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The Juice — April 9, 2015


RICE Day is here — More than 555 projects will be showcased today, April 9, for Research, Internship, and Creative Endeavor Day. More than 450 students will present research, exhibit projects, display art, and air documentaries as part of the day, which celebrates academic excellence, innovation, and enterprise. Presentations begin at 8:30 a.m. at sites across campus, and the Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship Convocation will be in Neumann Auditorium at 10 a.m. A full schedule of the day’s events is available here.

What's your dream Outfly?
 — Student Senate has begun planning Outfly 2015 and seeks student input. Complete this survey to help shape this fall's special day off from class.

Melt away finals stress
 — SAVE will host a Pre-Finals Week Stress-Free Zone Monday, April 13, 4-8 p.m., in the McCoy rooms of Saemann Student Center. Activities include massages, yoga, crafts, coloring, games, and more. The massage sign-up will be over lunch Friday, April 10, in Saemann Student Center.

Saxophone Serenade
— The final concert of the Wartburg Community Symphony’s season, Saxophone Serenade, begins at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 11, in Neumann Auditorium. Soloist Ashu, who has defied convention by using the saxophone to win awards traditionally won by pianists and violinists, will perform most of the program on soprano and alto saxophone. This will be the last concert directed by Dr. Daniel Kaplunas, music director and conductor since 2011. The evening begins at 7:10 p.m. with pre-concert music by the Wartburg String Quartet. A reception concludes the evening. Tickets are free to Wartburg students with identification.

Wartburg Choir, Estes in concert
— The Wartburg Choir will perform Sunday, April 12, in Wartburg Chapel. The 4 p.m. concert will feature selections from the choir’s four-state regional tour this month and a performance by renowned bass-baritone Simon Estes, artist-in-resident. Dr. Estes, who will sing two solos and join the choir for one piece, made his operatic debut 50 years ago this month. The concert will feature recognition of the milestone. The choir’s program, SpiritSong, will highlight new works by René Clausen and Stacey V. Gibbs, acclaimed composers who have instructed the choir on Wartburg’s campus this year. The 81-voice ensemble also will sing Bach’s Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, two movements from Sergei Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil, and Jake Runestad’s Alleluia.

Wind Ensemble in concert
— The Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Craig Hancock, will give a home concert Sunday, April 12, at 2 p.m. The performance in Neumann Auditorium will kick off a tour of Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri. The program will cover a range of emotions and styles and include works by John Philip Sousa and Karl King, as well as Samuel Hazo, who directed the Meistersinger Honor Band Festival at Wartburg in February.

Symphonic band, Knightliters in concert
— The Symphonic Band will perform its spring concert Friday, April 10, 7 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. The band, under the direction of Dr. Scott Muntefering, will perform In Flight and From Gold by Sam Hazo, With Pleasure by John Philip Sousa, Second Suite in F by Gustav Holst, and Halo by Ralph Ford. Senior band members will be honored. A free concert by the Knightliters jazz band immediately follows in the Saemann Student Center’s McCaskey Lyceum.

Castle Singers in concert
— The Castle Singers, under the direction of Dr. Nicki Toliver, will perform Saturday, April 11, 4 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel. The spring concert is a prelude to the choir’s international tour, April 30-May 18, which includes 14 performances throughout Germany and the Czech Republic. The vocal chamber ensemble will share a wide variety of literature ranging from Renaissance motets to The Beatles, featuring Dr. Jennifer Larson, soprano, and works by Eric Whitacre, Rene Clausen, and Stacey V. Gibbs. A dessert bar and light refreshments will follow in Chapel Commons.

Malts in May Term
— Representatives of S.A.F.E. and Counseling Services will serve free malts Tuesday, April 28, 2 p.m., on the campus lawn in front of Old Main. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in Cardinal Commons of Grossmann and Löhe halls.

Cheer on the Knights 
— Tryouts for the 2015-16 cheer squad will be Sunday, April 12, noon, in Levick Arena. Click here for details, and email coach Tara Winter at tara.winter@wartburg.edu to sign up.

Dash of Color 5K deadline
— Sign up online before Friday, April 10, to receive the advance registration price of $25 for the Dash of Color 5K Walk/Run Sunday, May 3, 2 p.m. Hosted by PRSSA and Tower Agency, the event will benefit several student organizations. Contact Elizabeth Heying '15 at elizabeth.heying@wartburg.edu with questions.

