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The Juice (Students) - April 3

April 3, 2017
Public Health Week activities 

National Public Health Week 2017 is April 3-7, and Wartburg’s Intro to Public Health students have organized events centered around “A Day in the Life of Public Health.” Additional information will be available throughout the week on the Wartburg Public Health Facebook page.

  • Monday, April 3: Start Public Health Week by locating the many places on campus where public health has been “tagged.” Post pictures of the items you locate to the Wartburg Public Health Facebook page and earn a chance to win prizes. The more pictures you post, the greater your chance of winning. Also, be sure to visit the display case in the Science Center foyer to find out just what exactly is public health.
  • Tuesday, April 4, 5-6:30 p.m., lower level, Saemann Student Center: Play binge drinking trivia for a chance to win prizes.
  • Wednesday, April 5: Wear your pajamas during the day to bring awareness to the importance of a good night’s sleep. Post pictures of your favorite on-campus sleeping spots on Facebook and tag Wartburg Public Health for a chance to win prizes. 
  • Thursday, April 6, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., lower level, Saemann Student Center: Get workout tips and participate in an obstacle course for a chance to win prizes.
  • Thursday, April 6, Science Center foyer: Learn about different forms of birth control and reproductive health.
  • Friday, April 7, 5-6:30 p.m., lower level, Saemann Student Center: Learn how stress can impact your health and play the board game Stress for a chance to win a massage.
Celebration and blessing worship service
Take time to celebrate and bless faculty and staff members who will be retiring or completing years of service to Wartburg on Monday, April 10, at 10:15 a.m. in Wartburg Chapel. Festeburg will provide special music. Following worship, treats will be provided in the narthex. 
Easter egg hunt
ETK will host an Easter egg hunt Tuesday, April 4. Eggs will be hidden in various locations all over campus. All will be filled with candy, but ONE will have a ticket for a gift card as well. Get up early to hunt the best eggs!
KWAR staff applications 
KWAR, Wartburg's student-run campus radio station, is accepting staff applications for the 2017-18 school year. You can apply for salaried positions in programming, sports, production, music, news, and social media. Be part of an award-winning staff and build your professional portfolio! Applications will be available in the Journalism and Communication office in the McElroy Center until noon Tuesday, April 4. Interviews will be conducted April 5-7. For more information, contact Pam Ohrt or Abby Singleton
Senior Exhibit 2017
Join us for a reception honoring four Wartburg senior art and design students as they present their culminating art projects Tuesday, April 11, 7-9 p.m., in Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Students being honored are:
  • Nicole Lettau, art and graphic design
  • Julia Ratekin, art and graphic design
  • Natalee Hayungsgraphic design
  • Katie Bender, graphic design

This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Featured artwork will remain on display through May 28. The gallery is open daily, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Direct questions to Johanna Kramer-Weston, 319-352-8386.

Tax deadline is April 18
The Mail Center reminds faculty, staff, and students that the deadline to file federal income taxes this year is April 18. The Mail Center can guarantee a postmark with the April 18 date until 3:30 p.m. April 18. After that time, returns should be taken to the Waverly Post Office, 124 Second St. SE, in order to receive the correct postmark.
Bremer Avenue construction begins
The first stage of the long-term Bremer Avenue construction project begins today. The Bremer Avenue bridge near downtown will be closed to all pedestrian traffic. The Rail Trail bridge will be open for pedestrians to cross the river. Click here to see more information about parking and road closures for the project, and follow the City of Waverly Facebook page to stay up to date with ongoing construction along Bremer Avenue. 
Dance team tryouts
Dance team tryouts will be Sunday, April 9, in Levick Arena with check-in starting at 7:45 a.m. To RSVP, or if you have any questions about tryouts, email erin.mcdermott@wartburg.edu by Thursday, April 6.  
Game Knights on Thursday
Invite a friend to the final Game Knights event of Winter Term on Thursday, April 6, 7-10 p.m., in the McCoy rooms. Whether you like social, strategy, competitive, cooperative, or card games, we would love to play with you! No prior game experience necessary. Hosted by The Wartburg Store.
Staff changes in Student Life Office
Helen Leong, director of international student services, served her last day at Wartburg on April 1. Jennifer Onuigbo, office coordinator for Student Life, will serve as the interim director through June 9. The search process has begun and review of applications will begin April 28. Direct questions to Dan Kittle or Jennifer Onuigbo.
Mail Center closed for Easter break
The Wartburg College Mail Center will be closed Friday, April 14, and Monday, April 17, for the college’s Easter break. The window will reopen Tuesday, April 18, at 9 a.m.
Lost Island Waterpark job opportunities
Representatives from Lost Island Waterpark will be on campus Wednesday, April 5, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., tabling outside the McCoy rooms. They are hiring for summer employees and interns with positions in all areas, including food service, lifeguard, cashier, and guest services. For more information, contact Jo Dorrance or visit the Lost Island website.
Far From Health premieres April 11 
Prism Productions, a group in the Journalism and Communication Department’s capstone course, is premiering its documentary, Far From Health, on Tuesday, April 11, at 2:30 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium. The premiere is part of RICE Day. The documentary is about the medically indigent, or those who can’t afford any type of health insurance. Members of Prism Productions are Lucas Wendland, Megan Bridgewater, Alyssa Kozak, Alex Gheysens, Tyler Metcalf, and Olivia Jansen.
Final Phil and Lit of the term
The last Winter Term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, April 7, at 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The first speaker will be Nothizile Ncube, a fourth-year student majoring in international relations and psychology. The title of her talk is The Effect of Goal Setting on Academic Achievement among College Students. The second speaker will be Blaine Woodson, a fourth-year student majoring in music. The title of his talk is Mediums: The Challenges of Musical Adaptations between Differing Instruments.
Wartburg CHATS
Join Dean Kittle for Wartburg CHATS, Tuesday, April 4, noon-12:45 p.m., in the McCoy rooms. Please bring your own lunch and be part of a safe, respectful, and open conversation about topics that matter to you. There is no commitment, no homework, and no agenda. Direct questions to studentlife@wartburg.edu.
Submit your photos
The college is seeking new student photographs to replace those hanging in the student center outside The Den. Photo submissions should fit into one of these five categories: Spirit, Beauty (picturesque photographs of campus), Campus Life, Service, and Organizations/Co-Curriculars. Submitted photos should:

