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The Juice (Students) - March 13

March 13, 2017
The future of Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry

SLCM is conducting a program review and we need your help! From March 19-26, three student groups will be conducted by the project guiding team of Kennedy Haut, Stephanie Boeding, Ieshia Brown, Scott Leisinger, LeAnn Faidley, Christine DeVries, Jackson Reynolds, and Allan Bernard. A faculty group will be conducted March 28-31, and a staff group will be convened during May Term. We’d like to hear from as many people with different faith backgrounds and perspectives as possible, particularly those with no current faith affiliation. Incentives will be provided for participation. To volunteer or nominate someone, please click here.

2017-18 housing sign-up
Here are the sign-up nights for 2017-18 housing: 
  • Knights Village: Tuesday, March 14, 7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum
  • Single rooms: Wednesday, March 15, 7 p.m., Grossmann 131
  • 6- and 8-person suites (Grossmann, Lohe): Monday, March 20, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium
  • 4-person suites (Grossmann, Lohe, Manors, Complex, Founders): Tuesday, March 21, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium
  • Doubles and triples (Manors, Founders, Complex, Clinton, Lohe, Grossmann): Wednesday, March 22, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

Direct questions to cassandra.hales@wartburg.edu.
Please click here for specific sign-up nights as well as floor plans for the different buildings. 

