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The Juice (Students) - Feb. 8

Lenten schedule —
As has been the practice at Wartburg, the Christian season of Lent (six weeks) provides the opportunity for all on campus to take a break and practice a time of rest/Sabbath in the middle of the morning. Whether you attend worship in the chapel, gather for conversation with friends, or take a break by turning off the lights for a few moments of quiet, you are encouraged to use this pause as a time for reflection and a chance to stop and be still.

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10, students, faculty, and staff are invited to Ash Wednesday worship (10-10:50 a.m.) with the Imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion, and special music by the Wartburg Choir. The schedule for the morning of Feb. 10 is as follows: 9 a.m. classes dismiss at 9:50 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. classes begin at 11 a.m. Campus offices, the Wartburg Store, the Den, and Konditorei will close from 9:50 to 11 a.m.

During the remaining Wednesdays in Lent (Feb. 17, 24, and March 9, 16, 23), college administrative offices, the Den, and the Konditorei will close during weekday chapel time (10:15-10:35 a.m.) for a series of Wednesday Lenten chapels (The W, Security Office, Information Desk, and Mensa will remain open). 



Summer Camp Fair — Meet with camp representatives recruiting for summer employment, in the northwest foyer of Saemann Student Center on Wednesday, Feb. 10, from 11 a.m to 3 p.m. More than 20 camps and summer programs will be represented, including service, adventure, sports, nature, adventure, and more. Open to all students, no registration is needed. Click here to see a list of attending camps.

The Castle cover design — The Castle, Wartburg's literary magazine, has a contest for the cover design of the winter 2016 issue. The winner will have his or her artwork featured on the cover and will receive a prize. Regulations: size is 5x8.5 inches and must have "The Castle" and "Volume 70 Issue 2" on it. Please send a PDF to castle@wartburg.eduby March 7. The Castle is also accepting written submissions until March 7; send in your poetry, artwork, photography, and stories.

Library survey — Take this brief survey to give your feedback on the utilization of space in the library. This survey from the Library Student Advisory Board is open through Monday, Feb. 22.

Worship at Antioch Baptist — Antioch Baptist Church, 426 Sumner St. in Waterloo, is presenting College Sunday on Feb. 14 at 11 a.m. A homemade soul food dinner will follow the worship service. Wear your orange and black to represent Wartburg! If you would like to attend or have any questions, please contact Krystal Madlock. Transportation is provided.

Valentine's service project — For anyone who wants to spread Valentine's cheer, join the social work club on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 7 to 9 p.m. (come and go as you please) in Old Main 200 for a special Valentine's service project. There will be treats, so bring your friends. Email Abigail Schaper with questions. 

Lynes Lecture in History — Marlys Svendsen, a historic preservationist, will present “A Career in Historic Preservation: Waverly Projects,” highlighting her career in public history and showcasing her numerous projects with the city of Waverly, at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, in Science Center room 134. Light refreshments will be served. Click here to read more about the James W. Lynes Jr. Memorial Lecture in History.

Phil and Lit – The next winter term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Friday, Feb. 12, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West of the Saemann Student Center. Dr. Timothy Ewest, associate professor of business administration, will present Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks and Tyson Foods, Corporate America’s Struggle with Religious Faith. The society meets most Friday afternoons during the academic year for presentations by a colleague in an informal, convivial setting. Beverages and snacks are available.

Triathlon class at The W — Join the nine-week Triathlon Training class starting Wednesday, March 2. Cost is $70 for students. Only a few spots remain; sign up online or turn in this form at The W front desk. And don't forget to sign up for the TriByKnight Triathlon on May 7 at Wartburg! This sprint tri (300-yard swim, 15-mile bike, 3.1-mile run) is perfect for those just getting started in the sport. 

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's officialcalendar.


Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training — The 2013 federal Campus Save Act requires all students, faculty, and staff at Wartburg to participate in a prevention and awareness program relating to sexual misconduct and related offenses. Students are required to complete the online "Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training." All students must complete Part 1 and 2 (check your email for the link) by Monday, Feb. 22. For students who haven’t yet finished Part 1, there is a 30-day wait before having access to Part 2. Please keep this in mind and plan accordingly. Students will not be able to register for 2016-17 classes until they have completed the training. Returning students who completed Part 1 last year do not have to re-take the course, but are strongly encouraged to log in and complete Part 2. Questions regarding this initiative can be directed to Student Life administrators or to studentlife@wartburg.edu

