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The Juice (Students) - May 2

Food Olympics
 — The annual Food Olympics, sponsored by Student Center Council, will be held on the Campus Mall on Thursday, May 5, with a Cinco de Mayo theme. Sign yourself or your team up for the games in Mensa on Tuesday and Wednesday during lunch and dinner. Registration will also be 4:45-5:30 p.m. the day of the event. Walking tacos and churros will be served for dinner outside from 5 to 6 p.m. (bring your Wartburg ID to eat.) Games start at 5:30 p.m. and include Food Art, Salsa Eating Contest, Battle for the Border (watermelon relay), the Tortilla Toss, and the Cinco De Mayo Slide (giant slip and slide). Prizes will be awarded for each game. A grand prize will be given to one person who competes in at least three events. Come and join the fun!


Dining Service hours for May Term – Click here to see a list of May Term hours for Mensa, the Den, Konditerei, and and Zesty Orange.

Wartburg Traditions Amazing Race – Teams of three to five people are invited to compete in the Wartburg Traditions Amazing Race on Tuesday, May 3, at 4 p.m. This event is a photo scavenger hunt around campus, challenging each team to complete various traditions all Knights should complete before graduation. The first team to complete the race wins a $100 cash prize. Cash prizes also will be given out for second place, third place, and the best-dressed/themed team. Sign up today in the Student Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by emailing studentsuknight@wartburg.edu. Additional race details will be emailed to each team the morning of the race.

Pre-Law Club Event — The Pre-Law Club is sponsoring an event Thursday, May 5, at 7 p.m. in WBC 215. The event features Denise Hill ’92, director of health law programs and visiting associate professor at Drake Law School in Des Moines. Hill is a frequent speaker and scholar on a range of health law and ethical issues. Join us for an interesting conversation about health law, law school, and other topics. Contact Karen Thalacker with questions.

Wartburg College Sparkles — The Wartburg College Sparkles is looking for mentors for the 2016-17 season. This program is a part of the national Sparkle Effect Program, an inclusive cheerleading team that includes students with and without disabilities. Wartburg students who are interested in being a part of the team and mentoring the younger participants are needed. No previous cheer or dance experience is required. An informational meeting will be Monday, May 9, at 8 p.m. in the East Classroom in The W. Contact Michaela McIlravy or Tara Winter if you have any questions or concerns.

Submissions for Knightline — Send in your news/events for the next edition of Knightline, our monthly e-newsletter that goes out to Wartburg alumni, parents and friends. The May edition will be going out Thursday, May 5. Please complete the “Knightline Submission Form” (click here) by the end of the day Monday, May 2, or contact Steph Boeding with questions.

Open house for Dining Services retirees — Dining Services will host an open house to honor retirees from the Dining Services Department on Friday, May 6, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Castle Room. Retirees are Sheryl Tiedt, Mary Goetzinger, and Beth Engelbrecht. There will be a brief program at 2:30 p.m. to recognize their service at Wartburg.

Open house for Alumni Office retirees — A retirement open house to honor and thank Bev Saathoff and Jane Lindner for their years of dedicated service will be Thursday, May 12, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Castle Room. 

Blood drive — TriBeta will sponsor a LifeServe blood drive Monday, May 9, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., in Chapel Commons. Sign up Tuesday, May 3, or Wednesday, May 4, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. or 5-7 p.m. near the northwest entrance of Saemann Student Center. You also can arrange to donate by emailing Tri-Beta@wartburg.edu

VAC appreciation reception — The Volunteer Action Center invites all students, faculty, staff, and community members who participated in our activities this year to join us for snacks and refreshments Wednesday, May 11, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the McCoy rooms. Students who would like to learn more about our organization also are welcome! 

May day of service — Join the Volunteer Action Center and the Wartburg grounds crew for an afternoon of service Tuesday, May 10. We will be cleaning up campus and planting flowers. You will get a free shirt for volunteering! Email vac@wartburg.edu for more information.

Submit your calendar events — Remember, you can submit your campus events or modify existing events on the Wartburg website calendar; click here to do so.

The Vikings are coming! – A new course will be offered during Winter Term 2017. HI 351: Topics in European History will explore the history, language, and culture of the Vikings. Learn about runes, the art of shipbuilding, tales of violence and intrigue, and the wide-ranging impact of Viking attacks. The class will meet noon to 1:05 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and fulfills Interconnected Humanities/Fine Arts and is writing intensive. Contact Dr. Erika Lindgren for more information.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Bremwood mentors wanted — Do you like playing basketball, baking, being outside or playing games? Become a mentor to a teen at Bremwood Residential Treatment Center! Mentoring is all about having fun and being a friend to a kid who doesn’t have much of a support system. All you need to give is one hour a week; it’s a great volunteer experience, an awesome resume builder, and an invaluable way to make a positive impact in someone’s life. Interested? Visit this website for more information on how to get involved.

SAFE 5K run — Join SAFE (Suicide Awareness for Everyone) in spreading awareness about mental health. SAFE will hold the Stampede the Stigma 5K color run/walk on Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m. The route will begin and end on Warburg's campus. The cost is $10 and includes a t-shirt if you register by May 4. Click here to download the registration form. Contact Kaitlyn Behnken for more information or with any questions.

New director of undergraduate research — After many years of distinguished service by Dr. Roy Ventullo, Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek will assume duties as the director of undergraduate research beginning in the fall of 2016. Congratulations to Dr. Ellerbroek on this new responsibility and many thanks to Dr. Ventullo for his stewardship of the program.

Business plan competition — Wartburg students Krystal Graves, Andre Greene, Ashlee McGrown, Lindokuhle Simelane, and Cassie Ward competed as finalists in the Neeley Entrepreneurship Center Values and Ventures Business Plan Competition at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 8-9. The team developed its business plan, “Best Trucking Burritos,” under the guidance of Dr. Allan Bernard, assistant professor of business administration, and was sponsored by Wartburg alumnus Michael Murphy '89.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Study Abroad applications
  • Wartburg West fall classes
  • May Term Choir
  • Leadership and Service Awards


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