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The Juice (Fac/Staff) - Nov. 2


Thank you for attending — Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the informational budget meetings last week. The presentation from those meetings is now available online. We will include follow-up information in the Juice to respond to questions raised during the meeting where the answers were not immediately available as well as provide additional clarifying information. 

Campus pub task force — In response to campus discussions about viable projects to consider, the President has asked that a task force be formed to investigate the feasibility of having some form of a pub on campus. If you have special interest in this project, a skill to offer in the analysis of the project, or thoughts to be considered, please contact Margaret Empie, vice president for dining and retail services, at margaret.empie@wartburg.edu.

Wartburg to host humanities conference — Wartburg will host the fifth Midwest Undergraduate Conference in the Humanities Saturday, Nov. 7. It will feature students' original, research-based scholarship in the humanities, with a focus on interdisciplinary and diversity-related work. Questions can be directed to Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish, at zak.montgomery@wartburg.edu.

German Institute applications call — The executive committee of the German Institute is announcing the 2016 call for applications to support activities/endeavors related to German and/or Germany. For 2016, $2,500 is available. Because these funds are limited, an application is required and funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applications for the full amount of available funds most likely will not be supported in full. Applications are due Friday, Nov. 6. Awards will be announced no later than Dec. 1. Previously, the institute has funded enhancements to May Term trips to Germany, a forthcoming film festival, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad. Full application details are availablehere.

History research papers to be presented — Join Phi Alpha Theta, the history honor society, for a mock conference session Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7 p.m., in Luther 324. Three students will be practicing their presentations for the upcoming Midwestern Undergraduate Conference in the Humanities. Topics include POWs in Iowa, a 19th-century female artist, and Russian prostitution. Contact Dr. Erika Lindgren, associate professor of history, aterika.lindgren@wartburg.edu for additional information.

Keep on Learning — A team of Wartburg College faculty and staff will lead conversations about The Other Wes Moore during the November Keep on Learning beginning Thursday, Nov. 5, 9:30-11:30 a.m., in the Heritage Room. The Other Wes Moore, which chronicles the very different paths of two young black men growing up in Baltimore, was selected as this year’s common reading for all incoming students. The first class of each session is free; a $30 fee due at the second session covers the remainder of the course. For more information,click here.

Phil and Lit — Dr. William Earl, associate professor of theatre, will present Finding Your Bliss in the National Park Service for the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society Friday, Nov. 6, 4 p.m., in McCoy West of Saemann Student Center. 

Symphonic Band concert — The Symphonic Band, under the direction of Scott Muntefering, will perform its fall concert Saturday, Nov. 7, at 4 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. Bruce Ammann, professor of music at Augustana (South Dakota) College, will guest conduct.

Postseason round-up — The women's cross country team took third and the men brought home fourth in last weekend's Iowa Conference championships. The women's soccer team and the volleyball team are still in the hunt for their respective conference championships. The women's soccer team will play Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 5 p.m., at home. The volleyball team plays Thursday, Nov. 5, 7 p.m., in Levick Arena. Click here for more information about the cross country teams' finishes and the soccer and volleyball teams' semi-final rounds of play. 

Dining Services survey — All who dine anywhere on campus are asked to participate in this year’s Dining Services customer satisfaction survey Nov. 2-3. Each dining location will have cards with a unique identifier code used to access the online survey. Those who complete the survey and return the card with their contact information will have the chance to win one of 10 Dining Services gift cards.

May Term course opportunity — EN 244 01 Young Adult Literature will be offered on campus during May Term 2016. It will no longer be offered at Wartburg West. The course meets from 9 a.m. to noon with Dr. Lizbeth Gehring, assistant professor of English education. Interested students should bring a drop/add card signed by their academic adviser to the Registrar's Office. This course meets a humanities/fine arts requirements, and no fees are attached to this course.

Faculty, students attend Parliament of World Religions — Bonita and Nelson Bock, Wartburg West co-directors, and Dr. Jennifer McBride, assistant professor of religion, accompanied six students to the Parliament of World Religions in Salt Lake City in October. The students included Rachel Perkins '18, Ashley Dahl '18, Madelyn Carlson '17, Alison Leonhart '16, Jessa McAvoy '16, and Meghan Parman '16. More than 10,000 people from 80 countries representing 50 religions attended the event, which included hundreds of plenary sessions and workshops.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


May Term gender and science course  — Spaces are still available in WS 290 Gender and Science, which will be offered during May Term. Students who have not completed a science course, but are interested in enrolling should contact Dr. Ann Henninger, professor of biology, at ann.henninger@wartburg.edu.

Day of Silence — SAFE and Alliance invite all to join in a day of silence and remembrance, Tuesday, Nov. 10, by dressing in all black to remember those lost to suicide. A discussion will begin at 8 p.m. in Grossmann 131. To participate in the Day of Silence, email safe@wartburg.edu with your name, office, and the names of loved ones you would like to represent. 

Student artwork on display — New artwork, including a photograph by Emily Anderson ’16, ceramic work by Greta Bacon ’17, and a painting by Kendra Schnabel, have been installed in the Waverly McDonald's.

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