Loan loose-ends
— Students who were not able to attend a Stafford Loan Exit session are encouraged to stop by the Financial Aid Office in Luther 212 to pick up loan exit materials. Also, those who have not completed the online exit counseling should do so at this link. Thanks to the many students who attended, and congratulations to Brent Christeson and Colt Feltes, the $500 student loan payment winners!

Bach's Lunch Friday
 — Two students and a professor will be featured at the “Bach’s Lunch” organ concert series Friday, April 10. The 12:30 p.m. performance in Wartburg Chapel will be preceded by an explanation of the program in Chapel Commons beginning at noon. Blaine Woodson, a junior music major, and Kaitlynn Eaton, a senior music major, will perform, along with Dr. Karen Black, professor of music and Rudi Inselmann Endowed Professor in Organ. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch. 

Final Phil & Lit meeting 
— The last Winter Term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, April 10, 4 p.m., in McCoy West of Saemann Student Center. Olaniyi Omiwale '15 will present The Reader Became the Nook: Reading Proust in the Digital Age. Merry Gillaspie '15 will present How much POGIL is too much?

Lunch 'N' Learn
 — The Lunch 'n' Learn series presented by Waverly Health Center and The W continues Wednesday, April 15, noon-1 p.m., in the Wet Classroom of The W. Bring a lunch as WHC's Kristal Graves and Pam Brahn present Health Literacy and Where to Get Answers. For more information, call 352-8249.


Register now to avoid D Lot — Vehicle registration is open for the 2015-16 academic year. Reserve a spot by clicking the "Parking Registration" link on this webpage. Lots are assigned by seniority for those who register by the June 24 deadline. Off-campus commuters also need to register their vehicle. After the deadline, those seeking to renew their registration will be charged a $25 fee and likely will be assigned to D Lot. Unsure if you'll bring a vehicle this fall? The registration fee is fully refundable, so reserve a space just in case. Questions can be directed to the Campus Security Office at campus.security@wartburg.edu or 352-8372.

Service, leadership awards bestowed
— Students, faculty, staff, and organizations were honored at the 22nd annual Service and Leadership Awards March 14. Click here for the list of recipients.

Student employees honored
 — The votes are in, and Alyson O’Brian '17 is the 2014-15 Student Employee of the Year. The athletic laundry assistant was nominated by Michael Strydom, tennis coach. The first runner-up was Austin Pauling '16, resident assistant in Clinton Hall. Kayla Kregel, facility manager for The W, was the second runner-up. Please congratulate these wonderful student-workers.

Student honored
— Jenna Manders '15 has won national recognition for her contributions to community and civic engagement on campus. The Dubuque resident is one of six Newman Civic Fellows from Iowa colleges and universities. The business administration and sociology double-major will work for the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque as their philanthropic partnerships assistant. Students are nominated for the Campus Compact honor by institution presidents, and 201 students from across the country are being recognized this year. Click here to read more about Manders and the honor.

Senior art exhibit
— The annual senior exhibit will showcase works from six students beginning today, April 9, in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Gallery in Bachman Fine Arts Center. An opening-night reception begins at 7 p.m. The exhibit is open daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through May 24.

Community appeal launches
— State Bank has committed $25,000 to Wartburg’s Transforming Tomorrow comprehensive campaign. The gift is part of the campaign’s $5 million Waverly Community Appeal, which launched publicly March 22. To date, local donors have pledged $4.5 million to the effort. Co-chairs Mike and Darcy Byl, Dave and Peggy Rathe, and Lindley and Joanne Jones head the community appeal. For more information about the campaign, visit www.wartburg.edu/transform.

Camp EWALU retreat 
— Pathways Center's vocation and mentoring program and the Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry Office are co-sponsoring a mini-retreat for students to explore life, interests, skills, and purpose. The retreat begins Friday, May 8, 5 p.m., and continues through 4 p.m., Saturday, May 9, at Camp EWALU in Strawberry Point. Register online by Wednesday, April 29. For more information, email T.J. Warren, Pathways associate for vocation and mentoring, at torrence.warren@wartburg.edu or Pastor Ramona Bouzard at ramona.bouzard@wartburg.edu.

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