  • Be a minimum of 5MB or larger, with 9MB or higher preferred. Do not alter the dimensions/size of the original photo. Photos that can not be printed at a high quality will be eliminated from consideration.
  • Be submitted as a jpg, tiff (no layers) or a psd (no layers).
  • Have a file name that includes the student's name and category (FirstLast_Category.jpg)

There is no limit on submissions. Use www.wetransfer.com to send photos to Julie.drewes@wartburg.edu or stop by the Marketing & Communication Office (LH 106) with a flash drive before noon on Monday, April 10. A panel will select the top photos from each category, which will then be placed on Facebook where the Wartburg community will be able to select their favorite.

Academic advising survey reminder
All students should have received an email from Dr. Edith Waldstein, inviting you to participate in a survey. Your responses will be used to help us evaluate the quality of academic advising at Wartburg. Please consider completing this survey as soon as possible. Your time and thoughtfulness are appreciated.
Looking ahead to St. Elizabeth Week
The St. Elizabeth Committee is in charge of planning the service opportunities and events that go on during the week of Nov. 17 every year. Student organizations are encouraged to have a representative on the committee since St. Elizabeth Week is a campuswide event. If your organization would like more information, click here to sign up. 
Dining hours over Easter Break
Click here for Dining Services’ Easter Break hours, April 13-17. Normal dining hours will resume Tuesday, April 18. 

Trigger Warning Campus Tour
Trigger Warning Campus Tour featuring Kimberly Corban will be on campus Tuesday, April 4, at 6 p.m. in McCaskey Lyceum. Kimberly Corban is a rape survivor twho tells her story. She advocates that being a victim is never a choice, but becoming a survivor is. This event is hosted by Wartburg College Republicans. Please contact Emily Laudner for details.
Leadership and Service Awards
Several Wartburg students, faculty, and staff were honored during the 24th annual Leadership and Service Award Ceremony Saturday, March 18:
  • Debbie E. Heida Award: Tyler Vogel
  • Dell Association for Peace and Justice Peacemaker Award: Kimberly Cespedes, Dragoslava Barzut, and Allison Maybee
  • Dell Award: Lily Zheng
  • Wartburg Nobility Award: Abdulrahman Abdul, Naomi Alene, Dragoslava Barzut, Peter Brennan, Morgan Johnson, Irnea Muhovic, Maya Weatherall, and Amanda Wright
  • Outstanding International Senior: Nothizile Ncube 
  • Outstanding Service Award: Ben Sass, David Fitzgerald, Chris Tomkins, Ryan Yoder, Tanner Eckhart, Blake Mahoney, Clay Henning, and Zach Hovick
  • Outstanding Student Organization Award: Black Student Union
  • Outstanding Advisor Award: Tony Smith, associate director of alumni and parent relations, and Mallory Luensmann, admissions counselor
  • Spirit of Student Life Award: LeAnn Faidley, professor of engineering; Brian McQueen, assistant professor of sociology; and Scott Sharar, director of plant operations.
2017-18 student media leaders 
Congratulations to the 2017-18 student media leaders:
  • Castle Editor: Kathryn Lee
  • Knight Vision News Director: Robert Newell
  • Trumpet Online Editor: Adeboye Olaniyan
  • Tower Agency CEO: McKenzie Kielman 
  • KWAR-FM Station Manager: Abby Singleton
Faculty, staff honored with awards
Dr. Andrea Eslick, assistant professor of psychology, is the recipient of the 2017 John O. Chellevold Student Award for Excellence in Teaching and Professional Service. Other honorees include Dr. Bret Billet, professor of political science, Advisor of the Year Award; the Rev. Ramona Bouzard, Herbert & Cora Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair, Outstanding Administrative Staff Award; and Bernard Holland, security officer, Outstanding Non-Administrative Staff Award. Billet and Eslick will be honored Tuesday, April 11, at 10 a.m., in Neumann Auditorium, during the Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship Convocation. Bouzard and Holland were honored at a reception earlier this month.
World War I film discussion series 
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to a showing of Sergeant York on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m., in Patriots Hall, 1300 Fourth St. NW, Waverly. The film series commemorates the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Wartburg College humanities and social work faculty members are partnering with the new Waverly-area veterans post. The public is invited to view the films and discuss their reactions. Access to these films is made possible by funding from the Harry & Polly Slife Professor in Humanities, historian Dr. Terrence Lindell, and the Slife Institute for Social Work.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events
National Public Health Week
April 3-7