Vander Plaats, Red Wing event
Wartburg College Republicans will host Bob Vander Plaats and Donna Red on Monday, March 13, at 6:30 p.m., in WBC 214 (Buckmaster). The event will focus on how to have civil discussion even in the midst of disagreements and how to reach out to those you may consider your enemy. Direct questions to Emily Laudner.
Icing on the Cake Day
On average, students pay 73 percent of the full cost of tuition. The other portion is covered by the generosity of alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff, and other resources. Because of these contributions, the remaining 27 percent of the academic year is “icing on the cake!” Stop by the Student Center on Tuesday, March 14, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., to decorate your FREE mini cupcake. Direct questions to studentsuknight@wartburg.edu.
Grad Finale for seniors
The Grad Finale will be Thursday, March 16, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., in Knights Ballroom to provide you with “one-stop shopping” for all of your graduation requirements. Offices represented will be the Registrar’s Office, Business Office, Perkins Loan Office, Financial Aid, Alumni, Career Services, Senior Class Gift, Sustainability, and The Wartburg Store, allowing you to complete myriad requirements in one location.
High School Teacher of the Year Award nominations 
Graduating seniors, did you have a high school teacher who inspired you and contributed to your accomplishment of earning a baccalaureate degree from Wartburg College? If so, please nominate your teacher for the Outstanding High School Teacher of the Year Award. Winning teachers will receive $500. In addition, a $500 scholarship will be made available to a rising senior from your high school. For more details and a nomination form, click here. Nominations are due by noon Friday, March 17.
Green tip of the week
The Sustainability Office will sponsor a reusable mug sale, starting Monday, March 13, while supplies last in the Den and Konditorei. Select reusable mugs will be half price and come with one free refill. Students can like “Sustainability at Wartburg” on Facebook or follow @wartburgsustainability on Twitter and post a picture with their reusable mug with #wartburgmugshots to be entered in a drawing for a $10 Dining Services gift card. 
Teaching opportunity in Honduras
A representative from Abundant Life Christian Schools will be on campus Friday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to noon, in the northwest foyer of Saemann Student Center. This bilingual school in Honduras is seeking teachers for the 2017-18 school year. A teaching degree, as well as Spanish fluency, is NOT required to work at Abundant Life Christian Schools. All teaching positions are salaried and include paid airfare. Contract length is one school year, or approximately 10 months. There is no fundraising required.
Faculty to present at Phil and Lit Society
Barbara Fedeler and Rachel Clark, recipients of the Dr. Peggy and Kendall Pruisner Scholarly and Creative Activity Award and the Dr. Peggy and Kendall Pruisner Early Career Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, respectively, will present their research during the March 17 and 24 meetings of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society. On March 17, Clark, assistant professor of English, will present Islamophobia and Masculinity in Early Modern England and Today. On March 24, Fedeler, professor of art, will present Landscapes of Northeast Iowa: Adjusting for the Lens of Time. Phil and Lit meets at 4 p.m. in McCoy West. All are welcome.
IMpower seeks volunteers
IMpower is an empowerment movement designed to help elementary-aged girls keep their self-esteem and dignity while transitioning through childhood. IMpower is looking for more female volunteers for the last session of the year, which starts Monday, March 20, for the Waverly group and Monday, March 13, for the Charles City group. Volunteers will go into elementary schools and teach provided curriculum to a group of girls for one hour. If you are interested, email Jenna Haglund
Registrar's Office closed Thursday
The Registrar’s Office will close at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 16, to attend the Grad Finale for pending May 2017 graduates. Please plan accordingly.
Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar
The next Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar will be Tuesday, March 14, at 11:30 a.m., in SC 134. Gregory Tanner, a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Iowa, will present Support Vector Machines and NCAA March Madness. Everyone is welcome to come and learn about how these supervised learning algorithms can be used to build the “best” March Madness bracket. Refreshments will be provided.
Bands join for concert
The Wartburg Symphonic Band will give a joint concert with the Wapsie Valley High School Band on Saturday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Mary Catholic Church in Waverly. The Wapsie Valley band is directed by Jamie Harrings ’16. Admission to the concert will be in the form of a nonperishable donation to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.
Water to Thrive fundraiser
Wartburg College’s Water to Thrive chapter will host a pancake dinner fundraiser Saturday, March 18, from 5 to 8 p.m., at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Waverly. All are welcome. Pancakes, eggs, sausages, coffee, milk, and orange juice will be served. The event also will include a raffle and live music. There will be a free-will donation, and every dollar raised will directly fund building clean water wells in rural African countries.
Outstanding Faculty and Staff Award Reception
All are invited to attend the Outstanding Faculty and Staff Award Reception, honoring 2016-17 recipients Bernard Holland and Ramona Bouzard for their hard work and dedication to Wartburg College. This will be a come-and-go event Tuesday, March 21, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., in the Castle Room. There will be snacks and refreshments provided. Direct questions to senate@wartburg.edu.
BSU T-shirts
Black Student Union will be selling T-shirts for $5 (cash only). If you would like to purchase a shirt, email BSU@wartburg.edu.
Join Dance Marathon’s executive team
Dance Marathon is looking for individuals for the 2017-18 executive team. Applications can be found here and are due Friday, March 31. Additionally, interested applicants are encouraged to attend an executive team meeting, held every Thursday at 7 p.m. in WBC 101. Direct questions to wcdm@wartburg.edu.
Student teachers meeting
There will be a meeting for all 2017-18 elementary and secondary student teachers on Thursday, April 6, at 11:30 a.m., in Old Main 200. The meeting will last approximately 45 minutes and you will be given your placements and cooperating teachers. Music student teachers will have a separate meeting with music faculty.
Mail Center now accepts All Campus Spending
The Mail Center now accepts All Campus Spending in payment for stamps, envelopes, packaging, and metered postage. ACS funds can be added to your account in the Business Office, Dining/ID Office, or online through your personal GET account. Cash and checks also still are accepted payment methods for mail services. For information about ACS, click here
RICE Day schedule
The RICE Day schedule is posted at www.wartburg.edu/rice. A PDF of the final program will be posted in April.
Apply for German Institute funds
The German Institute announces the 2017-18 call for applications to support activities/endeavors related to German and/or Germany. For 2017-18, a total of $4,000 is available from external sources. Because these funds are limited, an application is required and will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applications for the full amount of available funds will at this time most likely not be supported in full. Applications are due Wednesday, March 15. Awards will be announced no later than April 1. In the past, the Institute has funded enrichments to May Term trips to Germany, the German film festival, learning materials for the faculty/staff heritage tour, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad. Full application details are available at www.wartburg.edu/german-institute. Direct questions to Dr. Daniel Walther.
Funding opportunity for 2018 May Term in Germany
Earn a financial award for GER260/261 in May 2018!
  • Covers from one-fourth up to max of one-half of trip cost (depending on price and number of awards)
  • Eligibility: First-/second-year status (May 2020 or 2021 graduation date)
  • If you receive grant, must take and pass appropriate German course in year following May Term immersion (AY 2018-19); as proof, must register in AY 2017-18 for German course in following year (18-19).

Contact Dr. Daniel Walther with questions.

Research participants needed
Student participants are needed for the following research projects:
  • Participate in student-led research regarding the process of reintegrative shaming in response to sexual assault on college campuses. No previous knowledge about the subject is required. Participants will take part in a panel discussion or an interview. To sign up, click here or email kaila.beavers@wartburg.edu.
  • Participate in a research study on running with and without music. To be eligible, you must run recreationally while listening to music at least once a week for at least 15 minutes and be comfortable running on a treadmill. Participants also must be able to provide their own music player and headphones. To sign up, email samantha.hallgren@wartburg.edu
Graven Award ceremony
Dr. Diane Jacobson, professor emerita of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, will receive Wartburg’s annual Graven Award on Tuesday, March 14, and deliver an address during an 11:30 a.m. ceremony in Wartburg Chapel. The Graven Award, now in its 28th year, honors one “whose life is nurtured and guided by a strong sense of Christian calling and who is making a significant contribution to community, church and society.” It is named for Judge Henry N. and Helen T. Graven of Greene. Music will be provided by Dr. Karen Black and The Wartburg Choir, directed by Dr. Lee Nelson.
Parking registration for 2017-18
If you plan to bring a vehicle to campus at any time during the 2017-18 academic year, you can now register your vehicle online!

