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The Juice (Students) - Sept. 12


WartburgAlert Test planned — The emergency notification system for Wartburg College, WartburgAlert, will be tested around noon Thursday, Sept. 15. WartburgAlert is tested, at minimum, once per term. You must register to be notified. There is no charge for registering, and you may register up to two numbers for text notification and four numbers for voice phones. You are strongly encouraged to register a SMS number to receive a text, as it is the quickest and most reliable means of notification. To register, log in to Info Center using your Wartburg credentials. Under the “Offices” header, click on “Parking & Safety,” then, under “Important Resources,” select “WartburgAlert.” If you have problems registering, come to the Security Office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. To verify if you are registered before next Thursday, send an email to campus.security@wartburg.edu, and we will confirm your registration.


Refund checks — If you have a credit balance on your student account and would like a refund check, please have your request in to the Business Office, Luther Hall 212, by noon Monday, Sept. 19. Checks will be ready for pick up Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Student paychecks for August hours — Student paychecks for August hours will be available for pickup in the Business Office, LH 212, on Thursday, Sept. 15. Please note that September work hours will be paid Friday, Oct. 14. 

Student paystubs now online —  Student employees now can access their paystubs using the Pay Stub application on InfoCenter. Simply log in to InfoCenter using your Wartburg credentials. Under the “Applications” header, select “Pay Stub.” Paper paystubs will no longer be provided, starting with the Oct. 14 payroll.

Wartburg West applications — Wartburg West applications for next summer, fall 2017, and winter 2018 are being accepted. Application materials can be found at www.wartburg.edu/west, and all completed applications should be turned into Jo Dorrance, Student Life 184. Email jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu if you have questions.

Interested in student government? Consider joining Wartburg Student Senate. Senate meets Thursdays during community time, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Applications to run for Senate can be found here or on the Student Senate page at info.wartburg.edu. There will be a required elections meeting Thursday, Sept. 15, in Whitehouse Business Center 116 at 7:30 p.m. 

History Club — The History Club aims to make history interesting and fun for everyone. With games, movies, and trivia tournaments in the works, the club has a lot in store for the 2016-17 academic year. Come check us out at our first meeting, where we will be joined by Phi Alpha Theta (the History Honor Society), on Thursday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m., in Luther Hall 324. Contact tyler.amick@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Want to host a radio show? Sign up for a weekly, one-hour radio show to play your favorite music and talk about whatever you like. Sign-ups for fall semester shows on 89.9 KWAR will be Thursday, Sept. 15, 6:30 p.m. in McElroy Center 133. This is a chance to play “your sound” on the air, no matter your major. Contact jarren.ford@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Register to vote — The Wartburg College Republicans urge students on campus to register to vote for the upcoming November election. All U.S. citizens are able to register to vote with their Wartburg address. To register to vote for the first time, or to change your address to Wartburg’s location so that you are able to vote in November, please click here: https://myiowavote.turbovote.org/?r=wartburg. Direct questions to emily.laudner@wartburg.edu

Shuttle to St. Mary Catholic Church offered — A free shuttle to Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church in Waverly will run on Sundays. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Information Desk in Saemann Student Center. 

Hip-hop workshop — The UNI Dance Team, Orchesis Dance Co., and the Wartburg Hip-Hop Dance Team will present “So You Think You Can Dance,” a hip-hop workshop by choreographer Zach Benson, on Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-noon, in the aerobic room upstairs in UNI’s WRC. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Register at the door; cost is $40 per person. Contact Gabrielle Larson, 319-883-0938, for more information.

New administrative assistant to the president — Please welcome Joy Skinner as administrative assistant to the president. Joy brings a variety of experience from her work in the financial and broadcast industries. She earned a bachelor’s degree in electronic media from the University of Northern Iowa. Her first day will be Sept. 19.

New archivist — Vogel Library announces the arrival of Wartburg’s new archivist, Amy Moorman. Amy comes from the Missouri State Archives, where she was the visual materials archivist. As the archivist for Wartburg College and the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, she will preserve and highlight the archives’ unique collections. Please join us in welcoming Amy to the Wartburg community. Archives-related research requests, donations, and other inquiries should be sent to Amy. The archives will be open Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m., for drop-in visits and by appointment.

Habitat for Humanity speaker — Wartburg Habitat for Humanity will host Andrew Finnegan, director of advancement and community engagement for the Iowa Heartland Habitat chapter, Thursday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m., in Grossman Hall 132. Finnegan will be talking about Habitat’s mission and work, as well as about the chapter’s plans for a build in Waverly this year that Wartburg’s campus chapter will be heavily involved in. 