ETK Easter egg hunt 
April 4

Wartburg CHATS 
April 4

Trigger Warning Campus Tour 
April 4

WWI film series 
April 4

Student teachers meeting 
April 6

Knightliters jazz concert 
April 7

Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher concert 
April 8

Wind Ensemble and
Wartburg Choir concert 

April 9

Dance team tryouts 
April 9

Celebration and blessing service 
April 10

April 11

Senior art exhibit reception 
April 11

Tour Week 
April 23-30

May 28

Online parking
registration deadline

June 27

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Weekday Chapel services this week
Weekday Chapel services are held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. The service is an opportunity to gather with students, faculty, and staff to reflect on God and faith. Upcoming speakers:
  • Monday, April 3: Senior Chapel – Molly Zmudka ’17; music by the Hampton-Dumont High School Choir
  • Wednesday, April 5: Lenten Chapel – Pastor Brian Beckstrom; music by the Roland-Story High School Choir
  • Friday, April 7: Kristin Huinker ’12, Alumni Board

Lent 2017: Wholeheartedness
During our Wednesday Lenten chapel time, the worshipping community will focus on wholeheartedness and what it might look like for us to live in God’s promise of wholeness in Christ Jesus. Join us at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, in Wartburg Chapel as we focus on the Lenten topic “courage.” The Roland-Story High School Choir will provide special music. College administrative offices will be closed during chapel time, 10:15-10:35 a.m., Wednesdays during Lent to allow staff and faculty the opportunity to attend chapel. The W, Security Office, and Information Desk will remain open.
Prayer requests
We invite you to write a prayer request to be included during our Wednesday Lenten chapels. The prayer request stations are located on the baptismal font in the narthex and on the hymnal cart on the balcony level.
Palm Sunday worship
Join us for Palm Sunday worship on April 9 at 10:30 a.m. Gather in the foyer of Bachman Fine Arts Center for the blessing of the palms and procession into Wartburg Chapel. The service will feature dancing by Psalm 149, special music, Holy Communion, and the congregational reading of the story of Jesus’s last days: Cry of the Whole Congregation.
Sanctuary on Wednesday
Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 8:45 for snacks and conversation. 
Apply now for new student employment opportunities
Both 2017 summer and 2017-18 academic year position openings are now being posted to Knightlink. Like and follow us on Facebook at Wartburg College Student Employment to easily see what new job openings are being posted as they become available.
Gone for May Term?
If you will be off-campus during May Term, please consider making arrangements early to ensure you receive your May 15 wages (payment for April work hours). Students are encouraged to either sign up for Direct Deposit to their bank account OR for the Payroll Deduction Agreement to their tuition account. The respective forms are available here or in the Business Office, Luther Hall 212. 
See openings on Knightlink
Student employment positions are available on Knightlink. Questions regarding these positions or Knightlink can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, at 352-8350.
Urban Studies internships
The Urban Studies Program in Des Moines is taking applications now for internships that are a part of the program. Please contact Jo Dorrance for details.
Taylor Anderson ’99 was named the director of the Iowa Hall of Pride effective Aug. 1, as reported by the Des Moines Register.

The results of the men's and women's indoor track and field teams at the NCAA DIII nationals was reported in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The wrestling team won its 13th national title, an NCAA record, and Eric DeVos '18 was crowned as national champion as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier and Des Moines Register.

The men's basketball team's run in the NCAA Tournament ended with an 80-69 loss to Augustana in the Sweet Sixteen, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Wrestler Kyle Fank ’18 talked about making his national tournament debut with the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

Wrestler Andrew Steiert ’17 talks injuries and farming with the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The wrestling team is considered a favorite for the team title heading into the Division III National Championships, as reported by USA Wrestling

Christopher Smith ’06 is the conductor of the Rock Valley Chapter of the Badger Chordhawks Chorus, a community-based in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, according to the GazetteXtra
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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