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The Juice - Nov. 6

See what's happening on campus this week.

Monday, Nov. 6, 2023




La Sagrada Familia

Grandeur of Greece

Rounding New Corners

Photo contest winners selected

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Study Away Photo Contest!

First place and online popular vote: Brooke Best, La Sagrada Familia
Second place: Annette Backer, Grandeur of Greece
Third place: Megan McGuigan, Rounding New Corners

Decorate a tree for Festival of Trees

The annual Wartburg-Waverly Festival of Trees will brighten the halls of the Classroom Technology Center from Nov. 29 through Dec. 12. If your office, academic department, or group/organization would like to provide and decorate a Christmas tree to display, please sign up by Friday, Nov. 17. There is no entry fee or admission charge. Email Beth Sinnwell at beth.sinnwell@wartburg.edu with questions.

Annual dining survey coming soon

The annual Dining Services customer satisfaction survey will be conducted over the next two weeks. All Wartburg faculty, staff, and students will receive an email with the survey link and a unique identifier code. If you have questions or do not receive the email by the end of today, please contact the Dining Services Office at ext. 8604.

United Way seeks donations through payroll deduction

The United Way needs your help to support our community. As shared at the recent Presidential Forum, the need in our community is great, with 1 in 4 individuals struggling to meet their minimum household survival budget. Benefits-eligible employees can support the United Way through a payroll deduction during open enrollment. Donations can also be made online; through Venmo @WSRUnitedway; and by mail to P.O. Box 271, Waverly, IA 50677.

McElroy, Rotary scholarship candidates sought

Please consider anticipated December 2023/May 2024 graduates in your area who may be eligible for two significant awards: a $36,000 McElroy Fellowship for a graduate starting a Ph.D. in fall 2024 and a $30,000 Rotary Global Scholarship for graduate study abroad in fall 2024 in one of seven global areas of focus. Send questions and nominations before month’s end to kathleen.sihler@wartburg.edu.

On-campus positions available for student employees

There are open student employment positions across campus, including these jobs:

Knightcaller, Alumni & Parent Engagement
Support annual giving campaigns and fundraising initiatives while using calling software to connect and nurture donor relations with alumni, parents, and friends. Students will work in a fast-paced, goal-oriented, and team environment.

Videographer, Marketing & Communications
Shoot and edit footage at various Wartburg events for marketing videos. Fine-tune your skills as you gain experience in various aspects of video production from storyboarding to writing scripts, shooting footage, recording audio, and editing video.

To apply, check out these positions and more on Handshake.

Vogel Library publishes November newsletter

The latest edition of the Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes the exciting news that the first-floor booths have arrived, a spotlight on the graphic novels collection, building hours around Thanksgiving, information about the TRAC service, and an upcoming event called Cookies with the Cast with the Wartburg Community Symphony and Waverly Public Library.





10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Alex Buchheim '21, assistant director of alumni/parent relations.

Faculty STAS Meeting

4 p.m., Faculty Resource Room, Vogel Library

Drum Circle

7 p.m., Orchestra Hall

Make some music with percussive instruments. This is part of Music Therapy Awareness Week.



MCSP Department Seminar: Abstract Algebra

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Science Center

The featured speaker will be Blake Mattson, a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Iowa. He will introduce ring theory and discuss so-called idempotent and triempotent numbers in his presentation, "Idempotents and Triempotents in Z_n." Refreshments will be provided, and this event is open to anyone. Email ben.bousquet@wartburg.edu with questions.

Instrument Petting Zoo

2 to 4 p.m., Bachman Fine Arts Center Lobby

See and play some of the instruments used in music therapy every day. This event is part of Music Therapy Awareness Week.


PRSSA: Darrin Siefken

6:30 to 7:30 p.m., McElroy Center 225

Darrin Siefken, owner of CrawDaddy Outdoors, will speak. Contact Isabella DeVenuto with questions at isabella.devenuto@wartburg.edu.


Life as a Designer Q&A with Mike Tyer

6:30 to 7:15 p.m., Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery

Mike Tyer ’03, the college’s graphic designer, will share examples from his portfolio and talk about client work and agency life, personal projects, production processes, and more. This informal presentation will offer students a glimpse into the life of a professional graphic designer and the chance to ask questions about the field.



