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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - July 3

July 3, 2017
Be part of the Heritage Days Parade

Be part of the Heritage Days Parade on Saturday morning, July 15! We're in need of a pickup truck (black or orange preferred) for Sir Victor to ride in, and we’re looking for volunteers to walk alongside the truck and pass out Wartburg swag. All ages are welcome, but must be able to walk (or ride your bike) the whole route. If you can help, please email alumni@wartburg.edu. Details will be shared closer to the parade day. Thank you for helping Wartburg have a presence in this fun local event!

Wartburg Store closed for holiday 
The Wartburg Store will be closed Monday, July 3, and Tuesday, July 4. Enjoy a safe Fourth of July!
Wartburg Magazine online
The Summer 2017 issue of Wartburg Magazine is hitting mailboxes, but did you know you can read the stories online, too?Click here for the online version, and please share stories that you find interesting on social media to help spread the Wartburg story. If you have a story idea for a future edition of the magazine, please contact Emily Christensen.
Mail Center closed July 17
The Mail Center will be closed for maintenance Monday, July 17. All incoming mail and packages will be picked up, sorted, and delivered Tuesday, July 18. There will be no transport of outgoing mail July 17; items deposited in the mailboxes outside the Mail Center will be taken to the post office in the morning on July 18. Thank you for your understanding. Please address any questions or concerns to Kory Figura.
Upcoming campus events
Please extend a warm Wartburg welcome to visitors attending the following events on campus this summer:
  • July 7-11, Snow Valley Basketball 1
  • July 11-13, Women’s Soccer Camp
  • July 12-13, Women’s Team Basketball Camp
  • July 14-18, Snow Valley Basketball 2
  • July 17-22, Band Camp
  • July 19-23, Snow Valley Basketball 3
  • July 23-26, Cross Country Camp
  • July 24-27, Snow Valley Basketball Girls
  • July 29-Aug. 1, Meistersinger Keyboard Camp
  • July 31-Aug. 4, Iowa Private College Week
  • Aug. 1, Softball camps and Bat Demo Day 
  • Aug. 1-3, Meistersinger All-State Camp 1
  • Aug. 5-7, Meistersinger All-State Camp 2
  • Aug. 5-6, Men’s Soccer Camp
The Juice summer schedule 
The Faculty/Staff Juice will publish every other week during the summer, with the next edition on July 17. The Juice will resume weekly emails on Sept. 5.
Appointments for 2017-18
The office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is pleased to announce the following appointments for the 2017-18 academic year:
  • Dr. Joyce Boss has been appointed the Franklin and Irene Saemann Chair in World Communities. As part of this role, she will serve as the director for global and multicultural studies.
  • Dr. David McCullough has been appointed the Burk-Will Chair in Interdisciplinary and Environmental Studies. This position will support the environmental studies program and other interdisciplinary programs.
  • Dr. Daniel Walther has been appointed an assistant vice president for academic affairs. 
Conference opportunity
The Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque will host an interdisciplinary conference to explore the interplay between home and the development of character as it relates to justice, integrity, and compassion March 1-2, 2018. The call for proposals now is open. Click here to submit a proposal and to see more information.
ITS office change
Office coordinator Joni McDonough has moved to CTC 100. All ITS administrative needs can be addressed to her there on weekday afternoons.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events

Heritage Days Parade
July 15

Wartburg tent along RAGBRAI route
July 27

Iowa Private College Week
July 31-Aug. 4

Booster Club Golf Outing
Aug. 3

Wartburg Day at the Iowa State Fair
Aug. 18

Summer hours end 
Aug. 26

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 12-15

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

KatieJo Kuhens, sports information director, spoke at the College Sports Information Directors of America national convention as part of Division III Day on June 12 in Orlando, Fla. Kuhens also was named to the CoSIDA national board of directors as an at-large representative from the college division.

Dr. Zak K. Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish, and Serena B. (Ugoretz) O’Neil ’14 published their article, “Writing our own América: Latino/a Middle School Students Imagine their American Dreams through Photovoice,” in the peer-reviewed journal Reflections: Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning (vol. 17, issue 1, spring 2017). 

Dr. Michaeleen Golay, assistant professor of biology, has had two manuscripts accepted for publication. The paper “Validating the use of coefficients of conservatism to assess forest herbaceous layer quality” was co-authored with researchers from Iowa State University and will be published in the Natural Areas Journal. The note “Effects of invasive shrubs on the herbaceous community in a mixed forest” was co-authored with Rose Neumeyer Phillips as the result of a senior research project. It will be published in Ecological Restoration in September 2017.

Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, presented The ABCs of XYZ, a program on generational differences in the workplace, at a quarterly business consortium meeting May 23 in Columbus, Ohio. He then led two workshops on Servant Leadership for the corporate ventures branch of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe on June 5-6 in Hinckley, Minn. On June 8, he was one of three keynote speakers for this year’s Association of Business and Industry conference in Dubuque. Withers also presented Relationships in Healthcare at the annual eMD Conference in Dallas on June 19, where he was invited to conduct additional research at the corporate offices of Southwest Airlines at their Dallas-Love Field headquarters.

Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religion, presented his paper titled “Seno’o Giro’s Buddhism, the Lotus Sutra, and the Interreligious Social Movements in Prewar Japan,” as well as responded to other scholars' papers, at the International Lotus Sutra Seminar Conference on June 28-30, Tokyo, Japan. Also, Dr. Terasawa hosted the FIfth Annual Tokyo Outfly on July 1 at Ivy Hall, Tokyo, Japan. The 13 alumni and current students who attended shared photos and videos of their time at Wartburg.
Maria Cortes ’20 talked about the immigration issue in southern Florida and her hope to help others like her, who are pursuing a college education through the DACA program, with Gulfshore Life.

The football team defeated the Ancona Dolphins of the Italian Football League in an exhibition match, as reported by American Football International.

Amir Matoufiazar ’18, of Iran, read from the Quran for a guest invocation at the Waverly City Council meeting, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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