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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 12


Early Alert system — As we begin Fall Term, remember that our Early Alert system is a quick way to share your concern via the Info Center. Students who receive feedback on their academic performance within the first two weeks of the term are more likely to turn things around if necessary. To submit an Early Alert, go to info.wartburg.edu. After logging in, click on the “Applications” tab and select “Early Alert.” Complete the form and submit. You will receive notices as your alert moves through the system.

A concern can be regarding:

  • Academic performance (attendance, work submission, failed exam, etc.)
  • Physical & mental well-being
  • Financial situation (can’t afford textbooks, calculator etc.)
  • Social network
  • Anything else that prevents the student from thriving


Please return your service-learning survey — The Center for Community Engagement is responsible for tracking the service and service-learning that occurs in Wartburg College curriculum and co-curricular activities. The data are used for assessment and are included in our annual application for the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll and the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification. It is vital to receive community engagement data from our faculty to ensure ethical reporting. Please turn in the surveys provided to you during the faculty workshops. Another copy of the survey can be downloaded here

Representative needed for Retirement Plan Advisory Group — Human Resources & Payroll is looking for one faculty or staff member who participates in the retirement plan to be a representative of the Retirement Plan Advisory Group. This group meets two times a year in conjunction with the Board of Regents meetings (October and May) and on an as-needed basis. The group, along with the Retirement Plan Subcommittee of the board, participates in an annual Business Plan Review and Investment Review presented by our retirement vendor, TIAA-CREF. Current members of this advisory group are Kim Folkers, Jeff Keen, and Tom Hubbard. Please contact Human Resources & Payroll if you would like to become a part of this group.   

Course adoption party — All faculty (even if you’ve already completed your course adoption) are invited to a Submit Your Course Adoption Party on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 5-6 p.m., in The Wartburg Store. Enjoy free wine, beer and snacks.

Learn mindfulness skills — Take part in a faculty/staff version of Koru, a four-session workshop on mindfulness and meditation skills for stress management. Sessions will be held Fridays (Sept. 16 through Oct. 7), from 2:30-3:45 p.m., and are free (participants will need to purchase one book). You must sign up in order to participate. Contact Dr. Cynthia Bane, professor of psychology, for more information or to register.

Adviser for Students for Peace and Justice — Students for Peace and Justice is looking for a new adviser. We are an organization dedicated to bringing awareness of social injustices and ways we can help. If interested, please email hannah.creed@wartburg.edu.

New administrative assistant to the president — Please welcome Joy Skinner as administrative assistant to the president. Joy brings a variety of experience from her work in the financial and broadcast industries. She earned a bachelor’s degree in electronic media from the University of Northern Iowa. Her first day will be Sept. 19.

New archivist — Vogel Library announces the arrival of Wartburg’s new archivist, Amy Moorman. Amy comes from the Missouri State Archives, where she was the visual materials archivist. As the archivist for Wartburg College and the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, she will work preserve and highlight the archives’ unique collections. Please join us in welcoming Amy to the Wartburg community. Archives-related research requests, donations, and other inquiries should be sent to Amy. The archives will be open Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m., for drop-in visits and by appointment.

WartburgAlert Test planned — The emergency notification system for Wartburg College, WartburgAlert, will be tested around noon Thursday, Sept. 15. WartburgAlert is tested, at minimum, once per term. You must register to be notified. There is no charge for registering, and you may register up to two numbers for text notification and four numbers for voice phones. You are strongly encouraged to register a SMS number to receive a text, as it is the quickest and most reliable means of notification. To register, log in to Info Center using your Wartburg credentials. Under the “Offices” header, click on “Parking & Safety,” then, under “Important Resources,” select “WartburgAlert.” If you have problems registering, come to the Security Office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. To verify if you are registered before next Thursday, send an email to campus.security@wartburg.edu, and we will confirm your registration.

Habitat for Humanity speaker — Wartburg Habitat for Humanity will host Andrew Finnegan, director of advancement and community engagement for the Iowa Heartland Habitat chapter, Thursday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m., in Grossman Hall 132. Finnegan will talk about Habitat’s mission and work, as well as the chapter’s plans for a build in Waverly this year with which Wartburg’s campus chapter will be heavily involved. 

Phil and Lit — The first Fall Term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Sept. 16, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West of the Saemann Student Center. Dr Penni Pier, professor of communication arts, will present Plato Would Be So Proud: Learning to Tell Stories in the 21st Century.

