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The Juice (Student) - May 24

May Term music concerts 🎵, more

May 24, 2021

May Term music concerts this week

Bring a blanket and your friends and enjoy these outdoor music concerts featuring student conductors. All are welcome:

May Term Orchestra Concert on Tuesday, May 25, at 4 p.m. outside of the Chapel (potential rain date of Wednesday, May 26).
May Term Band Concert on Saturday, May 29, at 6:30 p.m. outside on the South Campus Mall (rain site: Neumann Auditorium).


Juice publishing schedule

This is the final regular Juice email of the academic term. Juice emails will be sent as needed for important information during the summer months. Please email juice@wartburg.edu if you have an item for the campus community. The Juice will begin regular editions again Aug. 23. Fall Term classes begin Wednesday, Sept. 1. Enjoy a wonderful summer!


Fall Break leader applications for Service Trips

Have you ever been on a service trip? This is your chance to step up and lead a service trip to make an impact somewhere in the U.S. during Fall Break, Oct. 15-24. Details are on the application. Please apply using this link. Please send any questions or concerns to servicetrips@wartburg.edu.


Public Health Ambassador yoga event today

Join Public Health Ambassadors for yoga on Monday, May 24, at 4 p.m. on the Clinton lawn (between Centennial and Clinton halls) to promote mental health before finals start. We are partnering with The W for this event, and recommend that people bring their own yoga mats, towels, or blankets.


Take the Sustainability surveySustainability department survey

The Wartburg Sustainability Department is looking for student feedback regarding our role on campus. Please fill out this survey to let us know how we can improve campus sustainability in the next school year. Thank you for your input!


Tuesday Bible Study during May Term

Come to Bible Study every Tuesday during May in the Chapel Commons at 4 p.m. We’ll dive into the Word and do fun activities every week! All are welcome.

There are no Weekday Chapel services during May Term.
Pastor Brian Beckstrom and Pastoral Intern Rebecca Baird are available to the campus community on the third floor of the Chapel.


Sanctuary at 8 p.m. on Wednesday

Sanctuary will begin at 8 p.m. on Wednesday night. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. All are welcome! Worship begins in the Chapel sanctuary at 8, come early at 7:45 for snacks.


Upcoming events

Public Health Ambassadors yoga event
May 24

May Term Orchestra Concert
May 25

May Term Band Concert
May 29

May 30


Mask requirement lifted

On Saturday, May 15, President Darrel Colson announced that the mask requirement on campus would be lifted; however, everyone should still carry a mask with them as some individuals may still require them in their classroom or office. In addition, all unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue wearing a mask and distancing from others. Read the full announcement here.


Sign up to join Outfly committee 2021

Are you interested in planning a favorite Wartburg tradition? Join Outfly Committee 2021! This group will meet to plan and organize activities, decorations, and events related to Outfly. Contact senate@wartburg.edu with questions. Click here to sign up.


Bicycle removal

All students need to remove bikes from campus when they leave at the end of May Term. Remaining bikes will be picked up and be donated.


Mail Center reminders

As the end of the academic year approaches, the Mail Center would like to remind students to:

Check and empty their mailboxes before departing campus.
Double-check ship-to addresses when ordering, or remove Wartburg as a shipping address if you are permanently leaving campus (graduating).
Complete this link to clarify your forwarding address for the Mail Center. This is especially important if you need your mail forwarded to an address other than the permanent address in Wartburg’s records.


Shining Armor awards

Every year the Ambassadors nominate faculty and staff who were outstanding for the year for the Shining Armor Award to celebrate their accomplishments. Thank you to all Wartburg faculty and staff for their continued hard work and dedication to students during a year that was very unconventional. Wartburg faculty and staff are out of this world and prove every day that Wartburg is Worth It. Click here to view the full list of recipients.


Summer specialty classes at The W

The W is offering two summer specialty classes: Summer SWAT and Athlete Within.


SWAT is an outdoor class designed to make you sweat. Test your abilities being challenged by tire flips, battle ropes, sleds, and more!

Dates: June 7 to Aug. 12

Days: M/T/Th

Time: 5:15-6:15 a.m.

Cost: $75 member, $115 guests, $100 each if two or more guests register together


The Athlete Within is a strength-and-conditioning-based program that focuses heavily on learning new skills and mastering the proper technique of all barbell, kettlebell, and dumbbell lifts to build usable strength and endurance.

Dates: June 7 to Aug. 13

Days: M/T/Th/F

Time: 5-6 a.m.

Cost: $100 members, $155 guests, $140 if two or more guests register together

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and occasionally during the week as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have a breaking news item that needs to run immediately, please contact the editor via phone or email.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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