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The Juice — Sept. 14, 2015


Homecoming Court — Congratulations to the 2015 Homecoming Court. Voting will be Monday, Sept. 28 through Wednesday, Sept. 30. Coronation of the King and Queen will follow Kastle Kapers Thursday, Oct. 1. 

King candidates

  • Robert Anstoetter
  • Tyler Gosnell
  • Sean Lancaster
  • Avery Mason
  • Andrew Tubbs

Queen candidates 

  • Bobbie Burrows
  • Libby DeJardin
  • Kalyn Ertz
  • Carly Sis
  • Angela Zook

WartburgAlert test — The college's emergency notification system, WartburgAlert, will be tested Thursday, Sept. 17, around noon. The campus community is encouraged to register by clicking here. WartburgAlert is tested at least once per term. The system allows up to two numbers for text notifications and four numbers for voice messages; text notification is encouraged. For assistance registering, visit the Security Office Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Contact campus.security@wartburg.edu with questions or to verify previous registrations.

Survey results available — Did you know nearly 90 percent of Wartburg alumni say they would re-enroll? Or that Wartburg faculty members are far more likely than faculty at peer institutions to meet with their advisees informally rather than on a scheduled basis? Such insights were learned through the 2013 Wartburg Alumni Survey, 2014 Triennial Faculty Survey, and Advising Module for the Triennial Faculty Survey. Summaries of these surveys are available for review under "Institutional Research Reports" on the InfoCenter.

AAUP fall dinner
 — The American Association of University Professors fall dinner is Friday, Sept. 18, 6 p.m., in the Castle Room in Saemann Student Center. Faculty and their spouse or partner are invited to hear Dr. Brian Ernsting, dean of the faculty, present Wartburg’s 2016-17 Reaffirmation of Accreditation: Continuity and Change. Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 16, to Warren Zemke, chemistry professor emeritus, at warren.zemke@wartburg.edu or 352-2482.

Scholarship Day volunteering
— Volunteers are needed to assist with interviews on Scholarship Days being held Sundays, Nov. 15, Jan. 17, and Feb. 21. Volunteers will attend a brief session at 11:45 a.m. and a luncheon at 12:15 p.m., with interviews following until about 4:45 p.m. Click here to register. For more information, contact Mallory Luensmann, assistant director of admissions, at mallory.luensmann@wartburg.edu or ext. 8686.

Phil & Lit
 — Drs. Kathryn Kleinhans, professor of religion; Kim Eversman, assistant professor of education; and Lizbeth Gehring, assistant professor of English education, will present A Little Knight Reading: Why You Should Care What the Class of 2019 is Reading (The Other Wes Moore) for the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society Friday, Sept. 18, 4 p.m., in McCoy West of Saemann Student Center. The society meets most Friday afternoons during the academic year for presentations by a colleague in an informal, convivial setting. Beverages and snacks are available. To be sent speaker and topic updates, email Dr. Fred Waldstein, professor of political science, at fred.waldstein@wartburg.edu

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday
 — God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday begins with a worship service Sept. 27, 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel. The service includes Holy Communion and music led by summer camp staff members. Service projects begin at 11 a.m., and lunch will be provided. Register for a service project outside Mensa during lunch and dinner today, Sept. 14, or dinner Thursday, Sept. 17. For more information, or to register by email, contact Anna Askegaard ’17 at anna.askegaard@wartburg.edu

Sunday offerings 
— Fall Term Sunday offerings will be donated to the ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis. Please pray for the individuals, families, and children who are refugees and migrants fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Europe. Donations also are accepted online or in the Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry Office.

Ren Faire registration
 — Registration for the Renaissance Faire ends Thursday, Sept. 17. Click here to reserve a booth. If your campus organization needs a cash bag, contact Sherri Mennenga, financial services coordinator, at 352-8411 or stop by the Business Office before noon Wednesday, Sept. 23. All student organizations must have a form, available in the Business Office, signed by their adviser. Bags can be picked up Friday, Oct. 2. 

Back-to-school sale
— The Wartburg Store will have a back-to-school sale with items 40-60 percent off Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 16-17, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., in the McCoy rooms of Saemann Student Center. Click here for more information.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Choir releases album — The Wartburg Choir's new recording, "Alleluia!," features works by classic composers such as Bach and Rachmaninoff, as well as up-and-coming composers Jake Runestad and Ēriks Ešenvalds. You can purchase the recording through iTunes, Amazon, or at www.wartburg.edu/recordings. To order a CD, contact Stephanie Klemetson, music tour, camp, and promotion manager, at stephanie.klemetson@wartburg.edu or pick one up at The Wartburg Store.

Homecoming decoration contest 
— Campus offices are challenged to show their pride during Homecoming through a decorating contest using the Home for the Knight theme. To enter, email homecoming@wartburg.edu by Wednesday, Sept. 23. Judging will take place Friday, Sept. 25. The traveling trophy will be awarded the Monday after Homecoming.

Posting policy reminder
— All posters displayed on campus must meet several requirements regarding content, timing, and placement. Posters not in compliance are subject to removal. Click here to brush up on the posting policy.

Athletics pavilion coming
— Thanks to generous donations, construction has begun on the Outdoor Athletics Pavilion on the northwest side of campus. The multipurpose building will feature a concessions stand and restrooms that are easily accessible from new sidewalks throughout the complex. Construction will be complete later this fall.

Hot off the press
 — The latest issue of Wartburg Magazine arrived in mailboxes recently, but you also can read and share the magazine online. Click here to see a PDF version of the summer issue, including online-only extras.

Vocal Point concert
— Experience a thrilling showcase of harmony, humor, and vocal percussion with Brigham Young University’s nine-man a cappella group, Vocal Point, Friday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. Their family-friendly show was a finalist on NBC’s The Sing-Off. Wartburg’s own male a cappella group, Festeburg, also will perform. Purchase tickets online or call the ticket office at 352-8691.

Best Dam Run
— The W is sponsoring the Best Dam Run to Prevent Child Abuse Saturday, Sept. 26. Hosted by the Waverly Exchange Club, this year's event includes a half marathon in addition to the 5K walk/run. The half marathon begins at 8 a.m. and the 5K begins at 9 a.m. at the Waverly Civic Center. Click here for more information and to register.

Wartburg Women to meet 
— Wartburg Women will hold its annual fall brunch Saturday, Sept. 19, 9:30 a.m., in the Castle Room in Saemann Student Center. Anne Duncan, sustainability coordinator, will present. Click here to read more.

Ceramic art exhibit
 — Iowa City ceramic artist Eliza Au uses geometry to explore mankind’s place in the cycle of life in the first exhibit of the 2015-16 season in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Frame of Reference runs through Sunday, Oct. 25. Click here to read more.

Missing a cardigan? — 
A light green, cardigan-style jacket was found in the ballrooms after the faculty/staff roundtable discussions Tuesday, Sept. 1. To claim it, visit the President's Office by Sept. 18. Afterward, it will be in the lost and found in the Campus Security Office.

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