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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Dec. 6

Master's discount, Mail Center update, holiday baked goods 🍞

Dec. 6, 2021

December Commencement on Sunday

The 2021 December Commencement will honor mid-year graduates on Sunday, Dec. 12, at 10:30 a.m. inside the Wartburg Chapel with a reception for graduates and their guests to follow in the Bachman Fine Arts Center foyer. The Rev. Dr. Brian Beckstrom, dean of spiritual life and the Herbert and Cora Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair, will give the message.

Wartburg Medals will be presented to Dr. Ann Henninger, professor emeritus of biology, and Shirley Walker, long-time donor and volunteer. Click here to read more about Ann and Shirley. Watch the ceremony on Knight Vision and join us in celebrating our graduates and medal recipients.


Christmas mini-opera on Saturday

The Wartburg Community Symphony will once again partner with the Wartburg Opera Workshop and outstanding soloists to present Gian Carlo Menotti’s classic Christmas mini-opera, "Amahl and the Night Visitors." The performance is  Saturday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium and captures the spirit of the Christmas season through the telling of the beloved story of the Three Kings. This family-friendly concert will include interactive elements for children of all ages and feature familiar Christmas classics. Admission is $17 for adults and free for youth 18 and younger and Wartburg College students.

TEDx event speakers needed

TEDxWartburgCollege 2022 is happening, but it needs speakers! The application deadline has been extended to Monday, Dec. 20. The theme is (Re)starting the Conversations. Now, that we are coming back to a new normal, what conversations need to be restarted or happen for the first time? Anyone can be a speaker including students, faculty, staff, and community members. All you need to do is have an idea worth sharing that relates to the theme. If interested, please fill out the TEDxWartburgCollege 2022 Speaker Application Form by Monday, Dec. 20. If you have any questions, email Abigail Denault.

Update about COVID vaccine clinic Dec. 9

The upcoming on-campus COVID vaccine clinic will be Thursday, Dec. 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Levick Arena. The HyVee registration site was down last week, so if you tried to make an appointment please try using the site again. Please click here to make your appointment for either a first dose, second dose, or booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Please refer to the information in last Wednesday's email for more details about the clinic. If you have questions about the clinic or the vaccine, please email covidresponse@wartburg.edu.

Already vaxxed or boosted? Add your vaccine card to our count

If you have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and/or have already received your booster dose, please use this form to send in a photo of your completed vaccination card. You may also show your vaccine card to college staff in the following locations to log your vaccination status: students in the Student Life Office, and faculty/staff in the Human Resources Office. Either method will help the college get an updated count of how many on campus are vaccinated and help the college plan mitigation efforts.

Support WCDM at Pizza Ranch tonight

Support Wartburg College Dance Marathon by eating at the Waverly Pizza Ranch on Monday, Dec. 6. WCDM will be at Pizza Ranch helping to bus tables and will be receiving a portion of the profits from the night to go towards their fundraising total.


Davis Projects for Peace 2022

Now accepting proposals for grassroots projects for the summer of 2022, anywhere in the world, that promote peace and address the root causes of conflict among parties. Proposals are due to Kristin Teig Torres via the application on Info Center on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 12 p.m. (noon). Please see this link for detailed information.

Let Dining Services do your holiday baking!

Did you know you can order whole cheesecakes and sweet breads from Dining Services through GET online? White chocolate raspberry swirl cheesecake, praline pumpkin cheesecake (gluten-free available), key lime cheesecake, and sweet breads like poppyseed, banana, strawberry, and pumpkin are available. Please place all orders at least three days in advance. Click here to log in to GET and make your order today!

BASIC worship event Jan. 13  

Join your church family on Thursday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. for a BASIC worship event at the Orchard Hill location in Waverly. BASIC is a college and young adult ministry serving the Cedar Falls area and is a recognized faith expression group at Wartburg. It will be a great night of sharing in community with one another, receiving a message, and praising God. All are welcome! The address is Orchard Hill Church Waverly Campus, 195 20th St. NW, Suite D. Any questions about the event can be directed to Jenna Krogulski.

