Registration Forms

Credit and Non-credit Internship Forms
All internship information is now available directly from the Internships website at

Arranged Study Contract – Arranged studies are courses from the Wartburg catalog that students contract to take individually due to the need to complete a required course that is not offered before the student’s projected graduation date. If approved, the Arranged Study Contract serves as the agreement between the student and the faculty sponsor.  A fee is charged.
Course Substitution Approval – Submitted to the Registrar to request course substitutions for specific degree requirements.
Field Experience Learning Contract – This form outlines the field experience between the student, department, and site supervisor.
Incomplete Grade Request – I (incomplete) means students have postponed required work with prior consent of the instructor(s) and for reasons beyond their control: physical or emotional conditions precluding timely progress in or completion of courses as confirmed by appropriate professionals or catastrophic exigency affecting students’ families.

Independent Study Learning Contract – Independent studies are similar to arranged studies. However, these are courses which are not in the Wartburg catalog. Typically, independent studies develop when a student wants to continue with study beyond college course offerings. The independent study also allows students and professors to individualize a course.

Internship Contract or Interest Form – All students interested in for-credit or non-credit internships should review the information on this page. This includes guidelines and requirements, resume samples, interest forms, and learning contracts.
Registration Form – All continuing students who need to register onsite for classes must complete this form.
Registration Form (Summer) – All students who wish to register for summer classes must complete this form.

Special Request Forms


Change of Address – Have you or your parents moved? Fill out this form so information is sent to the correct address.

Change of Advisor – Submit this form if you are changing your advisor for your current major or choosing to add an additional advisor.  This form is not needed when your advisor changes are submitted on the Declaration of Major/Minor form.
Declaration of Major/Minor – Students must declare their major(s)/minor(s) by the second semester of their sophomore year. After declaring their major, students can track the specific degree requirements for their major on their Advising Worksheet which is available on My Wartburg..
Diploma Application – All students must apply for a diploma before they graduate. To begin the graduation audit process, you must submit the application upon earning 16 course credits.
Enrollment Verification – Submit this form to request verification of your current enrollment status, GPA, or additional information you require for scholarships, insurance, or other purposes.
Graduation Agreement – All graduating seniors must complete this form by the end of the last term before their graduation term or 6 months before their graduation date.
Individualized Major – The individualized major is designed by a student in consultation with the academic adviser. This major represents a coherent grouping of courses pertinent to the student’s educational goals. Individualized majors must be significantly different (at least four course credits) from majors currently available at Wartburg College.
Interdepartmental Major – An Interdepartmental Major combines a program of course work in a maximum of three departments. It usually consists of 13 to 15 courses, with a maximum of 20. No more than 11 courses may be from one department.
May Term Abroad Application – All students who wish to travel abroad during May Term need to complete this form and return it to the May Term course professor.

Request to Earn Credit at Another Institution – If a student takes summer, night, or other classes from another college/university, they must fill out this form to receive credit.

Schedule Change – Students, faculty, and advisors who are off-campus can submit this form for schedule changes only.  Processing may not be as immediate as schedule changes that are submitted on the colored cards in the Registrar’s Office. Processing may be delayed by incomplete submissions. Therefore, be sure all information is included and the form is submitted with respect for academic deadlines.  Academic deadlines can be viewed through the Academic Calendar.

Variance from Academic Policies – These forms allow students to request that various academic policies be waived due to special circumstances. Each request is reviewed on its own merits.