Hourly wage increase — Beginning with the March 15 payroll, dining and maintenance operational student employees will receive pay increases. This program is intended for college students who work in operational aspect of these departments. The base pay will increase from $7.25 per hour to $7.50 per hour. The goal of this program is to encourage student employee retention in these departments and thus improve quality of services and numbers of employees. Details of the plan are posted here

SCAA winners — The winner of the Dr. Peggy & Kendall Pruisner Scholarly and Creative Activity Award is Dr. Karen Black. The winner of the Dr. Peggy & Kendall Pruisner Early Career Scholarly and Creative Activity Award is David Herwaldt. Black will present her research on March 11 at 4 p.m., and Herwaldt will present his research on March 18 at 4 p.m., both as part of the Phil & Lit series. 

Apply to live in The Residence — The Residence is a living and learning environment in which residents come together as a group to identify and meet a need in the community. Applications are now available and are due Feb. 26; click here for details. Presentations for group projects will be March 7 and 9.

Wartburg West fall classes — Dr. Brian McQueen will teach two classes through Wartburg West in fall 2016: The Metropolis and Crime & Deviance. McQueen will spend three weeks teaching onsite in Denver and facilitate the other portion through distance learning. For more information, please contact Jo Dorrance, Wartburg West liaison, or Brian McQueen. Deadline for to sign up for Wartburg West Fall Term is Feb. 19 for third-and fourth-year students, and March 9 for the Sophomore Program. Click here to apply.

German Institute applications — The German Institute seeks applications for funds to support activities/endeavors related to German and/or Germany. For 2016-17, $5,000 is available from external sources. In the past, the Institute has funded enrichments to May Term trips to Germany, the German film festival, learning materials for the faculty/staff heritage tour, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad. Applications for the full amount of available funds will likely not be supported in full. Applications are due March 15. Awards will be announced by April 1. Click here to see application details. Contact Daniel Walther with questions.

Giant Heart Valentine Cookies — Order a giant heart cookie for your sweetheart through GET online ordering (use the "catering take out" store) through Monday, Feb. 15. Cookies will be available to pick up in the Den. The cookies can be decorated with your choice of message: “Be Mine,” “Hugs & Kisses,” or “My BFF.” If you have questions or want to add a personal message, call the dining office at ext. 8303.

German Film Series — The next film in the German Film Series Crossing Boundaries with German Film will be screened on Feb. 9 at 7:15 p.m. in WBC 116. Almanya: Welcome to Germany (2011) is a tragi-comedy that follows three generations of a German-Turkish immigrant family as they journey across intergenerational and cultural divides to shape, understand, and affirm their identity. Free admission. Open to the public. 

Retreat at EWALU — Take time with other Wartburg students to reflect, play games, and enjoy the great outdoors at Camp EWALU in Strawberry Point from Friday evening, Feb. 12, to Saturday afternoon, Feb. 13. Food and transportation provided. A $10 registration fee is due by noon Friday, Feb. 5, to Kathy Liddle in the Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry office. Email Caleb Davidson or Jamie Harrings with questions. Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible. Sponsored by Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry’s Service and Leadership Team (SALT).

River Crossing: Storytelling & Interfaith Leadership Conference – Loras College in Dubuque is hosting a one-day interfaith conference on Saturday, Feb. 20. If you’re interested in attending with a group from Wartburg, contact Pastor Ramona.

Winter professional development — Join us for an upbeat, engaging session focused on who you are, who you want to be, and how you can find increased joy and energy through tapping into your unique, most powerful ways to lead and serve. Featured speaker will be Brenda Clark-Hamilton. Students are invited to attend the student session, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 16 in Heritage Ballrooms.

Interview day — Wartburg Career Services is co-sponsoring an interview day for full-time and internship opportunities on Friday, Feb. 19, in Des Moines. Click here to see the companies seeking candidates. To participate, click here to complete the short registration. Then, upload your resume and submit it to every employer you are interested in interviewing with. You must submit your resume before 4 p.m. Feb. 3. If you need assistance preparing your resume or have questions about the registration process, stop by the Pathways Center.

Career, Internship & Graduate Fair — The Winter Career, Internship & Graduate Fair will be held Tuesday, Feb. 23, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in The W's Hall of Champions. Dress for success, polish your resume and meet with potential employers or graduate schools. For more information, contact Jo Dorrance, internship coordinator. The fair is co-sponsored by the Center for Community Engagement and the Pathways Center.

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