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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - April 4

See what's happening on campus this week.

April 4, 2022

Study Knight Breakfast volunteers needed
Wartburg faculty and staff are invited to help serve at Study Knight Breakfast on Monday, April 18. Breakfast is served from 10-11 p.m. with volunteers reporting to Mensa by 9:40 p.m. Sign up to be a server by contacting Chris Fosselman at chris.fosselman@wartburg.edu or 319-352-8303.
Art students showcase their work in Senior Exhibit 2022

Eleven senior Wartburg students will present their culminating art projects in a group exhibition from April 12 to May 29 in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Senior Exhibit 2022 will feature artworks by Wartburg fourth-years Lura Ajdini, Briana Borchert, Olivia Christianson, Kate Duncan, Somchit Kittisak, Amber Martenson, Kendall Mayne, Moriah Morter, Alissa Neubauer, Fladi Ribero Mendes Mota and Brianna Whitney. A public opening reception will be held from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, April 12.


Artwork by Briana Borchert '22

Donate old T-shirts at Trash to Treasure

Join Students UKnight for Trash to Treasure from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 14, in the Student Center. Bring an old college T-shirt to donate to Trinkets and Togs. Students who make a donation will receive a new limited-edition Wartburg shirt. Email StudentsUKnight@wartburg.edu with questions.

Celebrate student workers this week

It’s Student Employment Appreciation Week, which is designated to recognize and show appreciation for the invaluable service of our student employees and their supervisors. Thank you for all that you do! The Student Employment Office will host the following events:

The Student Employment Hall of Fame will be up in the second floor of Luther Hall. Stop by to find your name on the banner and take the daily hidden pictures challenge.
Browse the On-Campus Employers' Showcase in the west hallway outside the Mensa on the second floor of the Student Center. Posters will highlight the work student employees do.
Each day, one supervisor and two student employee names will be randomly drawn to win gift cards to local ice cream and sweet treat shops.
Score an ice cream sandwich while supplies last at the Grab & Go Ice Cream Social at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 7, on the second floor of Luther Hall.
Connect with Vogel Library this week
It’s National Library Week, and this year’s theme is “Connect With Your Library.” Vogel Library staff will be tabling in the Student Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. today to answer questions about the library. Come ready to complete the sentence “Vogel library connects me to …” to earn some swag. The staff at Vogel Library encourages all community members to visit the library this week to explore our resources and services.
Magnetism, superconductivity focus of MCSP seminar
The final Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar of the year will be at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 5, in room 134 of the Science Center. The featured speaker will be Dr. Khusboo Rana ’14, a postdoctoral researcher at Ames Laboratory on the Iowa State University campus. He will present virtually about his research, “Symmetry, Magnetism and Superconductivity in Sulfur-Doped FeSe Under Pressure.” All are welcome to attend; masks are required.
Music therapy group marks Enlightenment Week

The Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association presents Enlightenment Week 2022, a week dedicated to acceptance of neurodivergent communities. Donations of unopened children’s toys or gifts (value under $10) can be made in the Admissions Office to be given to the Down Syndrome Association of North Central Iowa.


The week’s full schedule:

Today: Social Media Push Day.
Tuesday, April 5: Autism Acceptance Day. Make sensory crafts in the McCoy Rooms.
Wednesday, April 6: Down Syndrome Acceptance Day. Wear striped or crazy socks to celebrate.
Thursday, April 7: Mental Health Acceptance Day. Self-Care Night will be held from 7-9 p.m. in the Cardinal Commons classrooms.
Friday, April 8: Learning Disabilities Acceptance Day. Participate in Karaoke Night in Cardinal Commons from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Freewill donations will support the National Center for Learning Disabilities.
Provide feedback about EARTH club
If you’re passionate about sustainability both on and off Wartburg's campus, the Sustainability Office invites you to complete a survey to curate an EARTH club that fits your needs. Responses will be taken into consideration for an upcoming event or activity. Email raegen.matthews@wartburg.edu or sustainability@wartburg.edu with questions.
Mail Center sets hours for finals, Easter, and Tour Week
The Mail Center will be open normal hours, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., during the last week of classes and finals week. There will be no mail service Friday, April 15, and Monday, April 18, due to Easter. Tour Week hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Normal hours will resume for May Term. Please email mailroom@wartburg.edu with questions.
Entrepreneur, veterinary student organizations established
Student Senate and the Student Success Center recently approved two new student organizations. The Social Entrepreneurship Club is focused on sharing ideas, networking with other entrepreneurs, and collaborating on resources. Email guli.ruzadorova@wartburg.edu for more information. The Pre-Vet Club is for students who want to learn more about veterinary careers and prepare for further education in the field. Email genoa.gregg@wartburg.edu for more information.


Weekday Chapel services

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Mondays will feature faculty and staff faith stories and blessings, Wednesdays will be a morning prayer service, and Fridays will have Senior Chapels. Interfaith chapels will be held the last week each month.


Upcoming speakers:

Monday, April 4: Dr. Brian Birgen
Wednesday, April 6: Lent Through the Senses: Taste with Holy Communion
Friday, April 8: ChyAnne Slick, Senior Chapel


Over the next five weeks, Wednesday Chapel services will be focused on the season of Lent, the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. The theme is "The Senses of Lent," and each week will examine Scripture through a focus on touch, sound, smell, sight, and taste.

Sanctuary on Wednesdays

Sanctuary is a casual service that takes place Wednesday nights. All are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Service begins at 9 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (basement), with snacks served beforehand at 8:45.


