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The Juice (Students) - Dec. 14

Try Ride Share —
 If you need a ride somewhere for break, or want to take a passenger and share the cost of gas, check out Ride Share. Share your travel plans in a safe, Wartburg-only environment using the Classifieds section of the Wartburg InfoCenter; click the Ride Share logo at upper left; choose "rides" as the category to view posts; and click "post new item" whether you need a ride or want a passenger. Click here to see more about creating a Ride Share post and to see some travel etiquette tips.


Juice over break — The Juice will take a break and come back to your inbox on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Deadline for submissions for the Jan. 5 edition is Friday, Dec. 18.

Presidential forum — The notes from the Presidential Forum on Tuesday, Dec. 8, are now available on the President's Report page of the InfoCenter.

Incomplete grade information — Please complete a Request for Incomplete Grade form if you have the consent of your instructor to postpone required course work due to extenuating circumstances. The form is not required for internships and Venture Education course work. This form is available in the Forms section on My Wartburg or in the Registrar’s Office. Any incomplete grades without a completed Request for Incomplete Grade form will be changed to an “F” at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 21. Contact the Registrar’s Office for further information regarding the incomplete grade policy.

Campus health clinic break — The Noah Campus Health Clinic will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 16. If you need medical assistance, the Christophel Clinic from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and the Waverly Health Center Walk-In Clinic will be open 5-8 p.m. The Noah Campus Health Clinic will re-open on Thursday, Dec. 17.

Dining Services hours over break — Mensa will be closed Dec. 18 to Jan. 3, and will reopen at 5:15 p.m. Jan. 4. The Den will have limited hours Dec. 17-18 and Dec. 28-30, and will be closed Dec. 19-27 and Dec. 31 to Jan. 3. The Konditorei will have limited hours Dec. 17, and be closed Dec. 18 to Jan. 3. The Zesty Orange will be closed Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.

Peanut butter jelly time PB&J Knight study break, sponsored by Student Center Council, will be held Tuesday, Dec. 15, 9-11 p.m. in the Ballrooms. Take a break from your studies and have a free snack! The menu consists of white and wheat bread, creamy and crunchy peanut butter, strawberry jam, grape jelly, and white or chocolate milk. 

Retirement reception for Pamela Madden and Eileen Myers — Celebrate with the Vogel Library staff in honoring Pamela Madden, cataloging librarian, and Eileen Myers, access services supervisor, for their retirement reception Thursday, Dec. 17, 10-11:30 a.m., on the third floor of the library. Light refreshments will be provided.

ITS closed for break — The Information Technology Services Office will be closed Monday, Dec. 21, to Sunday, Dec. 27, and also Thursday, Dec. 31, to Sunday, Jan. 3.

Mail Center over break — Please plan your shipping so you receive items prior to Friday, Dec. 18, and after Friday, Jan. 1. The Mail Center will be closed from Monday, Dec. 21, to Friday, Dec. 25, and on Friday, Jan. 1. The Mail Center will not receive packages from UPS, FEDEX, DHL, Staples, or any other delivery service; items sent to Wartburg during closed times are stored in Pods elsewhere, and delivered later in bulk. The Mail Center will be open Monday, Dec. 28, to Thursday, Dec. 31. Due to short staff, please do not have large shipments come through the Mail Center until after Friday, Jan. 1.

Business Office break — The Business Office will close at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18, and will reopen Monday, Jan. 4. Please plan accordingly.

Print Center closed for break — The Digital Print Center will be closed Monday, Dec. 21, and will reopen Monday, Jan. 4. If you have materials that need to be finished during that time, please bring in as soon as possible. Academic departments that need course packets printed for the new term should submit them electronically by Tuesday, Dec. 15.

Donate unwanted items — Please use the donation stations in the residence hall lounges in Cardinal Commons, the Residence, Centennial, Hebron, Knights Village, Swenson in Waverly Manors, Cornils in Afton Manors, Clinton, and Founders to donate unwanted items. Those bins are for: clean clothes in wearable condition, room décor, clean bedding, washed housewares, unopened non-perishable food, and unopened hygiene items. Larger items like lofts, furniture, carpets, electronics, appliances, etc. should be placed outside next to the dumpsters. Contact the Sustainability Office with questions.

Christmas with Wartburg photos, broadcast — Click here to check out dozens of photos taken by Julie Drewes, visual media manager, from this year's Christmas with Wartburg performances in Waverly and West Des Moines. Fire up the DVR and tune in to Iowa Public Television to watch the broadcast of this year's performance: 9 p.m. Dec. 21, 7 p.m. Dec. 24, and 11 p.m. Dec. 25 on IPTV.1. 

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Saint Elizabeth Week survey — The Wartburg Volunteer Action Center would like feedback on the events offered during St. Elizabeth Week. Click here to take the survey.

December 2015 Admissions newsletter — The Wartburg Way is a monthly newsletter from the Admissions Office that aims to keep faculty and staff involved in recruitment throughout the year. This newsletter will showcase and thank the faculty, staff, and students who help us recruit and give helpful tips for those who want to take an active part in the process. Click here to view December's edition.

Student Watch survey — Thank you to the students who participated in Student Watch survey in mid-October. The participating students who won the prize drawing are: $50 to Kristie Sommer, and $25 each to Nicole Johnson, Jason Brescia, Carter O’Brien, Benjamin Banser, Autumn Gare, and Allison Hiestand.

Volunteer opportunity — Would you like to volunteer in the mountains of Jamaica this summer? The Blue Mountain Project is looking for volunteers interested in traveling to Jamaica to help at their community center, health clinic, and summer school programs. You will also have the chance to hike the Blue Mountains and visit beautiful beaches. Contact Dr. Dan Kittle, daniel.kittle@wartburg.edu, or visit the Blue Mountain Project site for more information.

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