The Juice (SL&CM) - April 11
No Sunday worship services — There are no Sunday worship services April 17 and 24 in the Wartburg Chapel due to Tour Week Break. Worship at home or at area churches.
Weekday Chapel services — Chapel is each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. The service is an opportunity to gather with students, faculty, and staff to reflect on God and faith. Services are led by students, faculty, staff, the college pastors, and clergy from various area churches. Upcoming services:
- Monday, April 11 –– Take time to celebrate and bless the 28 staff and faculty retiring from Wartburg this year. Festeburg will provide special music.
Midweek Eucharist — Join us as we gather for prayer, praise, fellowship, and sharing centered around Holy Communion at 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, in Wartburg Chapel.
Senior chapel sign-up for next year — Juniors, consider sharing yourself with the Wartburg community through a senior chapel. The sign-up sheet is located in the Chapel Narthex, or email Kathy Liddle to be added.