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Service with Holy Communion.

Music Therapy Crafts

1 to 3 p.m., McCoy Rooms

Come make tambourines, egg shakers, and ribbon wands. This event is part of Music Therapy Awareness Week.


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.


Purchasing & Expense Management Policy Forum

8 to 9 a.m., virtual event

Keep on Learning: A Look Into 'Grimms' Fairy Tales'

9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth rooms

Department Chair Meeting

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., McCoy East

Kleinfeld Lecture in German History, Culture, and Politics

4:45 p.m., Whitehouse Business Center 214 (Buckmaster)

Dr. Daniel Carranza, assistant professor of Germanic languages and literatures at Harvard University, will present "Margaret Fuller: A Wild Life in German Letters."


Diwali Dinner 

5 to 7 p.m., Mensa

Come celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, in collaboration with the Asian Student Association. Chicken shawarma, coconut rice, vegan jackfruit korma, a curry option, naan bread, and samosas will be served during dinner.

Jam Session

7 to 8 p.m., Chapel Commons

Sing and play along to popular songs. This event is part of Music Therapy Awareness Week.



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Veterans Day message by Matthew Tudor.

Bach's Lunch

Noon, Wartburg Chapel & Chapel Commons

Purchasing & Expense Management Policy Forum

2:30 to 3:30 p.m., virtual event


Diwali Celebration

6 p.m, Cardinal Commons

Join the ASA for food, Diya and Rangoli painting, and South Asian music.

Demo Night

7 to 9 p.m., Chapel Commons

Watch demonstrations of music therapy. Snacks will be provided. Music majors can receive recital credit for attending. This event is part of Music Therapy Awareness Week.


Wartburg Players: ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’

7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum

Enjoy this classic story about how being a part of a large and unique family can be hilarious and tough. Tickets are $10 at the door or free with Wartburg student ID.


Meistersinger Scholarship Auditions

8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Levick Arena

Men's Basketball vs. Macalester

2 p.m., Levick Arena


Wartburg Players: ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’

7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum

Enjoy this classic story about how being a part of a large and unique family can be hilarious and tough. Tickets are $10 at the door or free with Wartburg student ID.


Knightliters Fall Concert

7:30 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum


Purchasing & Expense Management Policy Forum

9 to 10 a.m., Human Performance Lab (Room 2006), The W


Self-Defense Class, Part I

6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Walker Wrestling Room, The W

This course was developed for women and will be taught in two two-hour sessions. Learn simple, effective skills that may help you prevent or survive an assault. Participants age 16 and older will learn awareness, assertiveness, safety strategies, and how to use simple, effective techniques on vulnerable areas of the body. Cost is $25; register by Nov. 9. Wear comfortable clothes and socks, as no shoes are allowed on the mats.


Purchasing & Expense Management Policy Forum

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Whitehouse Business Center 214 (Buckmaster)


City of Waverly Equity and Diversity Commission

5:45 to 7:30 p.m., Heritage Room

The commission extends an invitation to students, staff, and faculty to join its monthly meeting to learn more about how this group serves the community. There will be a short survey available soon to share your thoughts on how the commission may better help you.


Info Session: Fulbright U.S. Student Program

4 to 5:15 p.m., virtual event

Learn more about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, which includes a year abroad studying, researching, or serving as an English teaching assistant in one of over 140 countries. U.S. students of all academic backgrounds are welcome. Email kathleen.sihler@wartburg.edu with questions.

Knights to Know: Spotlight on Service

7 p.m., virtual event

Hear from Alexis Oberdorfer, vice president of community engagement and partnerships at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota; Liza Gashi, deputy minister of foreign affairs and diaspora for the republic of Kosova; and the Rev. Emily Harkins Norris about their work advocating for those in need. RSVP to receive the link.



Blood Drive

2 to 5 p.m., Cardinal Commons

Tri-Beta invites everyone to donate through the LifeServe Blood Center. Sign up for a time to donate in advance. Email tri-beta@wartburg.edu or raegen.matthews@wartburg.edu with questions.



Self-Defense Class, Part II

6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Walker Wrestling Room, The W

Wear comfortable clothes and socks, as no shoes are allowed on the mats.


