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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Oct. 26


Informational budget meetings — The Finance and Administration Office has scheduled three informational budget meetings — open to all faculty, staff, and students — to review the 2014-15 and 2015-16 budgets as well as preliminary assumptions for the 2016-17 budget. There also will be an open time for individuals to share cost savings and revenue generation ideas.

  • Monday, Oct. 26, 4-5 p.m., WBC 214 (Buckmaster)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 27, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., WBC 214 (Buckmaster)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 28, noon-1 p.m., Heritage and St. Elizabeth rooms

Professional development event — The Human Resources & Payroll Office and Pathways Center will present the first in this year's series of professional development opportunities Tuesday, Oct. 27, 3-4:30 p.m., in Knights Ballroom. Dr. Celina Peerman, an organizational psychologist with Peerman Group, will present Re-Energizing Your Passion in Times of Change. Click here to RSVP.

Voluntary retirement incentive program — The deadline to participate in Wartburg's Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program is Friday, Oct. 30. This is the final chance for employees to retire and continue health, dental, and vision insurance up to age 65 on Wartburg benefit plans. Please submit all forms to the Human Resources Office by 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 30.

Personnel Advisory Committee meeting — The Personnel Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, Oct. 29, to discuss Campus Pulse Survey questions, as well as receive updates on the expense review process, the budget review, and benefit open enrollment. Please contact your PAC representatives to provide feedback for the committee. PAC representatives are:

  • Wendy Mohlis, administrative assistant to the vice president for student life
  • Stephanie Newsom, director of counseling services
  • Renee Voves, director of alumni and parent relations and annual giving
  • Kristina Ladage, accounts payable coordinator
  • Sheila Kittleson, director of Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center
  • Jamie Hollaway, director of human resources and payroll
  • Amy Wilson, administrative assistant for human resources and payroll
  • Richard Seggerman, vice president for finance and administration

Dining Services survey — All who dine anywhere on campus are asked to participate in this year’s Dining Services customer satisfaction survey Nov. 2-3. Each dining location will have cards with a unique identifier code used to access the online survey. Those who complete the survey and return the card with their contact information will have the chance to win one of 10 Dining Services gift cards.

May Term Gender and Science course  — Spaces are still available in WS 290 Gender and Science, which will be offered during May Term. Students who have not completed a science course, but are interested in enrolling should contact Dr. Ann Henninger, professor of biology, at ann.henninger@wartburg.edu.

Day of Silence — SAFE and Alliance invite all to join in a day of silence and remembrance, Tuesday, Nov. 10, by dressing in all black to remember those lost to suicide. A discussion will begin at 8 p.m. in Grossmann 131. To participate in the Day of Silence, emailsafe@wartburg.edu with your name, office, and the names of loved ones you would like to represent. 

Vocation reading groups — Faculty and staff can participate in one of two vocation reading groups this fall: The Garden at Night: Burnout and Breakdown in the Teaching Life by Mary Rose O’Reilly or The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown. To participate, register here by today, Oct. 26. Books will be provided to participants. Each group will meet two to three times throughout the term. For more information, contact TJ Warren, Pathways Center associate for vocation and mentoring, at torrence.warren@wartburg.edu. The reading groups are funded through a $10,000 NetVUE grant from the Council of Independent Colleges and the Lilly Endowment.

Keep on Learning — Keep on Learning will celebrate Wartburg Castle: Nexus of the Artswith a special course Thursday, Oct. 29, led by Mike Sherer ’63. Free-will donations will be accepted for this single-session class, which begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room. Clickhere for more information.

Student artwork on display — New artwork, including a photograph by Emily Anderson ’16, ceramic work by Greta Bacon ’17, and a painting by Kendra Schnabel, have been installed in the Waverly McDonald's.


The Juice changes delivery — The Juice will be sent only on Mondays. Please keep this change in mind when submitting announcements. The deadline for submissions through juice@wartburg.edu is 4 p.m. Thursday. As always, news items will be posted to the InfoCenter on a continual basis.

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