Increase sustainability on campus while supporting Service Tripsissing table ban

Help benefit Wartburg College’s student body by utilizing the can redemption locations all around campus to create a profit for individuals participating in service trips. This quick and easy program helps save the earth while also benefitting Wartburg students. If you see/have a can, simply put it in the appropriate bin. Bins are located outside of residence halls and inside academic buildings. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Dr. Brian Rumsey or Luke Schedel at sustainability@wartburg.edu.

Thank you from VACissing table ban

The Volunteer Action Center would like to thank all who participated, donated, and in any way helped with St. Elizabeth Week in November! Here's a quick breakdown of the impact our students, faculty, staff, and community had during the week:

36 lives saved from blood donations
1,034 lbs of rescued food donated to the Northeast Iowa Foodbank
$380 donated to the St. Elizabeth Bread Basket
Over 50 blankets made for the Child Advocacy Center

We would like to acknowledge St. Elizabeth Service Award winner Rocio Amaro Marquez, along with nominees Victoria Rose Dietz, Gavin Foust-Wollenberg, Tanner Holden, and Emily Hansel.

We would also like to acknowledge Pastor Trachte Service Award winners Butch McLey and Rebecca Baird, along with nominees Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler, Christa Hanson, Rebecca Cockerham, Kathy Schunk, Kim Bunce, and David McCullough. Thank you for your commitment to service and the impact you've made.


Mail Center updateissing table ban

Upcoming Mail Center hours:

Finals Week: Monday, Dec. 13 – Thursday, Dec. 16: open 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 17: open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 20 – Thursday, Dec. 23: open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 24 – Sunday, Jan. 2: CLOSED (packages will be loaded to lockers for students who are signed up as on campus over break)
Monday, Jan. 3 – Friday, Jan. 7: open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 10: resume normal hours M-F, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


If your department requires holiday stamps, please email the Mail Center in advance to ensure stock. We also can apply seasonal images with metered postage, which is recommended as it continues to provide a five-cent discount per piece over stamped mail. The latest recommended send-by date for holiday delivery is Dec. 17. Contact the Mail Center at mailroom@wartburg.edu with questions and concerns.

Electronically update your campus name, photo & addressissing table ban

You can now change your campus name, update your my.wartburg photo, and submit address changes electronically! Simply log onto my.wartburg and click on your photo, then click on “My Profile & Settings.” You can upload a new photo to display on my.wartburg and/or enter the name you’d like to be called on campus. Changes to your current address can be requested by clicking on “Contact Information.” All changes will be reviewed by the appropriate office and will not be immediate. (Note: Changes to your legal name must still be made in person through the Human Resources Office.) Additional information can be found under the “Resources” tab under “My Profiles & Settings.” Contact the IT Help Desk for more information.

Master of Arts tuition discount for Wartburg employees, spouses & childrenissing table ban

Interested in joining the second cohort of the Master of Arts in Leadership program? Do you have a spouse or child interested in participating? This year we have expanded, as a benefit to employees and their families, the employee discount. Employees, employee spouses, and employee children are eligible to receive a 20% reduction in the tuition cost of the Master of Arts in Leadership if they begin in the summer of 2022. Those interested in this benefit will indicate in their graduate application their connection to a Wartburg employee.

The associated employee must remain employed at Wartburg during the period in which the student receives the discount. As this is a graduate program, all students need to have already completed a bachelor’s degree prior to program start.


If interested in learning more about the program, a great opportunity to learn about the MA in Leadership is to attend an informational webinar this Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. Participants can register at this link.

To learn more about experiences of some members of the inaugural cohort, watch this video.


Prospective students can reach out to michael.gleason@wartburg.edu about general MA in Leadership program information and doug.koschmeder@wartburg.edu regarding questions on the discount.

Juice publishing schedule

The Juice will publish one more regular edition this term, on Monday, Dec. 13. Regular editions will begin again Monday, Jan. 10, at the start of Winter Term. Please submit your items by 4 p.m. Thursday each week to be included.


Notes of gratitude for PB

Help us thank Pastor Brian Beckstrom for his service and leadership at Wartburg with notes of gratitude. Handwritten notes can be given to Pastor Rebecca Baird or electronic notes emailed to rebecca.baird@wartburg.edu by Dec. 6. There will be a sending service for PB on Friday, Dec. 10, during Chapel time.

