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The Juice - April 29

See what's happening on campus this week.
The Juice: The Official Wartburg College Campus Newsletter, Faculty/Staff Edition.

Monday, April 29, 2024




Dining sets hours for May Term

Campus eateries will operate with the following hours during May Term:


7 a.m. to 9 a.m. weekdays
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily
5 to 6:30 p.m. daily


The Den

9 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays


7:30 a.m to 2 p.m. weekdays
6 to 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday


Zesty Orange

8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday

Direct any questions to Dining Services.

ITS adjusts hours for May Term

Information Technology Services will operate the following hours during May Term:


Monday to Thursday: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Have tech questions? Check out the TechHub Knowledge Base for answers. Running into issues? Put in a ticket through the TechHub. Contact ITS with questions.

Business, financial aid offices to close for training

The Business and Financial Aid offices will be closed from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. May 1 for staff training.

Kaffee and Kuchen planned in May Term

Kaffee and Kuchen is a German ritual where friends and co-workers gather in the afternoon to enjoy coffee, cake, and socializing. Join the Wartburg community at 3 p.m. on Wednesdays in May Term for a break and connection on the campus mall. Coffee and treats will be provided by Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry!

Scripture study set on homosexuality

The “Clobber passages” refers to the six biblical texts commonly used to condemn homosexuality. But what do they really say? Join Chaplain Maggie in this Scripture study to dig into the history and context of these passages, challenging the idea that the bible condemns same-sex relationships. The group will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesdays in the Chapel Commons during May Term. Please note SLCM has made explicit commitments to care for the LGBTQ+ community and, as such, this will be an LGBTQ+ affirming space.

Mindfulness practices scheduled in Chapel garden

Take a break from your day to breathe and be present with a 15-minute mindfulness practice that will leave you feeling relaxed and re-energized. Chaplain Maggie will lead sessions in the Chapel gardens at 12:30 p.m. on Thursdays during May Term. No experience necessary!

Vogel Library publishes May newsletter

The latest edition of The Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes information on the Oxford University Press Read & Publish deal, the ELITE Cricut Workshop event series, a new online 3-D print order form, and May Term library hours.

Summer storage available at Diers House

If you need to store some of your belongings in Waverly over the summer, there is space available in the Diers House across from Neumann Auditorium. The only items that will be stored there are clean refrigerators, clean microwaves, and plastic totes and suitcases that contain your personal items. Each student can store up to four of those types of items for free. You can bring your items in the afternoon from May 22-25 and pick them up from Sept. 1-3. Any items left after Sept. 3 will be disposed of. If you need more space, there are multiple storage unit businesses in the area. For more information, contact Lindsay Bienemann in the Student Life Office.

Students: Change your mail forwarding before summer

The Mail Center will start forwarding student mail on May 27 to the address the college has on file for you. To change only your forwarding address for the summer or change the date to start forwarding, please complete this form. Permanent address changes should be filed with the Business Office. Please note most Amazon orders and package subscription services will not forward free of charge. Students who are registered to on-campus housing for the summer will not have their mail forwarded. If you wish to keep your mailbox open for the summer but are not registered for on-campus housing, or if you have other questions, please email mailroom@wartburg.edu.

Take care of your mental health

May is Mental Health Month. Here are five things you can do for your mental health this week:


1. Make a list of five things you’re grateful for today.
2. Practice positive affirmations.
3. Start a conversation about mental health.
4. Stay hydrated.
5. Take a break from screens.


For more information, please contact Counseling Services at 352-8596 or counseling@wartburg.edu.


Scholarships, grants, fellowships, positions — you name it, we've got it.


Research & Development Intern

Student Life and Alumni & Parent Engagement are hiring an intern for fall 2024 to enhance internship opportunities for Wartburg students in seven metro areas. Students can view the position description and apply on Handshake.
Deadline: May 15, with interviews conducted during May Term

Contact: jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu


On-Campus Employment

The following positions are available on campus. To apply, check out these positions and more on Handshake.


Summer 2024

Dining Services, Student Assistant for the Mensa / Den / Zesty Orange
Operations & Maintenance, Student Facilities Technician
The W, Lifeguard/Swim Instructor
The W, Childcare Attendant
Wartburg West, Social Media & Events Coordinator

2024-25 Academic Year

Career Services, Research & Development Student Intern
Dining Services, Student Manager for Special Events / Den / Mensa / Zesty Orange

2024 Summer Student Research Fellowship

Apply for up to $3,500 to cover supplies/equipment, travel costs, or a stipend while doing research this summer. Your research cannot count for credit, it must be supported by a faculty member, and it should be of high enough quality to be considered for publication or presentation.

Deadline: On a rolling basis beginning Monday, April 29
Contact: Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek, director of undergraduate research




Baseball vs. UW-Platteville

6 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field

Social Work Club Spring Event

7 p.m., Campus Mall

Come paint kindness rocks out in front of Old Main.



Kaffee & Kuchen

3 p.m., Campus Mall

Join Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry for coffee, cake, and conversations.

Softball vs. Luther

3 & 6 p.m, Lynes Field


8 p.m., Campus Mall

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Rain site: Chapel Commons.


