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The Juice (Student) - Oct. 4

Career Expo this week, photo contest voting 📸

Oct. 4, 2021

Enjoy Mensa Knight on Tuesday

Kick off Homecoming Week with Mensa Knight on Tuesday, Oct. 5, from 5 to 7 p.m. Come with friends, win prizes, and enjoy a meal together. Students without a board plan are invited to join in the fun as well — the Alumni/Parent Relations office will pay for off-campus students’ meals this evening. It will be a Knight of Wartburg fun! Follow Wartburg Homecoming on social to learn more about the prizes and giveaways.

Free Homecoming HIIT Class on Saturdayase Kapers audition

Start your Saturday morning off right! All are welcome to join this fun, FREE, and fast-paced 30-minute High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class at The W. Get your workout in before all of the fun that Homecoming & Family Weekend has to offer. Class will be taught by alumna Shaina Sackett-Anderegg ’06.

What: 30-minute HIIT
When: 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Where: Levick Arena
Who: FREE to anyone!

Tour Greenwood on Fridayase Kapers audition

All are invited to an open house and self-guided tours at Greenwood, 902 12th St. NW, Friday, Oct. 8, 2-4 p.m. The home, which has served as the official residence of Wartburg College presidents since 1987, marks its 150th anniversary this year. You can read more about the home at this link.

Water to Thrive dunk tank at Ren Fairease Kapers audition

Do you want to dunk some of your Wartburg friends and professors? Check out the dunk tank at Ren Fair on Saturday, Oct. 9, run by Water to Thrive! Take up to three throws for $3 for a chance to dunk the lucky guest. All proceeds will go to Water to Thrive and the well-building process. If you have any questions, contact Hayden Stone or Carter Stubitz.

Watch for more Homecoming info this weekase Kapers audition

We’ll send a special email later this week with more information about Oktoberfest, the parade, Renaissance Faire, Kastle Kapers, and more! Get ready for a fun and busy weekend with lots of alumni, parents and friends celebrating on campus. You can find the full schedule at www.wartburg.edu/homecoming.

Vote now for Study Away Photo Contest

Students, faculty and staff are invited to vote for their favorite entry in the Study Away Photo Contest: Alumni Edition! Several Wartburg alumni who have spent a term abroad have sent in photos for this year’s contest. Check out the entries displayed on the second floor of Luther Hall, then vote for your favorite at this link. Voting ends Oct. 18, and the winners earn cash prizes! One vote per person. There is also a People’s Choice contest on the Wartburg Facebook page this week, so vote for your favorite there, too. Contact Kathleen Sihler for details. Winners will be announced in late October.

Career Expo is FridayVolunteers needed to take care of animals

Looking for an internship, post-grad job, or admission to graduate/professional school? The Career Expo is one of the many ways Wartburg College helps students with post-grad plans! The event is intended for all majors and all class years as a way to make connections with real businesses, organizations, and graduate/professional schools. Some tables may even have applications with them, so dress to impress, bring a resume, and be prepared! Stop in to the Student Success Center in Saemann Student Center for resume help.

WHEN: Friday, Oct. 8, 2-4 p.m.

WHERE: “The W” Hall of Champions

MORE: For a list of attendees, click here.

Do your part: Be cyber smart

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and the first week of the month ITS is highlighting best practices and general cyber hygiene to keep your information safe. Creating strong passwords, using multi-factor authentication, backing up your data, and updating your software are great places to start. Your Wartburg accounts and devices have been set up by ITS to meet these standards; however, have you made these a practice on your personal devices and accounts? Are you doing your part with the basics? Click here to learn more.


OUTFLY is coming (right??)

Off-Campus Outfly Alert: Please fill out this form if you would like to get an Off-Campus Outfly notification. Contact Olivia Hobson with any questions.


Outfly Sand Volleyball Tournament: Outfly season is here! Grab a group of friends and fill out this link to compete in the Outfly Sand Volleyball Tournament. Contact Olivia Hobson with any questions.


Signup extended for Amazing Race on Outfly

Sign up now for the Outfly Amazing Race! We’ve increased our team entry cap from 12 to 20 teams. Five spots remain to compete at 1 p.m. on Outfly, whenever that may be. Sign up now using this form to compete for the prize money. Questions can be directed to studentsuknight@wartburg.edu or message us on Facebook or Instagram. The Amazing Race is a fun competition scavenger hunt of Wartburg traditions and landmarks. All participants should meet outside by the fountain at 12:45 p.m. on Outfly. You have the chance to win $150, $100, or $50. (Teams who finish in first, second and third place will split each prize among members of their team.) All participants will get a free mini Cool Cookie after the race!

Wartburg Track and Field rummage sale Friday

Wartburg Track and Field rummage sale will be Friday, Oct. 8, in The W’s Hall of Fame Room from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All past or used items must go! CASH or CHECK ONLY. There will be miscellaneous T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, hats and other clothing. Come get your Wartburg Track and Field clothing — first come, first served. We will also be at the Renaissance Faire on Saturday.