Weekday Chapel services

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Mondays will feature faculty and staff faith stories and blessings, Wednesdays will be a morning prayer service, and Fridays will have Senior Chapels. Interfaith chapels will be held during the last week each month.

Upcoming speakers:

Monday, Dec. 6: Advent Chapel, Pastor Brian Beckstrom

Wednesday, Dec. 8: Advent Carols and Candles

Friday, Dec. 10: Sending Chapel for Pastor Brian Beckstrom

Holden Evening Prayer service on Sunday

Holden Evening Prayer is a meditative vespers service with music, candle lighting, and prayer. All are welcome to take part in the final service of the term at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12, in Wartburg Chapel.



Festival of Trees
Dec. 1-14

MA in Leadership webinar
Dec. 7

On-campus COVID vaccine clinic
Dec. 9

Deadline to register for LMS testing
Dec. 10

Wartburg Community Symphony & Opera Workshop mini opera
Dec. 11

Holden Evening Prayer service
Dec. 12

December Commencement
Dec. 12

Study Knight Breakfast
Dec. 12

Finals Week
Dec. 13-16

Deadline for Payroll Deduct drawing
Dec. 17

TEDx speaker application deadline
Dec. 20 (extended)

Start of Winter Team
Jan. 10

Davis Projects for Peace deadline
Jan. 12

BASIC worship night
Jan. 13

Volunteers still needed for Study Knight Breakfast

Study Knight Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 12, from 10 to 11 p.m. Faculty and staff are invited to help serve breakfast. You would need to report to Mensa by 9:40 p.m. Sign up to be a server by contacting Chris Fosselman via email or at 319-352-8303.


Student Senate peace dialogue postponed

The Student Senate diversity committee has postponed its planned peace dialogue until January.

Distance Learning Quality Committee to look at learning management systems

The Distance Learning Quality Committee is an ad hoc institutional committee charged with reviewing the College’s ability to deliver quality online undergraduate and graduate programs to include policy, internal practices, quality models and technology needs. Technology needs such as the LMS impact all modalities and disciplines at the College.

The committee is currently working on a thorough review of learning management systems. An informational area on My.Wartburg has been established to share information about the process and provide transparency to Wartburg faculty, staff, and administrators.

The LMS Review content can be viewed at LMS Review Process | Resources | My Wartburg. You need to be logged into My.Wartburg to access the page.

LMS sandbox trial phase — volunteers needed

The Distance Learning Quality Committee will hold learning management system (LMS) vendor demonstrations Jan. 7, 2022, during Faculty Workshop. Vendors invited include Instructure Canvas, Blackboard and D2L Brightspace. After the demonstrations, sandbox evaluations of each system will allow volunteers to navigate the system in greater depth as if you were using it for one of your own courses.


The committee is looking for faculty and staff volunteers to review each LMS and provide feedback. Volunteers will agree to evaluate each learning management system and provide feedback using an evaluation form. The sandbox evaluation process is Jan. 10 to Feb. 4. Those interested in participating should register at this link by Dec. 10. Vendors will set up individual sandbox environments for each volunteer. Stakeholder feedback is absolutely critical to helping us select the best system for the institution. The more involvement we have, the better!


Dr. Caryn Riswold, professor of religion and the Mike and Marge McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission, presented at the annual meeting of Lutheran Women in Theological and Religious Studies at the American Academy of Religion in San Antonio, on Nov. 19. She spoke on "Intersectionality, Pedagogy, and Vocation." In addition, she is the author of the article "Mary Daly" in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, published this month by Wiley Blackwell.


Dr. Kuni Terasawa, associate professor of religion, presented his paper, ”Buddhist-Christian Conflicts and Cooperation Against Nationalism in Asia from pre-WWII to the Present,” at the session of Buddhist-Christian Reflection on Nationalism at American Academy of Religions on Nov. 20. He also was a moderator of the panel discussion on ‘Buddhist-Christian Dialogue’ at the Interfaith Coalition for Global Citizens: The Road to New Normal in Post COVID-19 Era: Collective Intelligence for Global Civil Society on Nov. 21.


Dr. Kuni Terasawa, associate professor of religion, presented “Loneliness under the Pandemic and how to create solidarity with people and universe by cosmic dialogue” and panel discussions with students and professors at the Japan’s Buddhist seminary on Nov. 6.


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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