Keep on Learning: American Women in Religion

9:30 a.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth Rooms

Mindfulness Meditation

12:30 p.m., Chapel Garden (Rain site: Lilly Reflection Room)


ITS/O&M Surplus Sale

1 to 4 p.m., Players Theatre

Buy our excess or outdated equipment, including twin bed frames, desks, dressers, wardrobes, chairs, other miscellaneous furniture, desktop computers, laptops, projectors, and bulk envelopes. Please note the computers will not have hard drives and will be sold as is with no support. They are not for use as Wartburg equipment. Cash will not be accepted; bring a check or your debit/credit card. You must haul your items away before the end of the sale, and Wartburg will not assist you. This sale will be offered to the public May 9-10.


Track & Field: Wartburg Triangular

All day, Walston-Hoover Stadium

Baseball vs. Simpson

3:30 & 6:30 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field


TriByKnight Triathlon

6 a.m., The W


8 a.m. to 4 p.m., various locations

Baseball vs. Simpson

1 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field


Northeast Iowa Synod Youth Pre-Gathering

1:30 to 5 p.m., Saemann Student Center



Cricut Workshop

1 p.m., Vogel Library

Join the ELITE Consultants in the Vogel Library for a one-hour informative workshop to learn the Cricut, a smart cutting machine you can use to personalize nearly anything. This workshop will be offered four times this week.



Cricut Workshop

3 p.m., Vogel Library



Cricut Workshop

7 p.m., Vogel Library



Cricut Workshop

8 p.m., Vogel Library



Krystal Colbert.

Speaker: Krystal Colbert, Iowa Teacher of the Year

10 a.m., McCaskey Lyceum

Krystal Colbert, Iowa's 2023 Teacher of the Year, will discuss GRACE, an acronym that describes her approach to teaching.


Promotions and new job titles
Jami Dare, executive chef, 4/1/24
Retirements and departures
Gary Zittergruen, adjunct professor of education, 4/19/24
Achievements and accomplishments
Kristin Teig Torres, director of student leadership, service and engagement, presented at the National Campus Compact Conference in Denver, Colo., on April 9 alongside two professionals from the University of Northern Iowa, Julianne Gassman and Kristina Kofoot. The trio presented “PROJECT HERE: A framework for implementing collective strategies and enhancing impact,” focused on a joint project with Wartburg College students living in The Residence and the Waverly Public Library.
Multiple employees or affiliates were recognized at the 2024 Iowa/Minnesota Campus Compact Awards, which took place on the Macalester College campus on April 19:
Presidents' Student Leadership Award: Bethany Christians
Civic Engagement Leadership Award: Krystal Madlock
Community Partner Award: The Larrabee Center
Engaged Campus Award for Emerging Innovation: Dr. Michael Bechtel, for his work with Ioponics
Kathleen Sihler, study away coordinator, was recognized by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for her service on selection panels for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.



Monday, April 29
Men's Golf: All day

Baseball: Depart at noon

Tuesday, April 30
Men's Golf: All day

Thursday, May 2
Track & Field: Depart at 1 p.m.

Friday, May 3
Track & Field: Home meet (10 a.m. field events, 11 a.m. running events)



ETK seeks event feedback

ETK needs your help! Fill out this survey to let them know what events you would like to see on campus.

Pre-Vet Club transitioning into Pre-Health Club.

Pre-Vet Club changing to Pre-Health Club 

The Wartburg Pre-Veterinary Club will transition into a Pre-Health Club for the next academic year. The club will be a great opportunity to learn about health careers, graduate school, and prerequisites. Watch for more information in the future.

Deadline nears for charges to student accounts

Charges to student tuition accounts for the 2023-24 academic year must be received by the Business Office no later than Friday, May 3. It is important to get any outstanding charges reflected as soon as possible, especially for graduates, as diplomas and transcripts will not be released until the student account is paid in full. Exceptions will be made for things like parking fees/fines and dorm checkout charges that are issued after the deadline. If you have any questions, please call the Business Office at 352-8411.

Student employment trivia answer revealed

Thank you to everyone that celebrated Student Employment Appreciation Week! The winner of the contest to guess how many students work on campus held during Friday’s Superheroes Unite event in the Mensa were Vanessa Nehmzow, guessing 753, and Ella Hayden, guessing 750. As of Friday morning, we have 771 students employed on campus via the student employment program.

A female student explains her poster during a presentation in Levick Arena.

RICE Day photos posted

Check out this gallery of pictures from RICE Day. Thanks again to everyone who presented, attended, and helped put on this great event.

Wartburg Alert test set May 2

The Wartburg Alert system will be tested at noon Thursday, May 2. To adjust your Wartburg Alert settings, visit the Info Center.

Submit event space requests for 2024-25

Now is the time to start thinking about and planning for events on campus for the 2024-25 academic year. Please submit space requests for all locations on campus, including venues like Neumann Auditorium and McCaskey Lyceum.


If the date or space you are requesting is unavailable, please contact Kayla Seppelt, events manager. Campus stakeholders will review your request and follow up with next steps.


For department admins and other Ad Astra users: Please log out of Ad Astra before using the form to submit requests. You may experience technical difficulties if you are logged in under specific admin credentials.

Performance appraisals due July 31

Performance appraisals and self-appraisals are due by July 31. Examples of completed forms can be found on the Info Center. Once appraisals are complete and signed by all parties, please drop these forms off at the Human Resources Office. Email hr@wartburg.edu with questions.


The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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