Phil and Lit — The first Fall Term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Sept. 16, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West of the Saemann Student Center. Dr Penni Pier, professor of communication arts, will present Plato Would Be So Proud: Learning to Tell Stories in the 21st Century

Newspapers available — The Readership Program will continue offering the following publications: USA Today, Des Moines Register, and Waterloo Courier. You can find these newspapers at the north end of the Student Center, Whitehouse Business Center outside Admissions, Clinton Hall Lounge (after renovation completion), near the information desk of Vogel Library, and Cardinal Commons within Lohe/Grossman Hall. Papers will not be delivered until the afternoon this year due to a change in delivery methods. Any questions, comments, or concerns may be addressed to senate@wartburg.edu



Websites to bookmark — Please bookmark the following websites so you can find the information you are looking for in the most efficient manner:

  • www.Wartburg.edu: This website is primarily for external audiences (prospective students, alumni, donors, and community). This website is a great resource for general information about the college and programs, but Info.Wartburg.edu (below) is where you will find more specific information. 
  • Info.Wartburg.edu: This intranet is for the on-campus community (staff, faculty, and current students). This website features links for KnightTime, The Wartburg Store, email, campus events, dining menus, employment/benefit information, Academic Affairs, academic catalog and calendars, Study Abroad Office, Wartburg West, Undergraduate Research, Safety & Security, ITS, Registrar, Sustainability, Pathways, Student Life Offices/Policies, and much more.
  • My.Wartburg.edu: This learning management system is for faculty and current students. This website is where you will find all your course information, resources for faculty, and where students register for classes.

Board Plan changes due Sept. 15 – Be sure to verify your Board Plan. To do this, please ask a cashier or stop by the Dining Services Office. Changes may be made by visiting the Dining Services Office and signing a Board Plan change any time before Thursday, Sept. 15, at 4 p.m. No changes will be allowed after that time. 

Board Game Knights event – The Wartburg Store is excited to sponsor Game Knights on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 8 p.m. in the McCoy Rooms in Saemann Student Center. Modern-strategy board games, including Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dominion and Agricola, will be available, as well as many more! No prior game experience necessary. Whether you like social, strategy, competitive, co-operative, or card games, we’d love to play with you.

Nominate students for building community — Dan Kittle, dean of students, is starting a program on campus to strengthen the ideas of service, learning, and leadership on our campus. When you see a student's actions and character building community, let Dean Kittle know so he can send students a mini brick to recognize them for building a more kind, just, and informed campus at Wartburg. 

Director of undergraduate research — Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek will now serve as the director of undergraduate research. Many thanks to Dr. Roy Ventullo, who served in that position faithfully for the past eight years. Those with inquiries about undergraduate research should contact Dr. Ellerbroek.

Attention student organization leaders — Apply today to host a Candlelight Dinner! This allows you the opportunity to promote your organization, interact with faculty and staff, and experience fine dining. But hurry; there are a limited number of dates available. Should your organization wish to host a Candlelight Dinner, please indicate with a letter of intent by email to Shelly Geweke. Include your organization’s name, contact person/phone number, first and second choice preference for dates, and a short paragraph about what makes your organization great. Dates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay. Dates available are: Oct. 5, Nov. 9, Jan. 25, Feb. 8, Feb. 22, and March 15. Applications are due by Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 4 p.m.

KnightTime Timecard Application — Student employees can now review their work hours in a more user-friendly fashion using the KnightTime Application on InfoCenter. Click here for instructions for utilizing this application. Students still will need to communicate any corrections or adjustments of their work hours to their supervisors, who then will need to make the changes in the KnightTime web application.  

Introducing OneSearch from Vogel Library — Vogel Library has moved to a new “discovery system” called OneSearch, which allows students and faculty to search our databases, books, videos, archives — everything — from a single, Google-like search box. In addition, the library now subscribes to a number of new databases to help in your research, including Proquest Central, an excellent starting point for finding college-appropriate, multi-disciplinary articles in magazines and journals. This replaces Academic Search Complete while still allowing students and faculty to search multiple databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, language and literature, social sciences, education, science, and technology, as well as core titles in the performing and visual arts, history, religion, philosophy, and more. Try it and let the library staff know what you think!

Service Leaders Conference — Students are invited to attend and present at the 2016 Midwest Service Leaders Conference. Scholarships to attend the November conference in Storm Lake are available. Click here for the scholarship form, due Sept. 16. Priority will be given to students who present at the conference. Contact Kristin Teig Torres in Student Life for more details.
Join ICAP — Serve the community by joining ICAP through Iowa Campus Compact - AND get paid! Program goals are to increase nonprofits’ capacity and meet needs of local nonprofits, increase civic responsibility and connections in local Iowa communities and increase the rate of college student volunteerism in Iowa. If you want to give back to your Wartburg community, contact Kristin Teig Torres in Student Life.

Business Office forums planned — Join us at one of the following Business Office forums, held in McCoy West, to learn about our office and ask questions of our staff:

  • Sept. 12, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 14, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
  • Sept. 15, 10:30-11:30 a.m.


Interfaith Leadership — Interested in interfaith work at Wartburg? The interfaith leadership group invites you to share your ideas and support as we find ways to work across religious and cultural boundaries to make the world a better place. If you want to show your interest in being part of Interfaith at Wartburg, click here

Wartburg gallery exhibit — An exhibit featuring Iowa City artists Lauren Frances Evans and Stephen W. Evans will kick off the 2016-17 season at Wartburg College’s Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. “Thin Spaces” runs through Friday, Oct. 21. An opening reception featuring both artists will be Friday, Sept. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. Click here for details. 

Grant to create Innovation Studio — Wartburg College engineering science students will enjoy expanded lab space and enhanced hands-on learning opportunities thanks to a $123,300 grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. The grant will be used to renovate existing lab space in the Science Center and purchase new equipment to create an Innovation Studio. Dr. Daniel Black will oversee the project. Click here for details.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


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