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The Juice (Student) - Oct. 11

Advising Week, Halloween events 🎃

Oct. 11, 2021

Advising Week is Oct. 25-29Volunteers needed to take care of animals

All students, and particularly first-year students, are encouraged to schedule an appointment to meet with their academic adviser during Advising Week, Oct. 25-29. This is the time to confirm or adjust your Winter Term and/or May Term schedules, review your academic progress, and get to know your adviser. You can access your Advising Worksheet by following these steps:

1. Log onto your My Wartburg home page.
2. Select the Advising tab.
3. Select Advising Worksheet.
4. Select View All Details.
5. Select Recalculate Student Progress.
6. Select Advising Worksheet (PDF file).

If you are unable to access your Advising Worksheet or have questions, email the Registrar at regoffice@wartburg.edu, or stop by the Registrar’s Office located in Luther Hall 216.

Volunteer Action Center Mystery Movie Night on Oct. 26

Come celebrate Halloween with VAC for a Mystery Movie Night! You're in for a spooktacular surprise Halloween movie and free snacks! We will be located in the Hub on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m. to vote on a movie! Feel free to bring a blanket and friends! If you have any questions, please contact Volunteer Action Center.

Midterm D or F grades will be submitted Wednesday

Midterm D or F grades will be submitted by instructors to the Registrar by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13. Midterm grades can be viewed on My Wartburg by selecting “View Midterm Grade Report” from the Grade Report menu on the Academics tab. Midterm grades are not recorded on academic transcripts. Students are responsible for monitoring their grades throughout the term.

Sign up for KWAR's Haunted Campus; actors also needed

Interested in doing a haunted scavenger hunt across campus with four of your friends? Team sign-ups are now being taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The first three teams to complete the Haunted Campus scavenger hunt will win prizes! Click here to sign up to participate with your team.

Not interested in doing the scavenger hunt, but still want to be involved? Volunteer sign-ups are now also being taken for scare actors and set-up crew! If interested, please click here.

Do Your Part, Be Cyber Smart – Week 2: Fight the Phish

Phishing attacks and scams have thrived since the COVID pandemic began in 2020 and today, phishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported security incidents. In Week 2 of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, ITS is stressing the importance of being wary of emails, text messages or chat boxes that come from a stranger or someone you were not expecting. Think before you click on any suspicious emails, links or attachments and make sure to Do Your Part by reporting any suspicious emails to its.security@wartburg.edu or in Outlook, use the "Report Message" option in the toolbar.

Wartburg Community Symphony concert Oct. 30

Wartburg Community Symphony will have the season's first concert Saturday, Oct. 30, at 7 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium. Tickets are free for Wartburg students and youth age 18 and under, and $17 for adults. Click here to purchase tickets. "Pillars of Faith" will celebrate a return to togetherness while welcoming faithful change in preparation for Reformation Day. The concert has something for everyone, from R. Vaughan Williams’ English Folk Song Suite and Haydn’s Horn Concerto No. 1, to Respighi’s Suite in G Major and Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 5 (“Reformation”). Featured soloists will be Dr. Jordan Redd on horn and Dr. Karen Black on the organ.

2021-22 German Institute funding opportunityissing table ban

The Executive Committee of the German Institute is pleased to announce the 2021-22 call for applications to support activities/endeavors related to German and/or Germany. For 2021-22, a total of $2,000 is still available from external sources. An application is required and funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applications for the full amount of available funds will at this time most likely not be supported in full. Applications are due Nov. 5. Awards will be announced no later than Nov. 19. In the past, the Institute has funded enrichments to May Term trips to Germany, the German film festival, learning materials for the faculty/staff heritage tour, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad.

Full application details are available at this link. Direct questions to Dr. Daniel Walther.

Seeking student employees for immediate hire

Wartburg College’s Dining Services and Operations & Maintenance departments are seeking student employees for immediate hire to assist with daily operations. Student assistants are paid $9.25 per hour, and student managers are paid $10 per hour. Both departments offer students flexible work schedules, a fast-paced work environment, and opportunities for growth and promotion. Also, both areas employ students during campus breaks.


