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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Condolences and campus visitors - July 22


The Wartburg community offers condolences to Ann Arns, lecturer in physical education, whose father, Laurel Ericson, died Thursday at age 80 in Cedar Falls. A memorial service was held Monday at First United Methodist Church in Cedar Falls. Click here to view the obituary.


Students on campus — Please welcome the following groups to campus in the coming days (the groups in bold were inadvertently omitted in Monday's Juice):

  • Band Camp XX, through Saturday. The public is invited to a student jazz performance tonight at 8 in the Band Hall and a concert band performance Saturday at 2 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium.
  • Cross Country Camp, Sunday through July 28 
  • Boys Snow Valley Camp, through Sunday
  • Girls Snow Valley Camp, July 25-28
  • Iowa Private College Week starts Aug. 1

Parking during Iowa Private College Week — The week of Aug. 1-5 will be Iowa Private College Week on campus. Hundreds of students, along with their parents and families, will attend sessions at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day during IPCW. We'd like to make parking on the east side of campus as plentiful as possible for our prospective student visitors, and faculty and staff are asked to mark their calendars and leave E Lot (the lot closest to Neumann Auditorium and the Saemann Student Center) and other nearby parking spaces vacant for our visitors to use all week. Thank you!

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