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The Juice (Student) - May 17


May 17, 2021

ETK Presents: Good Morning Bedlam

Join ETK as we bring the band Good Morning Bedlam to campus Monday, May 17, out on campus lawn at 7 p.m. (rain location in Neumann Auditorium). Bring your blanket, lawn chair, and friend group to the center of campus to enjoy the nice weather and a little break from homework.


Mask requirement lifted

On Saturday, May 15, President Darrel Colson announced that the mask requirement on campus would be lifted; however, everyone should still carry a mask with them as some individuals may still require them in their classroom or office. In addition, all unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue wearing a mask and distancing from others. Read the full announcement here.


Sign up to join Outfly committee 2021

Are you interested in planning a favorite Wartburg tradition? Join Outfly Committee 2021! This group will meet to plan and organize activities, decorations, and events related to Outfly. Contact senate@wartburg.edu with questions. Click here to sign up.


Bicycle removal

All students need to remove bikes from campus when they leave at the end of May Term. Remaining bikes will be picked up and be donated.


Learn more about Wartburg West

Have you considered attending Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado, but need more information? Join Wartburg West Director Dr. Greg Lorenz and former Wartburg West student participants on Tuesday, May 18, from noon to 2 p.m., in front of Old Main to learn more about the program. The application deadline has been extended for Winter 2022.


Rosenchor auditions Wednesday

The treble a cappella group Rosenchor is holding auditions for the upcoming year! Auditions will take place in the Choral Hall starting at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19. No need to prepare a song, just come warmed up! You must have been a member of the St. Elizabeth’s Chorale this year and be registered for the ensemble for the 21-22 school year. For more information email grace.becker@wartburg.edu.


ASA is celebrating Holi, the festival of colors

The Asian Student Association is hosting Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, on Friday, May 21, at 4 p.m. on Clinton Field. In the event of inclement weather, Holi will be held on Saturday, May 22, at 3 p.m. in the same location.


Come have fun playing with water and colors, and remember to wear clothes that you do not mind getting temporary stains on! Contact asa@wartburg.edu with questions or concerns.

Mail Center reminders

As the end of the academic year approaches, the Mail Center would like to remind students to:

Check and empty their mailboxes before departing campus.
Double-check ship-to addresses when ordering, or remove Wartburg as a shipping address if you are permanently leaving campus (graduating).
Complete this link to clarify your forwarding address for the Mail Center. This is especially important if you need your mail forwarded to an address other than the permanent address in Wartburg’s records.


Shining Armor awards

Every year the Ambassadors nominate faculty and staff who were outstanding for the year for the Shining Armor Award to celebrate their accomplishments. Thank you to all Wartburg faculty and staff for their continued hard work and dedication to students during a year that was very unconventional. Wartburg faculty and staff are out of this world and prove every day that Wartburg is Worth It. Click here to view the full list of recipients.


Chris Knudson to speak on "Poverty, Race, and Gender in the Digital Economy"

Chris Knudson, director of marketing and communication, will speak to the Waverly chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) on Thursday, May 20 at 7 p.m. His talk, "Poverty, Race, and Gender in the Digital Economy", will be available to faculty, staff, and the general public via Zoom. Please email Kim Folkers for the Zoom link.


Summer specialty classes at The W

The W is offering two summer specialty classes: Summer SWAT and Athlete Within.


SWAT is an outdoor class designed to make you sweat. Test your abilities being challenged by tire flips, battle ropes, sleds, and more!

Dates: June 7 to Aug. 12

Days: M/T/Th

Time: 5:15-6:15 a.m.

Cost: $75 member, $115 guests, $100 each if two or more guests register together


The Athlete Within is a strength-and-conditioning-based program that focuses heavily on learning new skills and mastering the proper technique of all barbell, kettlebell, and dumbbell lifts to build usable strength and endurance.

Dates: June 7 to Aug. 13

Days: M/T/Th/F

Time: 5-6 a.m.

Cost: $100 members, $155 guests, $140 if two or more guests register together


Tuesday Bible Study during May Term

Come to Bible Study every Tuesday during May in the Chapel Commons at 4 p.m. We’ll dive into the Word and do fun activities every week! All are welcome.

There are no Weekday Chapel services during May Term.
Pastor Brian Beckstrom and Pastoral Intern Rebecca Baird are available to the campus community on the third floor of the Chapel.


Sanctuary at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays

During May Term, Sanctuary will begin at 8 p.m. on Wednesday nights. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. All are welcome! Worship begins in the Chapel sanctuary at 8, come early at 7:45 for snacks.


Upcoming events

Basic at Wartburg worship night
May 20

Northeast Iowa Food Bank volunteering
May 122

May 30


Food bank volunteers needed

There is still one opportunity left to volunteer at the NEIFB with different tasks:

Saturday, May 22
9 to 11 a.m.
Sign up at this link, and let us know if you need a ride.