If you are interested in applying for a job in these two departments, please contact the staff below, or look for the job listings and apply through Handshake:

Lisa Dominy for hiring in Maintenance
Sue Galloway for hiring in Dining
File your 2022-23 FAFSA now

The Financial Aid Office reminds you that beginning Oct. 1, you can file your 2022-23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at this link. To complete the FAFSA you will need both student and parent (if you are a dependent student) FSA IDs. If you have misplaced your FSA ID, you can retrieve it at this link. The 2022-23 FAFSA is based off 2020 tax information. We strongly encourage you to use the IRS Data Retrieval. If you do not plan on filing a FAFSA for the 2022-23 academic year, please email the Financial Aid Office at FinAid@Wartburg.edu so that you will not be sent future reminders.

Attention Thrivent members – Holiday Shoppe seeks fundingervice trip advisers needed

The Holiday Shoppe is seeking funding for blankets to be included with our Family Game Night Bundles each family can choose from. Thrivent Members are encouraged to apply for an Action Team to support this project. Please contact Erin by Oct. 18 at holidays@wsrunitedway.org for the details and support needed to complete the Action Team Application. Questions? Contact Tammy Faux in the Department of Social Work.

No Juice next week due to Fall Breakervice trip advisers needed

The Juice will not publish next Monday due to Fall Break. The next edition will hit inboxes Monday, Oct. 25. Please submit your items by Wednesday, Oct. 20, by emailing juice@wartburg.edu.


Weekday Chapel services

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Mondays will feature faculty and staff faith stories and blessings, Wednesdays will be a morning prayer service, and Fridays will have Senior Chapels. Interfaith chapels will be held during the last week each month.

Upcoming speakers:

Monday, Oct. 11 – Eric Sommermeyer, assistant professor of accounting

• Wednesday, Oct. 13 – Morning Prayer Service

• Friday, Oct. 15 – Lydia Hobby ’22, Senior Chapel

Sanctuary on Wednesdays

Sanctuary is a casual service that takes place on Wednesday nights in the Chapel Commons. It provides students with the opportunity to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy week. All are welcome at 9 p.m. in Chapel Commons (basement), and come early at 8:45 for snacks.



Study Away photo contest voting
Now through Oct. 18

Deadline for The Castle submissions
Oct. 15

Fall Break
Oct. 16-24

VAC Mystery Movie Night
Oct. 26

Wartburg Community Symphony  concert
Oct. 30

Holden Evening Prayer services
Oct. 31, Nov. 21, Dec. 12

German Institute funding applications due
Nov. 5


Vote now for Study Away Photo Contest

Students, faculty and staff are invited to vote for their favorite entry in the Study Away Photo Contest: Alumni Edition! Several Wartburg alumni who have spent a term abroad have sent in photos for this year’s contest. Check out the entries displayed on the second floor of Luther Hall, then vote for your favorite at this link. Voting ends Oct. 18, and the winners earn cash prizes! One vote per person. There is also a People’s Choice contest on the Wartburg Facebook page this week, so vote for your favorite there, too. Contact Kathleen Sihler for details. Winners will be announced in late October.

OUTFLY is coming (right??)

Off-Campus Outfly Alert: Please fill out this form if you would like to get an Off-Campus Outfly notification. Contact Olivia Hobson with any questions.


Outfly Sand Volleyball Tournament: Outfly season is here! Grab a group of friends and fill out this link to compete in the Outfly Sand Volleyball Tournament. Contact Olivia Hobson with any questions.


Signup extended for Amazing Race on Outfly

Sign up now for the Outfly Amazing Race! We’ve increased our team entry cap from 12 to 20 teams. Five spots remain to compete at 1 p.m. on Outfly, whenever that may be. Sign up now using this form to compete for the prize money. Questions can be directed to studentsuknight@wartburg.edu or message us on Facebook or Instagram. The Amazing Race is a fun competition scavenger hunt of Wartburg traditions and landmarks. All participants should meet outside by the fountain at 12:45 p.m. on Outfly. You have the chance to win $150, $100, or $50. (Teams who finish in first, second and third place will split each prize among members of their team.) All participants will get a free mini Cool Cookie after the race!

Introducing A.R.C., the African Representative Council

A.R.C. is an organization that serves the community and creates a safe and supportive environment for Africans and the African diaspora. A.R.C highly encourages respect, teamwork, supporting one another, encouragement, and no negativity. We want to create a very positive place and hope every member will help to make that happen. If you’re interested in joining, please let us know at A.R.C@wartburg.edu or contact one of our executive team members: President Aloaye Abdul Saliu, VP Kelly Uwaniye, Treasurer Harvey-Eric Waligo, Secretary Sara Sangare, Social Media Coordinator Tapiwa Lapidos, and Social Event Coordinators Louise Shabani and Gizelle Da Silva.


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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