core drilling has continued in Lohe and Grossmann halls this week. Clinton Hall Cat 6 cabling has been completed. Contractors are working on installing racks in Founders Hall. The college has received the second quote for installing the door locks. Once we verify they can be left in “unlocked” mode until the wireless network is installed, installation will proceed. Go to the Security Update on the InfoCenter to see previous reports.
New name tags
Our name tag vendor recently doubled the price for our orange engraved name tags. Because of this, Marketing & Communication put out bids for new vendors. A small committee of office representatives, who use name tags often, reviewed those bids and a new design. The new name tags, shown here, will be metal with the same magnetic back. They will be available in either the black or white design, and the cost will be $4.50 each, plus shipping. Departments/offices are NOT required to order tags, but all orders from this point forward will be placed with the new vendor. Desk plates, door plates, and holders will also be ordered from the new vendor. More information about ordering will be sent to office coordinators. Direct questions to Joni McDonough, office coordinator for Marketing & Communication.
John Myers retirement open house 
A retirement open house for John Myers, director of campus security and safety, to celebrate his years of service to the college, will be Thursday, May 17, 3-4:30 p.m., in the Castle Room. There will be a short program beginning at 4 p.m.
Mail delivery schedule
If your department will be closed or have limited open hours for mail delivery during May Term, contact Kory Figura so we can appropriately adjust the delivery schedule.
Mindfulness meditation in May Term 
Dr. Cynthia Bane, professor of psychology, will teach mindfulness meditation classes for faculty and staff members during May Term. Classes will meet for one hour per week and will be scheduled on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons. No prior experience with meditation is necessary. To indicate a day and time preference, respond to the survey at this link. Direct questions to cynthia.bane@wartburg.edu.
VAC May Day of Service 
The VAC will be hosting a May Day of Service on Tuesday, May 15, with a rain date on Wednesday, May 16. Service will include helping plant trees, planting annuals, splitting perennials, mulching, and other outdoor work. There will be two shifts, 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. If you would like to participate, sign up here by Friday, May 11. 
Campus landscaping and tree removal
The Landscape and Natural Resource Committee would like to let the campus community know about upcoming work. To prepare the area in the center of Afton Manors for a more natural, sustainable, low-maintenance prairie planting, we must kill all the vegetation. The grounds crew will conduct a controlled spraying of this area, as weather allows. The seed will be planted shortly after. Waverly Utilities needs to remove the four trees east of the Operations & Maintenance Office building that are reaching the electrical lines above. The utility is providing certificates for replacement trees, which will be used to develop a learning area for biology faculty. Direct questions to anne.duncan@wartburg.edu.
Senior art exhibit 

The Wartburg senior art and design students have their art projects in a group exhibition through May 27 in Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Students exhibited are:

  • Michael Benson, graphic design
  • Suwanna Mabangklu, art and graphic design
  • Mlungisi Ncube, art with mathematics major
  • Suusen Ng, art and graphic degisn
  • Makenzie Thorson, graphic design

The gallery is open daily, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Direct questions to Johanna Kramer-Weston, 319-352-8386.

Camps Policy changes 
The Business Office has recently reviewed and revised its Camps Policy. If your department or organization will be hosting a camp, we strongly encourage you to review the policy in depth. The policy is posted on the Business Office website here. Changes to the policy include procedures for processing:
• Student Employee Wages
• Faculty and Staff Wages
• Vendor and Contracted Labor Payments
Also, as a reminder, the policy outlines the responsibility of the department or organization hosting the camp to work with the vice president for administration to ensure that the camp is insured appropriately. Direct questions about the policy to Tracy Rucker, controller, 352-8238.
STAS meetings 
If you’ve wanted to attend meetings of the Sharing Teaching and Advising Strategies group but schedules wouldn’t allow, consider joining us during May Term or during the summer. All are welcome. The meeting schedule is posted on the STAS myWartburg group page. Contact LeAnn Faidley or Michaeleen Golay to be added to the group.
Call for papers 
Concordia University in St. Paul, Minn., will host the annual Conference of the Association of Lutheran College Faculties on Friday, Sept. 21, and Saturday, Sept. 22. More information, including the Call for Papers Form, can be found at this link. Papers from any and all disciplinary perspectives are welcome. Please consider the topics listed on the website a starting place rather than a limitation.
May Term Senate election results
May Term Senate elections concluded Friday night. Students who have been elected are: 
Ashlee Henderson
Courtney Moser
Maddy Carroll
Kimberley Strobel 
Kaylee Micheal
Lexi Retz
Brittany Strause
Devin Eby 
Tuesday, May 1, depart at noon for Coe.
Friday, May 4, depart at 1 p.m. for Buena Vista.

