The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Jan. 25
State of the College address — President Colson's annual State of the College address will be Tuesday, Jan. 26, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in McCaskey Lyceum. In addition, please mark your calendars for three Presidential Forums to be held in the Hagemann Castle Room: Feb. 26, 7:30-8:30 a.m.; March 30, 4-5 p.m.; and April 26, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Volunteer for NCAA Championships — Interested in volunteering at the National Outdoor Track and Field Championships that Wartburg is hosting May 26-28? Registration is now open; click here to register by March 1 to be guaranteed a t-shirt.
Softball fundraiser — The Wartburg softball team will hold a fundraiser on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at the Waverly Bowl Inn. Choose the first session at 6 p.m. or the second session at 8:15 p.m. Each session costs $20 and will include two games, shoes, and a pasta dinner. Must pre-register by contacting Taylor Golden.
Hoverboard safety — The college’s safety committee is looking into the safety of hoverboards, especially in context of recent hoverboard battery fires nationwide. Currently, there is no ban for outdoor use at Wartburg College. However, those with hoverboards must not overcharge them and never leave them unattended while charging. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a federal agency with jurisdiction over product safety, is currently investigating hoverboard safety; see details online. If the college changes its policy on hoverboards as we learn more about the risks involved, we will inform the campus community.
Water to Thrive dinner — Wartburg College Water to Thrive is hosting an all-you-can-eat pancake dinner on Friday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. The event will be held at St. Mary's Catholic Parish Hall in Waverly. A free-will donation will be collected; all proceeds will fund a freshwater well in rural Africa. Email with questions.
Offices closed — The Business Office and Financial Aid Office will be closed from 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, to attend President Colson’s State of the College Address.
Alumni Board — Applications for four-year terms on the Wartburg Alumni Board are due March 1. Please consider encouraging any outstanding alumni to apply. Click here for the Alumni Board job description and here for the application form. Contact Laurie Everhardt with any questions.
Phil and Lit – The next winter term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Friday, Jan. 29, at 4 p.m. in the McCoy West room of the Saemann Student Center. Dr. Lynn Brant, emeritus professor of geology, University of Northern Iowa,will present Coal: the Dark Side of My Life. The society meets most Friday afternoons during the academic year for presentations by a colleague in an informal, convivial setting. Beverages and snacks are available.
HLC forum — The next High Learning Commission accreditation open forum will be Jan. 25 at 4 p.m. in SC 102. Click here to look at the assurance arguments and other materials and to offer feedback.
New enrollment reports posted — The Office of Enrollment Management has posted the Winter Enrollment Report and Fall-to-Winter Retention Report on the InfoCenter website under the "Reports" tab; click here to view. In addition to what's been done in past reports, a new report has been developed for the Historical Summary of Majors. This report can be filtered by major/minor, academic year and academic department. If you have questions, contact Edie Waldstein or Fred Ribich.
Silent auction fundraiser for Laura Tull Adams — The Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association will hold a silent auction Feb. 4-6 for 2014 alumna Laura Tull Adams. Laura is currently under critical care in Des Moines following an emergency C-section and diagnosis of acute necrosis of the pancreas. The silent auction will take place on ourFacebook page beginning at 12 a.m. Feb. 4; all proceeds will go to Laura and her family. Some items will go to the highest bidder and others will be gifted by the highest bidder to Laura. For more information or to donate items to the auction or to Laura, contact Emma EvansPeck or visit Laura’s GoFundMe page.
Winter professional development — Join us for an upbeat, engaging session focused who you are, who you want to be, and how you can find increased joy and energy through tapping into your unique, most powerful ways to lead and serve. Featured speaker will be Brenda Clark-Hamilton at the event Tuesday, Feb. 16, 3-4:30 p.m. in Heritage Ballrooms.Click here to register. Encourage students you know to attend the student session, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 16 in Heritage Ballrooms.
Dressers for sale — Cost is $15 each, and they can be viewed anytime 8 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays at the Physical Plant, 305 12th St NW. The dressers must be picked up when payment is made. Contact Ruth Hein with questions.
College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.
Recipes from Home — Alumni, students, staff and faculty are encouraged to share favorite recipes from home to be considered from the 2015-16 Mensa menu. Please email recipes for entrees, ethnic dishes, vegan entrees or sides and desserts to Shelly Geweke, Dining Services nutrition and services advisor, or drop them in the Mensa suggestion box by Monday, Jan. 25. Include your name and contact information. Recipes chosen will be taste-tested in Mensa, and the student body will vote for their favorites. Dishes that receive good feedback will be considered for next year's Mensa menu.
President’s Office coverage — Cindy Carlson, executive administrative assistant to the president, will be out of the office for several months due to a serious health issue. Paula Michel is filling in periodically to assist with day-to-day office functions. Please continue to direct e-mail correspondence to the accounts. Janeen Stewart will perform these duties on days that Paula is not available. Janeen can also answer any questions needing more in-depth research or attention. Cindy continues to check e-mail as she’s able and to advise us as necessary.
Thank a mentor for National Mentoring Month — January is National Mentoring Month. Recognize a mentor by filling out the “Thank a Mentor” form here until noon Monday, Jan. 25. Mentors will receive electronic recognition in the afternoon. Please contact TJ Warren, Pathways associate for vocation and mentoring, with any questions. For more information on mentoring at Wartburg, visit here.
Leadership and Service Award nominations — Forms are now available and due Friday, Feb. 12. Click here to nominate someone you know for one or more of the following awards: Nobility Award, Debbie Heida Award, Outstanding Organization, Outstanding International Senior, Dell Awards for Peace and Justice, Outstanding Organization Service Award, Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Contact Ashley Lang, director of Campus Programming, with any questions.
Crossing Boundaries with German Film — The German film series Crossing Boundaries with German Film continues with the presentation of Sophie Scholl:The Final Days (2005) on Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 7:15 p.m. in WBC 116. The film presents the world of Sophie Scholl and other members of the "White Rose" student resistance movement in Hitler’s Germany. Free admission. Open to the public.
2016 Baldwin Leadership Fellows Nominations — Nominate a first-year student for the Baldwin Leadership Fellows. Nominees will ideally come from diverse academic backgrounds and be passionate about leadership and service in the context of the Wartburg mission. The ILE will select four first-year students to serve as Baldwin Leadership Fellows, which includes attendance at the Air Force Academy National Character & Leadership Symposium in Colorado during the second year in the program. For details and to nominate a student by Jan. 29, click here. Contact Ashley Lang for more information.
Become a Chapel Ambassador — Help make faculty and staff faith mentors more visible to the student body, combat the culture of busyness on campus, and become more intentional in living out our calling as a College of the Church. On Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays at 10:10 a.m., close your office door or tell your supervisor that you want to attend Chapel. Put up a small sign on your office door (or elsewhere) that identifies you as a Chapel Ambassador who is open to talking about faith. Contact Pastor Brian or Pastor Ramona if you’re interested or have questions.
Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:
- GPA Report
- Crossing Boundaries with German Film
Farewell and welcome
Gloria Campbell retired as associate professor of business administration Dec. 31, 2015.
She became the college-sponsored programs administrator position Jan. 4, 2016.
Professor Kim Folkers facilitated a workshop in Mason City Jan. 9 for members of the Healthy Harvest of North Iowa organization. "Planning to Grow" focused on the power of marketing and a marketing plan to help local growers expand their own businesses.