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The Juice - April 8

See what's happening on campus this week.

Monday, April 8, 2024



An orange T-shirt that says

Wartburg Store offers gear in temporary online shop

The Wartburg Store has teamed up with BSN to offer exclusive athletics merchandise from April 4-15. Items purchased on the Wartburg Shop will be mailed to you after the site closes April 15.

Destress at the library during Finals Week

Destress activities will be available at Vogel Library from Sunday, April 14, through Thursday, April 18. The activities will change throughout the week, so stop by whenever you need a break — watch for the snack basket too! Activities will begin at 7:30 a.m. each day and run until midnight on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, while Monday and Tuesday’s activities will continue until 1 a.m. the following day.

Wartburg College Fund the Fortress.

Applications open for crowdfunded projects

Applications are now open for Fund the Fortress crowdfunding campaigns to be held in Fall Term. Campaigns that have strong engagement via social media and email are generally the most successful. Using the energy and enthusiasm of your department representatives or students can also have a strong impact. Please review the requirements and your responsibilities before applying; applications are due July 15. For more information or to talk through an idea, contact Laurie Everhardt at 319-352-8513 or laurie.everhardt@wartburg.edu.

Student Employment Appreciation Week: April 7-13.

Thank a student employee this week

It’s Student Employment Appreciation Week, and the Student Employment Office is celebrating with several events. Gratitude Bingo, with cards for students and supervisors, as well as the Wall of Honor for those who go above and beyond will be happening all week. See the calendar section for other event details.

Music therapy group marks Enlightenment Week

The Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association presents Enlightenment Week 2024, a week dedicated to awareness and acceptance of neurodivergent communities. Various events will be held, including WSMTA merchandise sales in the FAC lobby on Tuesday and Wednesday. See the calendar section for other event details.

Vogel Library publishes April newsletter

The latest edition of The Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes information on the upcoming Citation Seminar event, destress activities in the library, a spotlight on the second-floor display for National Poetry Month, and finals week library hours.


Scholarships, grants, fellowships, positions — you name it, we've got it.

Gilman International Scholarships for Pell Grant Recipients 

Get help with the cost of an international May Term travel course or a semester abroad. Award amounts can be up to $5,000!

Contact: Kathleen Sihler, scholarship and fellowship adviser





10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Chaplain Maggie.


STAS Meeting & End of Year Celebration

4 to 5:30 p.m., Bremer Brewing Co.

STAS will have its final meeting/end of year celebration. Come and go as you please!


Citation Seminar

5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Library Classroom 2

Finals are quickly approaching, so drop in for librarian support in research, citing sources, and snacks.


Enlightenment Week: Sensory Crafts

7 to 8:30 p.m., McCoy Rooms

Make homemade stress balls, heating packs, and fidget toys.


Men's Tennis vs. Luther

4 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

St. George Quartet Concert

6 p.m. Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery


TriByKnight Student Swim Clinic

7 to 8 p.m., Schuldt Natatorium, The W

Work on your swimming for the TriByKnight or get tips to improve your swim workouts at this free clinic. Email heather.zajicek@wartburg.edu to sign up.

Attend an MA in Leadership webinar at www.wartburg.edu/leadership-masters.

M.A. in Leadership Webinar

7 p.m., virtual event

Learn more about the M.A. in Leadership program and graduate assistant positions. Email gradstudies@wartburg.edu with questions.



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Breakfast Club: Eid and spring holy days celebration.


Popcorn Goodie Bag Giveaway

1 p.m., Luther Hall second floor

As part of Student Employment Appreciation Week, get some snacks while supplies last.


Percussion Ensemble Concert

8:30 to 9:30 p.m., Band Hall, Bachman Fine Arts Center

The Wartburg Percussion Ensemble will present "World of Percussion" featuring instruments, styles, and musical compositions from across the globe.


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.



Wartburg College Research, Internship, and Creative Endeavor Day: Thursday, April 11.


8:30 a.m., Levick Arena

Join us for a kickoff event before a day full of presentations and other showcases. A special edition of Juice with more detailed information will be released later this week.

Guided Meditation

11:30 a.m., Lilly Reflection Room or Chapel Garden

New Faculty Workshop

11:30 a.m, Faculty Resource Room, Vogel Library

Second-Year Faculty Workshop

11:30 a.m, Faculty Resource Room, Vogel Library


Enlightenment Week: Self-Care Day

7:30 to 9 p.m., McCoy Rooms

Take care of yourself and join the Music Therapy Association in the McCoy Rooms.

Opening Reception: Wartburg Senior Art Exhibit 2024

7 to 8:30 p.m., Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery

This exhibition features work by Wartburg senior students Erin Buchheit Donati, Katie Heaverlo, Sam Lockhart, Lilly Meester, Milagros Toribio Porras, Jacy Werning, and Britta Williams. Browse the exhibition, hear remarks from the artists, sample refreshments, and enjoy conversation as we celebrate the accomplishments of these talented students. The exhibition will be on display through May 26.