Pinnacle Pin and Tonic
April 4

MBK Literary Symposium:
Allegory of an Academic Immigrant

April 5

Knightliters Spring Concert
April 6

International Table Tennis Day Tournament
April 6

Keep on Learning:
Data-Driven Decision Making

April 7

Service Trips Dinner Dash
April 7

Game Knights
April 7

Social Work Mock Interview Day
April 8

Bach's Lunch
April 8

Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher Cantata
April 9

Service Trips Parents Night Out
April 9

Wartburg Community Symphony
April 9

Wartburg Dance Team Tryouts
April 10

Wind Ensemble Home Concert
April 10

Wartburg Choir Home Concert
April 10


Women's Golf
Monday, April 4, and Tuesday, April 5, to William Penn Invitational


New arrivals
Bambi Teska, cleaning staff, 2/9/2022
Blake Morris, temporary desktop services assistant, 2/28/2022
Jeff Johnson, director of institutional research, 3/1/2022
Cindy Bond, print center operator, 3/2/2022
Promotions and new job titles
Michelle Sager, Dining Services Den supervisor, 2/7/2022
Shad Paxton, Dining Services assistant service manager, 2/7/2022
Tim Greenwald, IT director of desktop services, 3/1/2022
Brandon Everding, Den retail associate lead, 3/1/2022
Retirements and departures
Crystal Menter, cleaning staff, 2/4/2022
Patrick Lashbrook, plumber, 2/9/2022
Shae Kerns, retail associate, 3/2/2022
Dan Kittle, vice president for student life and dean of students, 3/3/2022
Group attends NetVUE conference
A team from Wartburg attended the 2022 National Conference of the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education in Dallas from March 24-26. Representing the college were Darrel Colson, president; Debora Johnson-Ross, vice president for academic affairs; Veronica Reece, assistant director of advising, vocation, mentoring, and careers; Kristin Teig-Torres, director of community engagement; Eric Emmons, assistant professor of biology; and Caryn Riswold, professor of religion and the Mike and Marge McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission. They attended NetVUE sessions on topics related to vocation, advising, experiential learning, pedagogy, and mission. They also participated in the preconference meeting of representatives from the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities.


Dr. Rebecca Neiduski announced as Wartburg's 18th president

Please help us welcome Wartburg’s 18th president: Dr. Rebecca Neiduski (nuh-DUH-ski).


Dr. Neiduski, dean of the School of Health Sciences at Elon University in Elon, N.C., was unanimously selected by the Presidential Search Committee and the Board of Regents.


She and her husband, Mike, have three dogs: Mack, Kohl and Plexi.


Welcome to Wartburg, Dr. Neiduski! Learn more about our next president.

Thank you for being UKnighted!

More than 1,525 donors raised at least $156,000 for the Annual Fund on UKnight Day! Final totals will be announced soon.


Thank you so much to everyone who donated, shared their stories and took part in our daylong celebration of Wartburg. It was amazing to see the community come together to participate, provide, and promote.


Congratulations to Courtney Matthews, who won a reserved parking spot of her choice through May Term, and Maia Augustine, who won free parking registration for 2022-23.

Submit your work to The Castle

The Castle is accepting student work for their Winter 2022 edition. Photography, graphics, artwork, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction pieces will all be accepted. The deadline for submission is April 20. Please email katie.claman@wartburg.edu with questions.

MBK Symposium scheduled

Dr. Laura Rendón, professor emerita at the University of Texas-San Antonio, will be the featured speaker April 5 at the annual Michaelson, Briner & Kildahl Literary Symposium.

Rendón’s virtual presentation, “Allegory of an Academic Immigrant: Crossing Borders to Find Authentic Presence in Higher Education,” will begin at 11:30 a.m.

Using art and poetry, Rendón will chart her personal and academic development navigating geographical, social, cultural, and academic borders. She also will review what she perceives to be newly emerging challenges as higher education and our society grapple with individual and collective trauma and the need for a justice- and equity-based vision of education.

Dr. Laura Rendón

Resources available from development session

Thank you to everyone who attended "Fostering Student Success: Working With Validation, Student Assets & Sentipensante Pedagogy," the professional development workshop recently facilitated by Dr. Laura Rendón. A recording of the session (passcode: Qr*m8&7c) is now available for reference and for those who were unable to attend. The Okanagan Charter discussed by Rendón is also available for reference.

Service trip students offer baby-sitting

Service Trips will offer baby-sitting services from 6 to 9 p.m. April 9 at the W. Students going on service trips will watch your children so you can enjoy an evening out. There’s no set cost; suggested donations are $25 for the first child and $10 for each additional child.

Leadership and service award nominations open

Leadership and service award nomination forms are available and due by Friday, April 8. Nominate someone you know for one or more of the following awards:
Nobility Award
Debbie Heida Award
Outstanding Organization
Outstanding International Senior
Dell Awards for Peace and Justice
Peacemaker Award
Outstanding Organization Service Award
Outstanding Organization Adviser Award
The awards ceremony and National Society of Leadership & Success inductions will be Tuesday, May 24, in the Chapel. Send questions to lindsey.leonard@wartburg.edu.

Ramadan begins April 2

The holy month of Ramadan begins Saturday, April 2, in the Muslim faith. Practicing Muslims will fast from dawn to dusk, or approximately 6 a.m to 8 p.m. each day. Many will also run on little sleep, with daily prayers lasting well into the night and early rising to eat before the sun appears.


Because of this, Muslim students may be tired, hungry and dehydrated in your classes or at work studies, especially in the late afternoon.


Ramadan continues through May 2, with Eid al-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast, held May 3.

Summer research fellowships available

Returning students from any department are eligible to apply for research funding of up to $3,500 per student for stipends, supplies, equipment, and travel. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting Monday, April 18. Applications require authorship by the proposing student and an e-letter of support by the sponsoring faculty member. Research conducted in credit courses is not eligible for funding. Contact Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek, director of undergraduate research, with any questions.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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