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The Juice (Students) - Sept. 4

Sept. 4, 2017

Opening Convocation

Opening Convocation on Tuesday, Sept. 5, will kick off Wartburg’s 166th academic year. Convocation begins at 10:15 a.m. in Levick Arena. Welcome the Class of 2021 and hear remarks from the Rev. Louise Johnson, president of Wartburg Theological Seminary and honorary degree recipient. An all-campus lunch will follow in Mensa.

Game Knights event
The Wartburg Store will host Game Knights on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 7-10 p.m., in the McCoy rooms of Saemann Student Center. Modern-strategy board games, including Catan, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Splendor, Dominion, and Agricola, will be available, as well as many more. No prior game experience necessary.
Call ITS Techline
If you are having trouble with your computer, electronic device, printer, etc., please call 352-8767 or email techline@wartburg.edu. Our ITS Help Desk team will get back to you as soon as possible. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 6, Help Desk hours are:
  • Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
  • Friday: 7:30 a.m-4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: 4-9 p.m.
Do you like to SING? 
Join a choir at Wartburg! There are four choirs you can get involved with: Ritterchor (men's), St. Elizabeth Chorale (women's), Castle Singers (chamber), and Wartburg Choir (mixed). People of all ability levels are welcome, even if you have never been in a choir before! To get involved, contact Dr. Lee Nelson. For more information, visit the ensembles website.
Trumpet available on newsstands
The first issue of The Trumpet is now available on newsstands across campus. This edition includes several stories of interest to new students and the fall sports previews. You also can visit wartburgtrumpet.com for additional stories, video, and photos. And while you are on the website, be sure to sign up for the new weekly newsletter.
Reformation Anniversary Celebration Table Talks
On Tuesday, Oct. 31, faculty, staff, and students will have the chance to share their thoughts and questions during Wartburg’s 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation Celebration Table Talks. The groups will have guided discussion and honest conversation about the college’s mission of faith and learning and the future of Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry. No classes, lessons, practices, or college-sponsored meetings will be held during this time, and all offices or departments that are able to close will to enable students, staff, and faculty to participate. Click here to sign up for the Table Talks. You can reserve a place at the table through Friday, Oct. 20. If you would like to volunteer to be a facilitator or “recorder” for the Table Talks, or if you have questions, speak to Ramona Bouzard or contact SLCM.office@wartburg.edu and include “Table Talk Volunteer” in the subject line. For more information on the Reformation Anniversary, click here.
Parking tag pick up
Parking tags will be available for pickup at the Mail Center window until Sept. 8. You must sign for your tag; it will not be in your mailbox. After Sept. 8, tags can be picked up in the Security Office.
Campus mailbox information
As a new service this year, you can access your mailbox number and combination anytime by logging into my.wartburg. Under “Residence Info” in the “Campus Life” tab, you will find your box number and combination along with your other housing information. Your box and combination will stay the same for your entire stay at Wartburg College, even if your residence changes.
Any items arriving with a tracking number will be stored in the Mail Center until you retrieve them at our service window. Please have your ID ready when picking up packages. Email notification will be sent from mailroom@wartburg.edu when we have your package on campus. Campus mail and regular mail (letters, magazines, flyers) will be delivered to your campus mail box. We advise checking your box at least weekly.
Virtual fair for physical therapist program
Planning to apply to a physical therapist program? Attend the free DPT Education Virtual Fair Tuesday, Sept. 12, to learn more about physical therapist education programs. Meet admissions representatives and faculty during this live online event. Click here to register. For more information, email apta@careereco.com.
Dining hours for late summer and early fall
Click here to see the Dining Services hours for late summer and early fall for Mensa, Konditorei, the Den, and the Zesty Orange. 
New sales and marketing jobs for students
Sales and marketing staff are sought for the newly created Wartburg’s Own apparel team. Click here to see the job description and send cover letter and resume to Knightlink by Monday, Sept. 4. Our goal is to have staff members hired by the first full week of classes. Direct questions to Janet Huebner.
Upcoming Events

Opening Convocation
Sept. 5

Fall classes begin
Sept. 6

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 12-15

500th Reformation anniversary
Oct. 31

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Weekday Chapel services
Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. They are a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming messages will be given by:
  • Wednesday, Sept. 6 – Pastor Brian Beckstrom
  • Friday, Sept. 8 – Jocelyn Keller ’18
  • Monday, Sept. 11 — Prayer Vigil for Reconciliation and Peace
Sanctuary on Wednesdays
Sanctuary is a holy space in the midst of your busy life where you can recharge and renew. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in the Chapel Commons (Chapel basement). Treats are served at 8:45 p.m.
Sunday Worship
Sunday worship resumes Sept. 10, at 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel, with the Festival Service of Holy Communion. The Wartburg Choir, directed by Dr. Lee Nelson, will provide music leadership, and Pastor Ramona Bouzard will give the message.
Faith Expression ministry groups
If you’d like to find out about Faith Expression ministry groups on campus, check out the SLCM Facebook page. Many of the student ministries have their own Facebook pages, too: Wartburg FCA, Catholic Knights, Adopt-a-Grandparent, Sanctuary, and Hope Overflow. 
Logan Hansen ’11 crunches numbers to create his own DIII football rankings, analysis, and predictions on his blog, as reported by the  Lacrosse Tribune.

Bryan Traughber ’01 was the first radiation oncologist in North America to use a new gynecological brachytherapy applicator to treat advanced cervical cancer, as reported by the Dickinson County News and Business Insider.

Rob Rottler '18 and Chris McNutt '18 will rejoin the football team this fall following season-ending injuries in the 2017 opener, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Aryn Jones' '18 contributions to the college's volleyball and basketball teams were highlighted as part of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier's fall sports preview story.

Isabelle Warner's High School Leadership Institute project, which provided school supplies for families in need, was featured on KCRG.

Julia Evans '15 was recognized by the U.S. Army for the work she did inventorying historic guns for the Rock Island Arsenal Museum, as reported by the Carroll Daily Times Herald.

Scott Kauffman '06, a member of the Iowa National Guard's 71st Civil Support team, provided security at the Solheim Cup in West Des Moines, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The football team was picked to finish second in the 2017 IIAC preseason coaches' poll, as reported by ABC 8 Eyewitness News.

Ian Coon '20, founder of the Iowa Student Learning Institute, gathered a group of students, community leaders, and legislators to talk about educational priorities, as reported by Iowa Public Radio.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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