JV Baseball
Thursday, May 3, depart at noon for Coe.
Upcoming Events

May Term begins
April 30

Archives open house
May 3

WartburgAlert test
May 3

TIAA sessions and workshop
May 9-10

Screening of El Silencio de Neto
May 14

VAC Day of Service
May 15

John Myers retirement open house
May 17

Milestones event
May 25

May 27

Summer hours begin
May 29
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability.

Sanctuary during May Term
Sanctuary on Wednesdays will be the only service offered on campus during May Term. Join us in the Chapel Commons (basement) for snacks at 8:45 p.m. and a service at 9 p.m. All are welcome!
Looking ahead to 2018-19
Anyone interested in choosing scripture or hymns or sharing a message in 2018-19 should contact Pam Moss

The Rev. Brian A.F. Beckstrom successfully defended his Doctor of Ministry dissertation at Luther Seminary on April 4. His thesis, Lutheran Higher Education in a Secular Age: Religious Identity and Mission at ELCA Colleges and Universities, is a mixed-methods exploratory case study involving five ELCA institutions.

Dr. Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish and Slife Professor in Humanities, published ‘You’re Not Latino, You’re American’: Heritage Learners of Spanish Navigate Issues of Cultural Identity in Higher Education, co-authored with Dr. Sarah Montgomery, Elizabeth Silbernagel, Anne Epley Birtwistle ’15, and Yvonne Ayesiga ’13, in College Student Affairs Journal 36.1 (2018): 17-31. 

Todd Coleman, assistant vice president for admissions, has been selected to serve on the Hobson’s Intersect Higher Education Advisory Board. The members offer insight into higher education trends and issues in addition to product evaluation. Hobson’s is a provider of secondary and higher education products that assist students in career and college engagement. Coleman also will serve as the admissions representative on an NCAA Athletic Recruitment Panel on Monday, April 16, at Dowling High School in West Des Moines. The focus will be to prepare students and families for the various types of institutions and recruitment advice for each. In addition, Coleman recently completed serving as chair for the 2018 Waverly Chamber Project Lead class, which will graduate May 6 at Wartburg. There were 16 participants in this year’s class, including Chris Knudson, director of marketing & communication, and Katie Wyman, admissions counselor.

Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, presented his paper, “Nishida Kitarō and the Kyoto School’s Mindfulness and Political Activism,” in the session of Mindfulness and Activism at the ASIANetwork Conference on April 7 in Philadelphia.

Kailas Kokare ’17, a cross country runner at Wartburg, placed second (behind his friend and roommate) in the Cherry Creek Sneak 10-Miler, as reported by the Denver Post.

Ed Scharlau ’61 helped found Water to Thrive, a nonprofit that builds wells that provide clean water to rural communities in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania. The organization celebrated its 10th anniversary this year and expects to build its 1,000th well, as reported by the Austin American-Statesman.

Wartburg College has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant in the organization’s most recent round of funding. The two-phase grant, valued at $165,276, will allow the college to create an online catalog of the more than 28,000 audiovisual items in the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, which is owned by and housed at the college.

The Department of Religion and Philosophy will induct Allison Maybee, Sierra Mastin, Alexis Swain, Kathryn Linthicum, and Alisha Ungs into the Alpha Epsilon Theta Chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa on Tuesday, April 17.  

Civil rights leader F.D. Reese, who was awarded an honorary degree from the college in 2006, died April 5 in Atlanta, as reported by the Montgomery Advertiser. 

Wartburg students Sulibeth Velez, Hunter Baldus, Grace Byram, Alexies Esotto, and Jacob Hodge competed as finalists in the Neeley Entrepreneurship Center Values and Ventures
Business Plan Competition at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, April 6 and 7. The team developed its business plan under the guidance of Dr. Allan Bernard, professor of business administration, and was sponsored by Wartburg graduate Michael Murphy ’89.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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