Students, faculty, staff honored for leadership, service

The following students, faculty, and staff recently were honored for their outstanding leadership and service and students were inducted into the National Society of Leadership & Success at the 2021 Leadership & Service Awards and Induction program. The event was livestreamed on Knight Vision.


This year’s award recipients of Leadership & Service Awards are:

Nobility Award – Hidaly Hernandez, Alizah Qadri, Sailor Hinegardner, Rachel Green
Outstanding Organization – Iclub
Outstanding International Senior – Rachel Ndjuluwa
Dell Awards for Peace and Justice – Emma Williams, Kellie Escovy
Peacemakers Award – Grace Greving, Hannah Dutcher
Outstanding Organizational Service – ETK
Outstanding Organization Advisor – Sam Pfab
Debbie E. Heida Award – Alex Buchheim, Jordan Flaherty
Spirit of Student Life Award – COVID Mitigation and Contact Tracers – Ryan Callahan, Danny Drees, Jessica Albright, Natalie Huisman, Kaiden Feibelkorn

Wartburg shuttle registrationWartburg shuttle registrati

The Wartburg Shuttle will be departing for area airports on Friday, May 28. The deadline to register for end-of-the-year shuttle trips is Friday, May 21, at 5 p.m. For information on departure times and locations, please visit www.wartburg.edu/shuttle. You can also find shuttle dates and pre-registration for 2021-22 as well.


What’s going on this May Term?

Even though ETK Large Event is over (thank you, ETK!), there are still activities to take part in this May Term! Check out the list at this link.

Also, be watching soon for more yard games, hammocks and other items you can borrow for free from Vogel Library! The May Term Challenge planned by the Alumni Office has raised funds to purchase more items for students to borrow.


Basic at Wartburg worship night

Basic at Wartburg is hosting a worship night Thursday, May 20, at 8 p.m. at Orchard Hill Church in Waverly, 195 20th St. NW, Suite D (near the Pizza Ranch). All are invited.


Library databases disappearing soon

Access to the following library databases will end in the next few months: Music Online, CQ Researcher, Gale-owned databases, Oxford Reference Online, Ulrich's, RILM, Annual Reviews, CRC Handbook, and Project Muse. You will be able to see the month of access loss on the link to the database itself on the Databases A-Z page. Please contact your librarian for information about alternative search paths and sources!


Online vehicle registration for 2021-22

Online vehicle registration for the 2021-22 school year ends June 26. Make sure to get your vehicle registered at this link. Late fee for registration after that date is $50.


The Trumpet May Term issue and position applications

The Trumpet is accepting pieces for its final issue in May Term. The final issue will be about attending college in a pandemic. Please submit pieces as Microsoft Word documents to silvia.oakland@wartburg.edu or olivia.foster@wartburg.edu. If you would like to be interviewed about your experience as a college student during COVID-19, please reach out to Silvia or Olivia. All pieces are subject to be edited for style and clarity. The Trumpet reserves the right to not run pieces if they do not meet these guidelines.


The Trumpet is now accepting applications for paid positions for the 2021-22 academic year. Please use this link to submit your application. If you have any questions or concerns about requirements or the positions, please reach out to current Editor-in-Chief Silvia Oakland or incumbent Editor-in-Chief Olivia Foster.


Peer Learning Lab hours

The Peer Learning Lab (PLL), located in Library 204, is a free, collaborative peer-to-peer learning service available to all Wartburg students to help improve their writing, speaking, mathematical, reading and critical thinking skills. Click here to learn more and to schedule an appointment.

Here are the May Term hours:

Math Lab: Sunday through Thursday, 6-10 p.m.
WRSL Lab: Monday and Wednesday, 12-4 p.m.; Sunday through Thursday, 6-10 p.m.


Volunteers needed for Commencement

No public tickets will be offered to this year’s Commencement, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 30. Each graduating senior has been provided four tickets, and other members of the student body will not be allowed to attend, unless they have been given a ticket by a graduating senior. However, because of the larger venue, many volunteers are needed to welcome and host this event. Tasks include welcomers/ticket takers, assistants for seating in the stadium and on the football field, general traffic control, and directing the processional/recessional. If you are interested in volunteering for these tasks so you can be at the ceremony, please contact Janeen Stewart at 352-8331 or janeen.stewart@wartburg.edu by Wednesday, May 12. She will follow up with further details.


Though non-graduating students will not be able to attend Commencement in person unless they have a ticket or are volunteering, all are welcome to gather on the central area of campus after the ceremony, wearing masks. The ceremony also will be streamed live on Knight Vision.

Notice of Consumer Information for students

Consumer Information is available at this link. http://www.wartburg.edu/consumer-information/ This information contains statistics, policies and programs at Wartburg College, which includes but is not limited to the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with questions or to request a paper copy.


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and occasionally during the week as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have a breaking news item that needs to run immediately, please contact the editor via phone or email.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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