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The Juice — April 27, 2015

Campus beautification opportunity — A third day has been added to the volunteer opportunities for campus beautification in May Term. The outside work will continue Thursday, May 14, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Slots also remain open Tuesday, May 12, and Wednesday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. The annual event brings faculty and staff together for tasks such as planting flowers, pulling weeds, and raking. Sign up by contacting Ruth Hein, Operations and Maintenance Office coordinator, at ruth.hein@wartburg.edu. Volunteers will be informed of where to report and what tools to bring.

Former Regents chair passes away — Irving R. Burling, former chair of the Wartburg College Board of Regents, died Thursday, April 16. The retired president and chief executive officer of Century Companies of America — now part of CUNA Mutual Group — was 87. Gifts from Burling and the company funded the Irving R. Burling Endowed Chair in Leadership, which the Board of Regents named in his honor.

Faculty, staff members honored
Dr. Michael Bechtel '94, assistant professor of science education, was honored with the 2015 John O. Chellevold Student Award for Excellence in Teaching and Professional Service during the Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship Convocation held on Research, Internship, and Creative Endeavor Day. Justin Crouse '08, assistant professor of accounting, received the Advisor of the Year Award. Students also selected Daniel Kittle, director of the Center for Community Engagement, and Ruth Tibbott, dining service checker, for outstanding staff awards. Click here to read more.

Trump visits Wednesday
— Donald Trump, business magnate, TV celebrity, and a potential presidential candidate, will speak on campus Wednesday, April 29. The 11 a.m. event in Neumann Auditorium is sponsored by the Wartburg College Republicans. It is free and open to the public. 

New service opportunity
 — Wartburg students are teaming up with the Waverly-Shell Rock Area United Way Thursday, May 14, for the inaugural Wartburg Day of Caring. Students will have the opportunity to volunteer with six organizations to better the community. To volunteer, or for more information, email Zach Stanley '15 at zachary.stanley@wartburg.edu

  • Waverly Senior Center: Eight or more volunteers needed for 1-2 hours for maintenance work, edging, and dusting. 
  • Helping Services for Northeast Iowa: Five or more volunteers needed for two hours for posting flyers and tabling.
  • North Star Community Services: Four or more volunteers needed for two hours for outdoor furniture treatment, gardening, and maintenance. If weather is poor, volunteers will interact indoors with consumers.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters: Five or more volunteers needed from 5 to 7 p.m. for a year-end celebration of program participants.
  • Trinkets & Togs: Two or more volunteers needed for two hours to paint a shed. 
  • Boy Scouts of America: Ten or more volunteers needed for four hours for painting, dusting, and outdoor maintenance in Waterloo.

Welcome an international guest 
— Janos Jeri, a recent university graduate from Hungary, will be on campus May Term as a guest of the Social Work Department and the Rev. Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans, the McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission. Jeri is interested in learning about social work in the U.S. in advance of his graduate studies in Hungary.

Graduates honored for documentaries
 — Three documentaries produced by 2014 graduates received Crystal Pillars at the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences-Upper Midwest Regional Student Production Awards. Click here to read more.

Campaign donation
— The Accel Group has committed $30,000 to the Transforming Tomorrow comprehensive campaign. The gift is part of the campaign’s $5 million Waverly Community Appeal. Local donors have pledged $4.5 million to date. The Accel Group President Mike Byl and his wife, Darcy, co-chair the community appeal along with Dave and Peggy Rathe and Lindley and Joanne Jones. Click here to read more.

Anderson awarded McElroy Fellowship
— Caitlin Anderson '15 is one of two students to receive an R.J. McElroy Graduate Fellowship. Anderson, a double major in mathematics and biology, will receive up to $30,000 over three years. She plans to pursue a doctorate in cellular and molecular biology at the University of Chicago. Click here to read more.

Dash of Color 5K deadline
— The Dash of Color 5K Walk/Run is Sunday, May 3, 2 p.m., starting in Walston-Hoover Stadium. Hosted by PRSSA and Tower Agency, the event will benefit several student organizations. Click here to register. Contact Elizabeth Heying '15 at elizabeth.heying@wartburg.edu with questions.

Softball program launches kids club
 — The softball program recently launched Knights Kids Club for girls in kindergarten through seventh grade. Annual membership costs $25 and includes Wartburg softball apparel, a mentorship program, the opportunity to watch Wartburg softball practices, advanced registration for youth camps, club parties, and more. Click here to download the registration form. For more information, contact coach Leigh Ann LaFave at leighann.lafave@wartburg.edu or 352-8663.

Students earn media awards
 — Wartburg student media won 10 awards, including four first-place honors, at the Iowa Broadcast News Association's annual convention Saturday, April 18. KWAR and Wartburg Television staff each won five awards. Click here to read more.

Miss the premiere?
 — The six capstone documentaries premiered by Department of Journalism & Communication students on RICE Day are available online.

Malts in May Term
— Representatives of S.A.F.E. and Counseling Services will serve free malts Tuesday, April 28, 2 p.m., on the campus lawn in front of Old Main. In case of inclement weather, the event will be in Cardinal Commons of Grossmann and Löhe halls.

GRE webinar follow-up
 — Thanks to those who attended the GRE overview webinar hosted by Pathways. Additional materials available include an adviser kit, a one-page snapshot of the content and structure of the GRE revised General Test, and an introductory video. Further graduate school exam preparation resources can be found on the Pathways website. Please note the center's newest resource, Learning Express.

Camp EWALU retreat
 — Pathways Center's vocation and mentoring program and the Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry Office are co-sponsoring a mini-retreat for students to explore life, interests, skills, and purpose. The retreat begins Friday, May 8, 5 p.m., and continues through 4 p.m., Saturday, May 9, at Camp EWALU in Strawberry Point. Encourage students to register online by Wednesday, April 29. For more information, email T.J. Warren, Pathways associate for vocation and mentoring, at torrence.warren@wartburg.edu or Pastor Ramona Bouzard at ramona.bouzard@wartburg.edu.

Campaign donation — Mike and Darcy Byl have committed $25,000 to the Transforming Tomorrow comprehensive campaign. The gift is part of the campaign’s $5 million Waverly Community Appeal. Read more about the donation here

Course days corrected
 — The online class schedule listed incorrect days for RE 342-01 Religions of China for next Winter Term. The correct class periods are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 2:30-3:35 p.m. Questions can be directed to Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa at kunihiko.terasawa@wartburg.edu.

Expecting a package?
 — Expecting a package that never arrived? The mail center has multiple packages that arrived without names or box numbers. Check by asking for Darla at the window or calling 352-8263.

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