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The Juice — April 30, 2015


Homecoming planning — Homecoming is early this fall (Oct. 1-4), so it's already time for student organizations to plan their participation. Register parade entries, renaissance faire booths, and valet parking workers by Sunday, May 10.

Students receive Davis grants
— Two student-led projects have received $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace grants. Mullohoji Juraev '16 will travel this summer to Shurab, Tajikistan, to improve learning conditions at a public school in his home country. Max Chinnah '15 and Megan Weichers '15 will use the grant to construct and test their solar-powered cookers in Ghana. Wartburg students have received a grant every year since the program’s inception. This is the first year Wartburg has received funding for two projects. Click here to read more.

Board plan changes
— Several changes to Dining Services board plans have taken effect. Click here for full details.

  • Board plan meals may be used up to five times per day, in Mensa or as a meal transfer, with no limitation on time.
  • The Den now offers a sack lunch/dinner transfer option through Webfood. Hours are 7:30-10:10 a.m. and 3:30-5:30 p.m. The sack breakfast is available during both periods.
  • Board plans remain non-transferable.

5K cancelled
 — The Dash of Color 5K Walk/Run planned for Sunday, May 3, has been cancelled due to lack of participation. Refund checks will be mailed to the addresses used during registration. To change the mailing address, email Elizabeth Heying '15 at elizabeth.heying@wartburg.edu by noon today, April 30.

Net Impact sponsors book drive
 — The Warburg Net Impact social entrepreneurship student organization is holding a campus-wide book drive during May Term. All books collected (even older, outdated textbooks and paperbacks) will be resold, donated, or properly recycled. Books can be dropped off at the Department of Business Administration, Accounting & Economics on the first floor of the WBC in care of Ana Julante/Net Impact, or e-mail kacee.garner@wartburg.edu to schedule pickup. Profits from book sales are split between the club and its designated literacy partner, Books for Africa. The club will use its proceeds to provide grants for students attending the international Net Impact conference this fall. 

Food Olympics coming May 7
 — Looking for a fun May Term activity? Get your friends together for the Food Olympics on the campus mall Thursday, May 7, 5:30 p.m. Games will include macaroni art, bagel bags, a greased watermelon relay, a donut-eating contest, and the dish line slide. Teams and individuals can sign up in Mensa beginning Monday, May 4. Participate in three games for a chance to win the grand prize, a $50 Wal-Mart gift card.

What will your InnerKnight say?
— Residential Life is sponsoring an artistic dialogue on values. First, share what you value using sidewalk chalk provided on the campus mall Wednesday, May 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Then, post your chalk display to social media using #InnerKnight. Finally, enjoy refreshments while exploring the sidewalks and reflecting on the messages Thursday, May 14, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. With questions, email Ali Roberts, residence hall director, at alison.roberts@wartburg.edu.

FUN-damental Recital
— The Music Department's FUN-damental Recital set for Wedneday, May 13, 6 p.m., is open to all students. Any appropriate musical acts, including instrumental or vocal soloists and groups, are welcome. Acts do not have to feature music typical of recitals. To sign up, email Brooke Moeller '15 at brooke.moeller@wartburg.edu by May 3. 

Ready to step up?
— Service Trips is accepting trip leader applications through Friday, May 15. Click here for the application and process details. For more information, email servicetrips@wartburg.edu.

Calling all actors
— Looking for a unique activity over May Term? Auditions for one of three short films Friday, May 1, 9 a.m.-noon, 2-5 p.m., and 7-9 p.m., in the TV studio located in McElroy Communication Arts Center.  Audition material will be provided. For more information, contact professor Travis Bockenstedt, executive producer, at travis.bockenstedt@wartburg.edu

Feedback opportunity
— In order to help achieve its goal for best service, Noah Campus Health Clinic staff would appreciate feedback from students on experiences at the clinic. Please take this brief, anonymous survey about the quality of the clinic's services by May 11.


New service opportunity — Wartburg students are teaming up with the Waverly-Shell Rock Area United Way Thursday, May 14, for the inaugural Wartburg Day of Caring. Students will have the opportunity to volunteer with six organizations to better the community. To volunteer, or for more information, email Zach Stanley '15 at zachary.stanley@wartburg.edu.

  • Waverly Senior Center: Eight or more volunteers needed for 1-2 hours for maintenance work, edging, and dusting. 
  • Helping Services for Northeast Iowa: Five or more volunteers needed for two hours for posting flyers and tabling.
  • North Star Community Services: Four or more volunteers needed for two hours for outdoor furniture treatment, gardening, and maintenance. If weather is poor, volunteers will interact indoors with consumers.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters: Five or more volunteers needed from 5 to 7 p.m. for a year-end celebration of program participants.
  • Trinkets & Togs: Two or more volunteers needed for two hours to paint a shed. 
  • Boy Scouts of America: Ten or more volunteers needed for four hours for painting, dusting, and outdoor maintenance in Waterloo

Opportunity for musicians
 — Senior vocalists and instrumentalists are sought to provide music at the Service of Blessing and Thanksgiving Saturday, May 23, 5 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel. If interested, email Kathy Liddle, chapel office coordinator, at kathy.liddle@wartburg.edu.

Faculty, staff members honored
 — Dr. Michael Bechtel '94, assistant professor of science education, was honored with the 2015 John O. Chellevold Student Award for Excellence in Teaching and Professional Service during the Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship Convocation held on Research, Internship, and Creative Endeavor Day. Justin Crouse '08, assistant professor of accounting, received the Advisor of the Year Award. Students also selected Daniel Kittle, director of the Center for Community Engagement, and Ruth Tibbott, dining service checker, for outstanding staff awards. Click here to read more.

Graduates honored for documentaries
 — Three documentaries produced by 2014 graduates received Crystal Pillars at the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences-Upper Midwest Regional Student Production Awards. Click here to read more.

Anderson awarded McElroy Fellowship
 — Caitlin Anderson '15 is one of two students to receive an R.J. McElroy Graduate Fellowship. Anderson, a double major in mathematics and biology, will receive up to $30,000 over three years. She plans to pursue a doctorate in cellular and molecular biology at the University of Chicago. Click here to read more.

Miss the premiere?
 — The six capstone documentaries premiered by Department of Journalism & Communication students on RICE Day are available online.

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