New arrivals
Mary Schultz, institutional research data analyst, 11/6/23
Retirements and departures
Elisa Holmes, administrative assistant to VP for student life, 10/27/23
Viktor Jovanovic, IT business analyst, 11/2/23
Nate Laun, IT infrastructure specialist, 11/3/23
Achievements and accomplishments

Mathematics faculty Dr. Cris Allen, Dr. Joy Becker, Dr. Brian Birgen, and Dr. Mariah Birgen participated in the Mathematical Association of America Iowa Section fall meeting at Simpson College Oct. 27-28. Mariah Birgen presented “Modeling Life, a Calculus Course,” and Allen presented “Using R in an Elementary Statistics Course.” Becker was elected vice chair-elect for the Iowa Section. Next fall’s meeting will be hosted by Wartburg.

Our condolences

Kristin Teig Torres, director of student leadership, service and engagement, is mourning the death of her father, Nick Teig, on Oct. 29. Our thoughts are with Kristin and her family. A funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 10, at First United Methodist Church in Cedar Falls with visitation the day prior. See the obituary.



Wednesday, Nov. 8

Men's Wrestling: 11 a.m. departure
Women's JV Basketball: 3 p.m. departure

Thursday, Nov. 9
Women's Basketball: 3:30 p.m. departure

Friday, Nov. 10
Women's Basketball: All Day



Christmas with Wartburg ticket sales begin Wednesday

Tickets for Christmas with Wartburg 2023, Emmanuel: God with Us, go on sale on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Performances are:


7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1, Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines.
3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, Neumann Auditorium.
7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, Neumann Auditorium.
3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, Neumann Auditorium.


A reception is planned for 6 p.m. Dec. 1 at the Lutheran Church of Hope, and a public buffet will be available at 5 p.m. Dec. 2-3 in the Knights Ballroom. Tickets are available separately for these meal options. Reception and buffet guests will hear from Dr. Lee Nelson, the Christmas with Wartburg artistic director, and guest speakers.

Faculty, staff invited to CWW filming

Due to an oversight, faculty and staff were not given early access to Christmas with Wartburg tickets this year. The college sincerely apologizes for this error. Starting next year, all faculty, staff, and retirees will be considered president’s guests and given a two-week window to purchase tickets prior to public sale. Notifications will be sent via email.


Employees are welcome to attend the filming of Christmas with Wartburg at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29, in Neumann Auditorium. This is invitation-only and not open to the public, but you are welcome to bring a guest. No tickets are needed; please bring your Wartburg ID to the door. Please be courteous audience members during the taping!

Christmas with Wartburg ushers needed

Eight to 10 ushers are needed for each Waverly performance of Christmas with Wartburg. Volunteers will receive a complimentary ticket to the performance they work. Sarah Bouska will reach out to finalize scheduling around Nov. 14.

English-language STEM internships available in Germany

The RISE Germany summer internship program is available for students in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and engineering to work with research groups at universities and top research institutions across Germany for three months. RISE Germany interns are matched with English-speaking doctoral students whom they assist and who serve as their mentors. All scholarship holders receive stipends to help cover living expenses, while partner universities and research institutes provide housing assistance. Further assistance might be available from the Wartburg College German Institute. Applications are open now and due by Nov. 30. Contact Dr. Daniel Walther with questions.

Grover named finalist for Campbell Trophy

Owen Grover was named a finalist for the National Football Foundation's 2023 William V. Campbell Trophy, college football’s premier scholar-athlete award that annually recognizes an individual as the absolute best in the nation for his combined academic success, football performance, and exemplary leadership. Grover, the first finalist from Wartburg, will receive an $18,000 postgraduate scholarship. The winner will be named Dec. 5 in Las Vegas.

German study opportunity available

The Fee University Berlin European Studies Program is an intensive semesterlong program that introduces participants to Berlin, Germany, and Europe. No prior German language knowledge is required; intensive language instruction will be offered along with courses in cultural studies, art history, comparative literature, the European Union, German history, German and European politics, sociology/psychology, film studies, legal studies, architecture, environmental studies, transatlantic relations, business, music history, and philosophy. Past participants in this program have received funding through the German Institute. Contact Kathleen Sihler, study away coordinator, or Dr. Daniel Walther, director of the German Institute, with questions.


The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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