Introducing A.R.C., the African Representative Council

A.R.C. is an organization that serves the community and creates a safe and supportive environment for Africans and the African diaspora. A.R.C highly encourages respect, teamwork, supporting one another, encouragement, and no negativity. We want to create a very positive place and hope every member will help to make that happen. If you’re interested in joining, please let us know at A.R.C@wartburg.edu or contact one of our executive team members: President Aloaye Abdul Saliu, VP Kelly Uwaniye, Treasurer Harvey-Eric Waligo, Secretary Sara Sangare, Social Media Coordinator Tapiwa Lapidos, and Social Event Coordinators Louise Shabani and Gizelle Da Silva.


Learn about the science of COVID

Join faculty from the Departments of Biology and Math, Computer Science and Physics (MCSP) to learn more about the Science of COVID on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 11:30 p.m. We will answer your questions about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the vaccine during this Zoom program at this link. You will need to be signed into your Wartburg account to access the Zoom room. Submit your questions for the panel at this link.

Dedication for Ablade Glover painting Thursday

The Wartburg community will be celebrating the recent gift of artwork from the collection of Wartburg alumnus Bill Hamm ’60, with a dedication at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 7. The painting “African Marketplace,” by renowned artist Ablade Glover, was installed in May and will be added to Wartburg’s Permanent Art Collection. The program will begin on the second floor of Vogel Library opposite the circulation desk, then guests will be invited to visit the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery (first floor, Bachman Fine Arts Center) to view the current exhibition, “Wartburg Collects.” This event is free and open to all. For more information, please contact Janeen Stewart or Johanna Kramer-Weston.

Sustainability Harvest Dinner

Join the Wartburg Sustainability Department at our Candlelight Harvest Dinner on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 6:30 p.m. The menu will consist of a salad course; an entree featuring stuffed acorn squash, green beans, and roasted tomatoes; and deep-dish apple pie for dessert. Some of the produce you will eat was grown right here in the Wartburg gardens! After dinner, there will be a guest speaker to talk about the importance of sustainable farming. You can sign up for this event on Wednesday, Oct. 6, and Thursday, Oct. 7, during dinner (5:15-7 p.m.) in the Mensa. The cost is one board meal and 3 points. Please contact sustainability@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Pay increase for Dining and Maintenance student employees

Dining Services and Operations & Maintenance college student employees are getting a raise, and both departments are looking to hire more student employees immediately! The wage rate for student assistants now will be $9.25 per hour (up from base pay of $8.25 per hour), and the wage rate for student employee managers now will be $10.00 per hour (up from base pay of $9.00 per hour). Wage rates for office positions in these departments will remain at $7.25 per hour.


If you are interested in applying for a job in these two departments, please contact the staff below, or look for the job listings and apply through Handshake:

Lisa Dominy for hiring in Maintenance
Sue Galloway for hiring in Dining
Register now for intramural flag football

Intramurals 7 v 7 flag football registration is open on imleagues.com. Registration closes Wednesday, Oct. 6. Be on the lookout for an email from intramurals (need to have an account to receive email) on the specific dates it will take place. Intramurals is also in need of student workers to help referee, keep score, and set up for games. If you are interested, contact Missy Shockley.

File your 2022-23 FAFSA now

The Financial Aid Office reminds you that beginning Oct. 1, you can file your 2022-23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at this link. To complete the FAFSA you will need both student and parent (if you are a dependent student) FSA IDs. If you have misplaced your FSA ID, you can retrieve it at this link. The 2022-23 FAFSA is based off 2020 tax information. We strongly encourage you to use the IRS Data Retrieval.


Weekday Chapel services

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Mondays will feature faculty and staff faith stories and blessings, Wednesdays will be a morning prayer service, and Fridays will have Senior Chapels. Interfaith chapels will be held during the last week each month.

Upcoming speakers:

Monday, Oct. 4: Blessing of fall student-athletes
Wednesday, Oct. 6: Morning Prayer Service with the Rev. Kyle Barton ’13, spiritual life leader at Lutheran Services of Iowa
Friday, Oct. 8: Homecoming Chapel with the Rev. Liz Albertson ’00, vice president for admissions and student services at Wartburg Theological Seminary


Sanctuary on Wednesdays

Sanctuary is a casual service that takes place on Wednesday nights in the Chapel Commons. It provides students with the opportunity to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy week. All are welcome at 9 p.m. in Chapel Commons (basement), and come early at 8:45 for snacks.



Study Away photo contest voting
Now through Oct. 18

Service Trips Dinner Dash
Oct. 4

Science of COVID presentation
Oct. 5

Mensa Knight
Oct. 5

Flu shot clinic
Oct. 5-6

Artwork dedication
Oct. 7

Track & Field rummage sale
Oct. 8

Career Expo
Oct. 8

Deadline for The Castle submissions
Oct. 15

Sustainability Harvest Dinner
Oct. 16

Fall Break
Oct. 16-24

Wartburg Community Symphony Orchestra concert
Oct. 30

Holden Evening Prayer services
Oct. 31, Nov. 21, Dec. 12


Service Trips Dinner Dash on Oct. 4issing table ban

Wartburg Service Trips will be hosting a Dinner Dash on Monday, Oct. 4, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Hub. Participants will be "dashing" to raise money to meet their fundraising goal for Fall Break Service Trips. All are invited to stop in and donate, hang out, or tell your Wartburg Service Trip story. There will be music, snacks, and fun prizes! Be on the lookout from our social media pages for more details. If you would like to donate now and support our trips, visit this link. See you there!