Upcoming Presidential Forums — Please mark your calendars for the following Fall Term Presidential Forums, held in Hagemann Castle Room:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 27, 11:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 19, 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 a.m.

Newspapers available — The Readership Program will continue offering the following publications: USA Today, Des Moines Register, and Waterloo Courier. You can find these newspapers at the north end of the Student Center, Whitehouse Business Center outside Admissions, Clinton Hall Lounge (after renovation completion), near the information desk of Vogel Library, and Cardinal Commons within Lohe/Grossman Hall. Papers will not be delivered until the afternoon this year due to a change in delivery methods. Any questions, comments, or concerns may be addressed to senate@wartburg.edu

Hip-hop workshop — The UNI Dance Team, Orchesis Dance Co., and the Wartburg Hip-Hop Dance Team will present “So You Think You Can Dance,” a hip-hop workshop by choreographer Zach Benson on Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-noon, in the aerobic room upstairs in UNI’s WRC. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Register at the door; cost is $40 per person. Contact Gabrielle Larson, 319-883-0938, for more information.


Business Office forums planned — Join us at one of the following Business Office forums, held in McCoy West, to learn about our office and ask questions of our staff:

  • Sept. 12, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Sept. 14, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
  • Sept. 15, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Board Game Knights event –The Wartburg Store is excited to sponsor Game Knights at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, in the McCoy Rooms in Saemann Student Center. Modern-strategy board games, including Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dominion and Agricola, will be available, as well as many more! No prior game experience necessary. Whether you like social, strategy, competitive, co-operative, or card games, we’d love to play with you.

Nominate students for building community — Dan Kittle, dean of students, is starting a program on campus to strengthen the ideas of service, learning, and leadership on our campus. When you see a student's actions and character building community any time during the year, let Dean Kittle know so he can send students a mini brick to recognize them for building a more kind, just, and informed campus at Wartburg. 

Websites to bookmark — Please bookmark the following websites so you can find the information you are looking for in the most efficient manner:

  • www.Wartburg.edu: This website is primarily for external audiences (prospective students, alumni, donors, and community). This website is a great resource for general information about the college and programs, but Info.Wartburg.edu (below) is where you will find more specific information. 
  • Info.Wartburg.edu: This intranet is for the on-campus community (staff, faculty, and current students). This website features links for KnightTime, The Wartburg Store, email, campus events, dining menus, employment/benefit information, Academic Affairs, academic catalog and calendars, Study Abroad Office, Wartburg West, Undergraduate Research, Safety & Security, ITS, Registrar, Sustainability, Pathways, Student Life Offices/Policies, and much more.
  • My.Wartburg.edu: This learning management system is for faculty and current students. This website is where you will find all your course information, resources for faculty, and where students register for classes.

Director of undergraduate research — Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek will now serve as the director of undergraduate research. Many thanks to Dr. Roy Ventullo, who served in that position faithfully for the past eight years. Should with inquiries about undergraduate research should contact Dr. Ellerbroek.

Enrollment report — The Summer Term 2015-2016 Enrollment Report and Executive Summary are now available at info.wartburg.edu. If you have any questions, please contact Vice President Edie Waldstein.

Wartburg gallery exhibit — An exhibit featuring Iowa City artists Lauren Frances Evans and Stephen W. Evans will kick off the 2016-17 season at Wartburg College’s Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. “Thin Spaces” will run now through Friday, Oct. 21. An opening reception featuring both artists will be Friday, Sept. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. Click here for details. 

Grant to create Innovation Studio — Wartburg College engineering science students will enjoy expanded lab space and enhanced hands-on learning opportunities thanks to a $123,300 grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. The grant will be used to renovate existing lab space in the Science Center and purchase new equipment to create an Innovation Studio. Dr. Daniel Black will oversee the project. Click here for details.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:



Friday, Sept. 16

Football departs at noon for Nebraska Wesleyan.


Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, was the keynote speaker and workshop leader for the annual faculty/staff workshop day Sept. 1 on the campus of Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa.

The Wartburg Store was recognized as a Top Participating Store by Connect2One’s Best of the Best program. Connect2One is an alliance of independent college bookstores with a mission to provide the best products at best prices to independent college retailers. 

Dr. Karen Black, Rudi Inselmann Endowed Professor in Organ, published the chapter “J.S. Bach as Theologian-Musician” in Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016, edited by Kathryn Kleinhans.

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