  • Maximize the chance of being assigned to the parking lot of your choice.
  • Receive a parking ticket voucher good for one ticket.
  • Avoid late registration fee of $25. All registrations made after June 27 incur a late fee if the student was enrolled during the 2017 Winter or May terms.

How to register:

  • Log in to InfoCenter.
  • Select “Offices,” then “Parking & Safety,” then “Parking Registration.”
  • Fill in all the information requested. If you are registering the vehicle you currently have registered, select “Load Existing Registration.”
  • You will be asked to give your year at Wartburg as of Sept. 6, 2017.
  • You will receive an email confirmation once you have successfully registered. If you don’t receive this confirmation email, try to register again or contact Campus Security for assistance.
  • You can edit your registration (change vehicle information, lot choices, etc.) anytime until June 27.

Click here for answers to common questions about parking registration, or contact John Myers with questions.

Wednesdays in Lent
Wednesdays in Lent (March 8 through April 12), college administrative offices, as well as the Den and Konditorei, will close during chapel time, 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. (The W, Zesty Orange, Security Office, Information Desk, and Mensa will remain open.) This provides time for faculty, staff, and students to participate in the Lenten chapels or take a break from meetings, lessons, and daily work. Please note that food ordered through GET will be available as soon as the stores open, including board plan meal transfers.
Student balances due
Winter Term balances were due Feb. 15, and May Term balances are due Friday, March 10. Student balances must be below $1,000 in order to participate in early registration and the housing lottery for the 2017-18 academic year. Monthly payment plan participants, if your payments are current and your remaining scheduled payments will bring your balance below $1,000, you will be able to participate. In addition, May Term travel courses must be paid in full by March 10 to avoid cancellation. If cancelled, participants will be responsible for any nonrefundable charges to date, as outlined on their May Term Financial Responsibility Form.
World War I film discussion series 
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, Wartburg College humanities and social work faculty are partnering with the Waverly-area veterans post for a film discussion series. All Wartburg faculty, staff, and students are invited to join area veterans and their families to view the films and discuss their reactions supportively. Three films will be shown, all beginning at 7 p.m. in Patriots Hall, 1300 Fourth St. NW, Waverly: March 14, Farewell to Arms; March 21, Sergeant York; March 28, War Horse. Access to these films is made possible by funding from the Harry & Polly Slife Professor in Humanities, the Slife Institute for Social Work, and Dr. Terrence Lindell. 
Candlelight dinner
The candlelight dinner hosted by the Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association dinner will be Wednesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m., in the Heritage Ballroom. WSMTA will discuss autism awareness, advocacy for individuals with different abilities, as well as events for Enlightenment Week in April while students, faculty, and staff mingle over dinner. Pre-registration required.
Order Dance Marathon apparel
Dance Marathon is selling apparel! Click here to download the order form; please return the order form and money to Tony Smith in the Alumni Office by 9 a.m. Monday, March 13.
’Burg Bracket Challenge 
The Wartburg Store is hosting the second annual ’Burg Bracket Challenge, coinciding with the NCAA Basketball Tournament. Brackets will be available at the store, beginning Monday, March 13. Submit your completed brackets by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, along with a $2 entry fee to benefit Dance Marathon. Results will be posted in-store throughout the tournament. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to The Wartburg Store. Direct questions to thestore@wartburg.edu.
Classes at The W
Cycling: This new indoor cycling class is designed for beginners through experienced riders. It is great for the fitness enthusiast who wants a fast-paced, high-energy class. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:45-5:35 p.m., starting March 7.

