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The Juice — Nov. 17, 2014


Chamber orchestra concert — Popular music by 20th century composers highlights the free Wartburg Chamber Orchestra Fall Concert Friday, Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel. Dr. Daniel Kaplunas will conduct 17 college musicians and five high school students from Denver and Waverly. 

Thanksgiving treats
 — Order your Thanksgiving treats through Dining Services online. Choose from four different kinds of cookie dough, six flavors of sweet bread, and two decadent cheesecakes. All are ready for pick-up at your convenience. Call Dining Services at ext. 8308 with questions.

Phil and Lit 
— Dr. Charles Figura, professor of physics and astronomy, will present Massive Stars, the Milky Way, and You: The Role of Massive Stars in the Life of the Galaxy to the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society Friday, Nov. 21, 4 p.m., in McCoy West, Saemann Student Center.

Photo contest voting
— The Study Abroad Office encourages voting for the Faculty Choice Award in its photo contest featuring images from study abroad trips. The more than 40 submissions are on display in Saemann Student Center. Ballots are available in The Hub.

Davis Projects for Peace
 — Encourage students to attend an informational meeting on Davis Projects for Peace Wednesday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m., in McCoy East of Saemann Student Center. Davis Projects for Peace is offering a prize of up to $10,000 for peace projects proposed by undergraduate students to be completed in summer 2015. Final proposals are due Wednesday, Jan. 14, noon, to Dan Kittle, director of the Center for Community Engagement. Click here for more information or contact Kittle at daniel.kittle@wartburg.edu or Dr. Fred Waldstein, director of the Institute for Leadership Education, at fred.waldstein@wartburg.edu.

St. Elizabeth Week 
— Participate in community activism and service during St. Elizabeth Week through Friday, Nov. 21. Organized by the Volunteer Action Center, the week will include activities — developed by student organizations — that focus on efforts to alleviate hunger and homelessness. A launch event featuring live music and prizes will be Saturday, 6-8 p.m., in Cardinal Commons. Other highlights include the Voices of the Issues panel Tuesday, 11:30 a.m., in Whitehouse Business Center 214, and the presentation of service awards during chapel Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. Click here for more information, including a full schedule.

Vocation webinar
 — A Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education webinar will be Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1-2 p.m., in Vogel Library Classroom 1. Hosted by the Vocations Leadership Team, the webinar will feature a conversation with Steve Garber, author of Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good. Garber is the founder and principal of the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture. Contact T.J. Warren, Pathways Center associate for vocation and mentoring, at torrence.warren@wartburg.edu with questions.

Trans* discussion 
— Join Alliance Wednesday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m., in Whitehouse Business Center's Buckmaster Room, for discussion on trans* issues and hear what identity means to one trans* student at Wartburg.

Criminology and Sociology Club
— Wartburg’s newest organization, the Criminology and Sociology Club, will host its inaugural meeting Tuesday, Nov. 18., 8-9 p.m., in McCoy West, Saemann Student Center. Suggestions regarding club goals and activities will be welcomed.

Lunch 'n' Learn
— Lorie Henning and Krista Behrends will present Living with COPD and other Chronic Lung Problems Wednesday, Nov. 19, noon-1 p.m., in The W's Wet Classroom. All are encouraged to bring their lunch to the free event. For more information, call 352-8249.

Service trip application extension 
— Remind students that the service trip participant application deadline has been extended to noon Tuesday, Nov. 18. Applications and trip descriptions can be found at www.wartburg.edu/servicetrips. On trips across the country, students will take on topics such as social justice, environmental awareness, homelessness, and poverty. Contact servicetrips@wartburg.edu with questions.

Seminar in Germany — The next faculty and staff development seminar, Wartburg's Heritage and Our Work as Educators, will be June 20-30, 2015, in Germany. Participants will explore the Lutheran heritage in education and social service and reflect on how that heritage might better inform our vocations as educators and active citizens. Those interested in participating should write a brief statement describing their interest and the anticipated professional benefits both for the individual and for the college. Staff on contract in June should include a statement of support from their supervisor. Submit applications by Monday, Dec. 1, to the Rev. Dr. Kit Kleinhans, McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission, in Grossmann 102B. With questions, contact Kleinhans at 352-8283 or Kathy Traetow, study abroad program coordinator, at 352-8427.

Thanksgiving food drive 
— The Wartburg Store and Black Student Union are teaming up to help the Northeast Iowa Food Bank fight hunger. Students, faculty, and staff are asked to drop off nonperishable food items at The Wartburg Store or in The Hub, Saemann Student Center, through Monday, Nov. 24. Donors at The Wartburg Store will receive a 20-percent-off coupon. Contact Nasr Madar at nasr.madar@wartburg.edu with questions.  

Posting policy reminder
 — All posters displayed on campus must meet several requirements regarding content, timing, and placement. Posters not in compliance are subject to removal. Click here to brush up on the posting policy.

Vagina Monologues
 — Auditions for The Vagina Monologues are Thursday, Nov. 20, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the Alliance office in The Hub, Saemann Student Center. To sign up for a 10-minute slot, visit the Alliance office. In the form of an episodic play, The Vagina Monologues tells women’s stories of domestic violence, rape, and other issues. The production, set for Feb. 12-14, 8 p.m., will raise funds for Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, a local women’s shelter, as a part of V-Day, a worldwide anti-violence awareness movement. Contact co-directors Kate Huffman at kate.huffman@wartburg.edu or MiKindzi Shanks at mikindzi.shanks@wartburg.edu with questions.

National Trans* Day 
— Alliance will host a candlelight vigil Thursday, Nov. 20, 8 p.m., by Wartburg Chapel to remember all trans* people lost to violence and hate crimes this year. The vigil will be led by Pastor Brian Beckstrom.

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