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The Juice (Students) - Oct. 26


Informational budget meetings — The Finance and Administration Office has scheduled three informational budget meetings — open to all faculty, staff, and students — to review the 2014-15 and 2015-16 budgets as well as preliminary assumptions for the 2016-17 budget. There also will be an open time for individuals to share cost savings and revenue generation ideas.

  • Monday, Oct. 26, 4-5 p.m., WBC 214 (Buckmaster)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 27, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., WBC 214 (Buckmaster)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 28, noon-1 p.m., Heritage and St. Elizabeth rooms

May and August graduates  Signed graduation agreements and advising worksheets are due Friday, Oct. 30, to Luther Hall 216, for all expected May and August 2016 graduates. Pending Fall 2015 graduates should turn in their graduation agreements as soon as possible. Questions may be directed to the Registrar's Office.  

Find the pig The Students UKnight piggy bank is missing. It is hiding somewhere on campus, and Students UKnight need your help to find it. Watch for clues Tuesday, Oct. 27, beginning at 9 a.m., on the Students UKnight Facebook page. If you find the piggy bank, bring it to the Alumni Office in Luther Hall (under the orange awning) to claim your prize.

Refund checks — Those requesting refund checks the week of Fall Break should do so by noon today, Oct. 26. Checks will be available for pick up in the Business Office Wednesday, Oct. 28. For more information, contact Sherri Mennenga, financial services coordinator, at sherri.mennenga@wartburg.edu.

Monster Bash is coming — Celebrate Halloween with the Student Center Council and Dining Services by dressing as your favorite character at the Monster Bash Tuesday, Oct. 27, 5:15-7 p.m., in Mensa. There will be a costume contest with prizes for first, second, and third place. The meal will feature Zombie Punch, Dirt Dessert, and Witch Fingers. You can also decorate your own cookie. 

Finding your voice — Dr. Celina Peerman, an organizational psychologist with Peerman Group, will present to students Tuesday, Oct. 27, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Knights Ballroom of Saemann Student Center. Her presentation, Finding Your Voice in a Noisy World: Connecting Work, Vocation & Our Daily Actions, will focus on daily choices we make in communicating and working better together.

The Castle cover design — The Castle is seeking submissions for the cover design for this term's edition. Submissions will be accepted through Monday, Nov. 3. A prize will be awarded to the winner. The Castle is also seeking members for the editorial board. Send submissions and inquiries to castle@wartburg.edu

Student Affairs Preview Day — A Student Affairs Preview Day, scheduled for Friday, Nov. 13, on the University of Northern Iowa campus, is open to students interested in learning about UNI's postsecondary education: students affairs master's program. The event will include information about the application process, curriculum, assistantship and funding opportunities, and graduate student life. Online registration must be completed by Monday, Nov. 2. Contact Jamie Workman at jamie.workman@uni.edu or Mark Rowe-Barth at mark.rowe-barth@uni.edu for more information.

ETK Fall Festival —Enjoy fall crafts, pumpkin painting, treats, and games at the ETK Fall Festival today, Oct. 26, 6-8 p.m., in Knights Ballroom.

Dining Services survey — All who dine anywhere on campus are asked to participate in this year’s Dining Services customer satisfaction survey Nov. 2-3. Each dining location will have cards with unique identifier codes used to access the online survey. Those who complete the survey and return the card with their contact information will have the chance to win one of 10 Dining Services gift cards.

Day of Silence — SAFE and Alliance invite all to join in a day of silence and remembrance, Tuesday, Nov. 10, by dressing in all black to remember those lost to suicide. A discussion will begin at 8 p.m. in Grossmann 131. To participate in the Day of Silence, email safe@wartburg.edu with your name, campus box number, and the names of loved ones you would like to represent. 

May Term Gender and Science course  — Spaces are still available in WS 290 Gender and Science, which will be offered during May Term. Students who have not completed a science course, but are interested in enrolling should contact Dr. Ann Henninger, professor of biology, at ann.henninger@wartburg.edu.

Keep on Learning — Keep on Learning will celebrate Wartburg Castle: Nexus of the Arts with a special course Thursday, Oct. 29, led by Mike Sherer ’63. Free-will donations will be accepted for this single-session class, which begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room. Click here for more information.

Fun Fact Philanthropy Friday — Students UKnight will host Fun Fact Philanthropy Friday Nov. 20, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., inside the north doors of the Saemann Student Center. Stop by to answer a philanthropy question, play Plinko, and win a prize.

Student artwork on display — New artwork, including a photograph by Emily Anderson ’16, ceramic work by Greta Bacon ’17, and a painting by Kendra Schnabel, have been installed in the Waverly McDonald's.


The Juice changes delivery — The Juice will be sent only on Mondays. Please keep this change in mind when submitting announcements. The deadline for submissions through juice@wartburg.edu is 4 p.m. Thursday. As always, news items will be posted to the InfoCenter on a continual basis.

#LargeEvent15 rescheduled — Andy Grammer and Aaron Carter will perform at Wartburg Saturday, Jan. 9. Entertainment ToKnight's rescheduled 2015 Large Event (#LargeEvent15) will begin at 8 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium. Tickets purchased for the postponed date will be accepted. Students still needing tickets can purchase them for $10 (with Wartburg ID, while quantities remain) at the Information Desk in Saemann Student Center at the following times:

  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday through Friday, through Wednesday, Oct. 28
  • 10 a.m. to noon, Thursday, Oct. 29 and Friday, Oct. 30
  • 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday, Nov. 2 through Friday, Dec. 11

Refunds are available through Wednesday, Oct. 28 at the Information Desk. The paper ticket must be provided. The public can purchase tickets for $20, while quantities remain, at the Ticket Office or online. Please direct questions regarding ticketing to ticket.office@wartburg.edu. Questions regarding the event can be directed to Entertainment ToKnight at etk@wartburg.edu.

Wartburg West information — Bonita Bock, Wartburg West co-director, will host an informational meeting Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m., in McCoy West. For more information, contact Jo Dorrance, internship coordinator and Wartburg West liaison, at jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu.

Hospice and Palliative Care course — SW 250-20, Current Topics in Social Work Practice: Hospice and Palliative Care, will be offered Mondays, 6:30-9:30 p.m., during the second seven weeks of the term. Topics will include understanding of hospice and palliative care philosophy and how that differs from the traditional medical model; hospice intake, social work assessments, and care planning methods; the role of spiritual care in the provision of hospice services; and bereavement support as a part of hospice aftercare and community bereavement network. For more information, contact Tammy Faux, chair of the Department of Social Work, at tammy.faux@wartburg.edu.

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