Flu shots on campus this weekissing table ban

Students are invited to an on-campus flu shot clinic the following times in the Neumann Auditorium Lobby:

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Please RSVP to counseling@wartburg.edu to indicate which day you plan to attend. If you have health insurance, please bring your Insurance ID.

*If these times do not work with your schedule, you may visit the Noah Campus Health Clinic or Meyer Pharmacy to administer your flu shot.

For questions please contact Stephanie Newsom.

Shuttle rides for upcoming breaksissing table ban

Make your reservations soon for Fall Break! The Wartburg Shuttle will be transporting students to the Waterloo airport, the Waterloo bus station and to Cedar Rapids on Saturday, Oct. 17, and returning Sunday, Oct 24. The Waterloo bus station offers direct Greyhound service to Chicago. The cost for the shuttle is $12 to Waterloo and $27 to Cedar Rapids each way. Details are available at www.Wartburg.edu/shuttle. Also, we are hiring! Check out Handshake to learn about our student driver opportunities.

Incomplete grade deadlinesissing table ban

Students with incomplete grades for Winter, May or Summer 2021 courses must submit all course work to instructors by Wednesday, Sept. 29. Instructors must submit grade changes for incomplete grades to the Registrar’s Office by Wednesday, Oct. 6. If a grade change is not submitted by the deadline, the incomplete grade will be changed to an “F,” which will then be computed into the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Student Senate election results

Congratulations to the newly elected Senators for the 21-22 academic year! Thank you to everyone who participated in voting. Full Senate meetings begin on Thursday, Sept. 30, at 11:30 a.m. in Buckmaster (WBC 214) and will continue every Thursday throughout Fall Term.

Mariah Ambrose

Simone Bardawil

Samuel Bast

Ella Brase

Abby Denault

Adam Dettmer

Gordy Field

Gavin Foust-Wollenberg

Carlene Hamilton

Michael Holtz

Addyson Kaune

Dillon Kremer

JaNiya LaBeaux

Kirsten Martin

Mary McDonough

Mattie McKenna

Tapiwa Lapidos

Katheryn Opperman

Chai Reddy

Kristen Reicks

Andrea Salow

Sara Sangare

Cylie Smith

Sanam Tamang

GinaTee Tondoneh

Martha Tondoneh

Hanna Wolke

Lauren Wyffels

Pick a book for Hearthside Project

The Hearthside Project offers faculty and students the unique opportunity to connect outside the formality of the classroom. Students receive their books free of charge. Reading groups consist of one book leader and three students. To apply, send an email to the participating leader of the book you’re interested in discussing (listed below). Questions? Contact Dr. Zak Montgomery. The program was founded by the late Dr. Paula Survilla and is funded by the Slife Professorship in the Humanities and co-sponsored by the Mike and Marge McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission.

Hearthside book leaders for fall:

Scott Larson: “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben
Cassie Hales: “Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist” by Elle Dowd
Amy Pilcher: “Bad Blood: Secrets and lies in a Silicon Valley Startup” by John Carreyrou
Penni Pier: “The Marrow Thieves” by Cherie Dimaline

Sign your group up to host a Candlelight Dinnerissing table ban

Wartburg Dining Services extends an invitation to Student Senate-recognized organizations to host a traditional Candlelight Dinner. Candlelight Dinners are an excellent way to promote your organization, interact with faculty and staff, and have a fine dining experience. Candlelight Dinners are held Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room of the Student Center.

Dates for 2021-22 Candlelight Dinners are:

Nov. 3
Jan. 26
Feb. 23
March 23

Stop into the Dining Services office in the student center and talk to Chris Fosselman for more information.

The W facility dress code reminderissing table ban

As the mornings are getting colder and more people are returning to The W for their workouts, we want to remind all members about the facility dress code:

Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times and must cover the lower back, front, and side of torso.
Lower body clothing should not have any rivets, metal, or exposed zippers.
Clean closed-toe and closed-heel athletic shoes should be put on before entering the fitness area.

In addition, all equipment should be thoroughly wiped down before and after each use.

Annual Campus Security and Fire Report released

The 2020-2021 Campus Security and Fire Report was released and posted Oct. 1 on the Campus Safety & Security website (click here and then click the "Security Report" button). This required report contains crime statistics from 2018 to 2020 and addresses the college’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security, such as responding to emergency situations and reporting sexual misconduct. Additionally, the report contains information related to fire safety. You can request a paper copy in the Campus Security Office located in Saemann Center.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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