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Senior message by Brooke Best.


Superheroes Unite

10:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Mensa

As part of Student Employment Appreciation Week, students and their supervisors are invited to share a celebratory superhero-themed meal. Students can use their meal plans, while faculty and staff will need to pay $9.25.

Attend an MA in Leadership webinar at www.wartburg.edu/leadership-masters.

M.A. in Leadership Webinar

Learn more about the M.A. in Leadership program and graduate assistant positions. Email gradstudies@wartburg.edu with questions.

Baseball vs. Luther

6 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field


Enlightenment Week: Live Band Karaoke

7:30 p.m., Cardinal Commons

Participate in some music-making. Snacks will be provided.

Festeburg Spring Concert

7:30 p.m., Wartburg Chapel


Women's Tennis vs. Iowa Central

9 a.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Women's Tennis vs. UW-River Falls

10 a.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Softball vs. Simpson

1 & 4 p.m., Lynes Field

Baseball vs. Luther

1 & 4 p.m, Harms Stadium at Hertel Field

Castle Singers & Kammerstreicher Spring Concert

2 p.m., Wartburg Chapel

Women's Tennis vs. UW-Eau Claire

3 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

An AI-generated image of dancers.

Wartburg Community Symphony: Dance of Life

7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

This concert will take the audience on a sonic journey that explores dance in a variety of cultures and time periods. The program also will feature alto saxophonist Abby Gaul and soprano Georgia LaBounty, winners of the student concerto/aria competition.


Wind Ensemble Spring Concert

2 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

Wartburg Choir Spring Concert

4 p.m., Wartburg Chapel

Knightliters Spring Concert

7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum

Canoe Battleship

7 p.m., Schuldt Natatorium, The W

Sign up your team of four now for Canoe Battleship in the pool at The W. There will be a maximum of 12 teams on a first-come, first-served basis. If your team signs up after the limit has been reached, you will be notified and are still welcome to come watch. This event is hosted by The W and its lifeguards.


Achievements and accomplishments
Wartburg students Erin Buchheit Donati, Milagros Toribio Porras, and Sophia Broers have received notification of acceptance for graphic design work in the Art Directors Association of Iowa’s 66th annual Design Exhibition. Their work will be featured on April 19 at Curate, 322 E. Court Ave., Des Moines. The exhibition is an opportunity for Iowans to establish themselves as industry professionals, talented designers, and artists. Students were encouraged and assisted with submissions by Marwa Elkashif, assistant professor of art.
A table with a Wartburg College tablecloth, on which sit several plates with Candied Bacon BLTs.
Jami Dare, food production manager, recently competed in the 10th annual Chefs Take a Stand fundraiser. The event featured food from chefs around the Cedar Valley to benefit Friends of the Family programs dedicated to helping those in crisis due to domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and homelessness. Dare won the competition with her Candied Bacon BLT on Toasted Rosemary Focaccia — the second year in a row she’s taken home the title.



Our sympathies to the family of Dr. Franklin Williams, a former music professor, who died Oct. 10. During his 29-year tenure here, he was conductor of the Wartburg Community Symphony and director of Castle Singers. He was also the chair of the Department of Music for 14 years, interim dean of the faculty for a year, and taught music and humanities courses. He is survived by his wife, Lynne, and their children, Michael and Tara. Memorials may be directed to the Frank Williams Family Scholarship Fund.



Tuesday, April 9
Softball: Depart at 9 a.m.

Baseball: Depart at 10 a.m.

Friday, April 12
Track at UW-Platteville: All day

Track at Mt. Mercy: Depart at 2 p.m.

Men's Tennis: Depart at noon

Monday, April 15
Men's Golf: All day



Revived Wartburg Democrats club seeks members

The Wartburg Democrats are back and working on plans for the future. If you are interested in joining or learning more, email nate.thorp@wartburg.edu or justin.schedtler@wartburg.edu.

Volunteers needed for study breakfast

Late Knight Study Breakfast is coming up on Monday, April 15, from 10 to 11 p.m., and faculty and staff volunteers are needed. Sign up to be a server by emailing Chris Fosselman.

Employee benefits information moved to My.Wartburg

The employee benefits webpages have been relocated to My.Wartburg as part of the overall migration from InfoCenter. These pages can be accessed from the Current Employee Information section at www.wartburg.edu/hr. You must log in with your Wartburg credentials to access this information. Email hr@wartburg.edu with questions.

Achievements and accomplishments

A team of Wartburg College faculty and staff attended the National Conference of the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE) in Atlanta from March 20-23. Greg Kneser, vice president and dean of students; the Rev. Maggie Falenschek, dean of spiritual life and Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair; Dr. Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler, associate professor of religion; Amy Tucker, director for career and alumni engagement; and Dr. Caryn Riswold, the Mike & Marge McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission, attended plenary, workshop, and small-group sessions around the theme of Vocation for the Life of the World.


The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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