HIIT: Looking for something faster paced to add to your workout? High-intensity interval training (HIIT), a cardiorespiratory training that incorporates intervals of fast-paced training followed by periods of rest, increases the overall intensity of your workout in a much shorter time. Most workouts are done at a moderate pace, but HIIT workouts involve exertion that ranges from levels one through 10. These exercises are done anywhere from 10 seconds to five minutes. Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:05-4:35 p.m., or Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:45-6:15 p.m., through April 27.
Drag Show is coming
The annual Wartburg College Alliance Drag Show on Saturday, March 18, 7:30 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium, is looking for performers; no experience necessary. Click here for applications. This year’s theme will be the ’80s, and there will be prizes for the best student and faculty/staff performer. Buy your tickets in advance for $2 with a student ID or $5 at the door. Direct questions to cassie.hales@wartburg.edu or alliance@wartburg.edu.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events

Vander Plaats/Red Wing event
March 13

Graven Award ceremony 
March 14

Icing on the Cake Day
March 14

'Burg Bracket Challenge entries due 
March 14

WWI film series 
March 14, 21 & 28

Student Music Therapy Association Candlelight Dinner 
March 15

Grad Finale
March 16

Drag Show
March 18

Symphonic Band joint concert
March 18

Water to Thrive fundraiser
March 18

Culture Week
March 19-24

Dance Marathon
March 25

Student teachers meeting
April 6

Castle Singers concert 
April 8

April 11

Tour Week 
April 23-30

May 28

Online parking
registration deadline

June 27

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, communication specialist for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Sunday worship 
Pastor Brian Beckstrom will give the message Sunday, March 19, 10:30 a.m. in Wartburg Chapel. Join us!
Weekday Chapel services this week
Weekday Chapel services are held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. The service is an opportunity to gather with students, faculty, and staff to reflect on God and faith. Upcoming speakers:
  • Monday, March 13 – Evan Meester ’17
  • Wednesday, March 15, Lenten Chapel – Pastor Brian Beckstrom
  • Friday, March 17 – Tyler Vogel ’17
Lent 2017: Wholeheartedness
During our Wednesday Lenten chapel time, the worshipping community will focus on wholeheartedness and what it might look like for us to live in God’s promise of wholeness in Christ Jesus. Join us at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, March 15, in Wartburg Chapel as we focus on the topic “honesty.” College administrative offices will be closed during chapel time, 10:15-10:35 a.m., Wednesdays during Lent to allow staff and faculty the opportunity to attend chapel. The W, Security Office, and Information Desk will remain open.
Prayer requests
We invite you to write a prayer request to be included during our Wednesday Lenten chapels. The prayer request stations are located on the baptismal font in the narthex and on the hymnal cart on the balcony level.
Join Life Group
Grace Byram and Megan Rott will sponsor a Life Group at 8 p.m. every Wednesday in the Clinton Hall movie theater. Sign up at basicatlang.org. Everyone is welcome.
Sanctuary on Wednesday
Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 8:45 for snacks and conversation. 
Many Languages, One World essay contest
Enter your essay to win a free trip to New York and Boston and speak at the United Nations! By competing in the Many Languages, One World essay contest, you could be selected for an all-expense-paid trip to share your ideas in a Global Youth Forum and present at the United Nations in New York City. You also will have the opportunity to interact with international scholars and tour New York City and Boston. Sixty students will be selected as delegates to the 2017 Many Languages, One World Global Youth Forum and Conference. The deadline for essay submissions is Thursday, March 16. For complete contest rules, eligibility, and details, visit ManyLanguagesOneWorld.org.
VAC positions
The Volunteer Action Center is hiring for an office coordinator (whole year) and a community organization liaison (Fall Term with possibility of Winter Term as well). Applications are due by 4 p.m. Thursday, March 30. Interviews will be the following week. For an application, click here. Direct questions to vac@wartburg.edu.
See openings on Knightlink
Student employment positions are available on Knightlink. Questions regarding these positions or Knightlink can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, at 352-8350.
Urban Studies internships
The Urban Studies Program at Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado, and Des Moines Urban Studies are taking applications NOW for internships that are a part of those programs. Please contact Jo Dorrance for details.
Wrestler Kyle Fank ’18 talked about making his national tournament debut with the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

Wrestler Andrew Steiert ’17 talks injuries and farming with the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The wrestling team is considered a favorite for the team title heading into the Division III National Championships, as reported by USA Wrestling

Christopher Smith ’06 is the conductor of the Rock Valley Chapter of the Badger Chordhawks Chorus, a community-based in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, according to the GazetteXtra

The men's basketball team defeated the University of Wisconsin-River Falls to earn a spot in the NCAA Tournament Sweet 16, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's basketball team beat Benedictine to advance to the second round of the NCAA Tournament, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Katie Sommer ’18 was named MVP and head women's basketball coach Bob Amsberry was named Coach of the Year by the Iowa Conference, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Coach Bob Amsberry and the women's basketball team are prepping for their first NCAA Tournament game against the University of Chicago, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Assistant men's basketball coach Jason Steege recounted the team's season, including its success in the conference championshiop, with the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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